Betham, Matilda

Submitted by edpope on

HCR DIARY 26.6.1820 Miss Beetham, poetess and radical at Charles Lamb's

(Mary) Matilda Betham (DNB 1776-1852)

GODWIN DIARY 16.11.1810 call on Montagu; adv. Tuthill & Betham / 10.11.1821 Betham calls / 26.11.1821 au soir Betham & Grave / 18.1.1822 Betham calls / 2.12.1822 Betham sups / 12.12.1822 call on Betham / 24.1.1823 Betham calls / 26.1.1823 call on Betham / 9.9.1824 Betham calls

Plausibly this was Matilda Betham, Godwin often referred to independent women with just their surname. Might also have been her father William DNB 1749-1839 or one of her fourteen siblings (including William DNB 1770-1853) but the two Williams in DNB much less likely to have wanted to converse with Godwin.