Thomas Hallet Hodges of Wirksworth, Derbyshire Society of Constitutional Information 6.10.1780
Matric Cambridge 1771 son of Thomas Hodges governor of Bombay 1767-71, born c.1754 (at Calcutta?) his mother 's maiden name said to have been Mary Hallett, (A Thomas Hodges married at Bombay 6.9.1750 Susanna Arpwood). Thomas Hodges will PCC 11.2.1772 dated 2.3.1770 mentioned his lawful son Thomas Hallett Hodges and Rev John Law guardian in his minority, as well as two natural sons by an Armenian woman Ripsima, John born 23.6.1761 and Harry born 13.11.1766. Thomas Hallett Hodges married Dorothy, sister of John Cartwright of Marnham, Notts (DNB 1740-1824) settlement dated 9.2.1775. She was born c.1752 and died 21.1.1800. He died 23.6.1801, his will PCC 1801 dated 5.5.1800 mentioned Mary widow of his uncle Capt John Hodges (Lt RN 1744) and sons Thomas, Henry, Francis Willoughby, and Edmund, and daughters Ann Elizabeth (mother of Charles Hotham DNB 1806-1855), and Julia Frances. Thomas Hallet Hodges Land Tax 1796 Devonshire Pl, Marylebone. Sheriff of Derbyshire 1782, of Kent 1784, 1785 Dep Lt of Kent 1792. He bought Hempsted Place Kent about 1780. Memorial in Benenden parish church. Letters in Centre for Kentish Studies U49/C13/75-92 (not seen)