
Submitted by edpope on

26.6.1792 Blair talked of with Jardine, 14.12.1792 Blair calls on Godwin, 3.1.1793 Godwin calls on Blair. In Godwin's 1796 list at end of 1792 and in 1794 version.

Most likely Hugh Blair DNB 1718-1800 though I have no evidence he was in London at this time; or less likely William Blair DNB 1766-1822 surgeon and methodist. It needs to be someone famous enough to talk about and include in the 1796 list. The later Blair from 16.1.1794 at Richard Johnson's (see Blair, Alexander) was a relative of the host and unlikely to have been this Blair

Work notes
Trials for Treason & Sedition David B vol3, B vol2
Boyle's 1792 Col B 5 Stratford Pl, B Esq 33 Rathbone Pl
Law List 1798 John Gray B attorney 2 Lancaster Court, Strand will PCC 1810 see Gray, James (of Lancaster Court, a relative?)