
Submitted by edpope on

HCR diary 24.10.1821 at Aders "a younger son of Souchay a sensible countenance which I was much pleased with"

6.7.1822 at Aders "the Sievekings, Souchays and Perret were sufficient for entertainment"

7.11.1836 at Benecke's re Aders "I found that A: had obtained from Souchay a promise of £100 but he had represented to S: that he wanted £2000!!!"

17.4.1838 "called next on W Benecke and from him learned that Mr Ch: Souchay is alarmingly ill so that CharS is gone to Frankfurt"

23.12.1838 at Benecke's at Denmark Hill "found the Souchays from Manchester there"

8.3.1844 "Wrote a letter to Souchay to go to him with Mrs Aders' picture which I am to forward through benecke on Monday. This I ought to have done before"

9.3.1844 "at Benecke's about the picture for Mrs Souchay which he will forward"

Marquardt I p25 n14 & p26 n21. Carl Cornelius Souchay 1768-1838 son of the pastor of the French Reformed Church in Frankfurt, apprenticed with isaac Aldebert and Franz Perret in merchant firm of Jonas Darfeld in Frankfurt, became partner in 1793 in the firm Mylius & Aldebert, married Helene Elizabeth Schunk 1774-1851  in 1795, set up on his own in 1806. His children 1) Elizabeth Wilhelmine 1796-1871 married August Jeanrenaud 1788-1819 pastor of French Reformed Church in Frankfurt (their daughter Cecile married Felix Mendelsohn-Bartholdy the composer) 2) Johann Daniel 1798-1871 partner with father married Thekla Schunk 3) Carl Isaac 1799-1872 partner with father, naturalised 27.9.1848 married Adelheid Dethmar, their daughter Adelheid married Alfred Benecke 4) Edward Franz 1800-1872 lawyer and senator in Frankfurt married Helene Schmidt 5) Henriette 1807-1893 married in 1826 Friedrich Wilhelm Benecke (W Benecke on 17.4.1838 above). London Gazette 4.5.1832 C C Souchay dissolved partnership with F Schwann, Huddersfield, merchants.