A-Z of Entries


20.11.1807 dine at Johnson's, w. Carl

Only instance of this name in Godwin's diary (See Carles for a similar name). SunFire 1802 Louis Cezar Carle gent 7 Pitfield-st Hoxton (Dr Priestley). Joseph Priestley (DNB 1733-1804) had left England in 1794. John de Carles gent of Bury st. Edmunds will PCC 16.8.1828. Rev John Carle will PCC 1.4.1790. John Carl householder Vine-st Piccadilly 1818.


Careless 6.11.1802 adv at Rev Wake's, Portland St / 21.7.1804 dine at Wake's with Carles's / 1.12.1804 theatre with mrs Carles, mrs Wake / 27.1.1805 call on Wake adv mrs Carles

Wake married miss Carles in April 1802 (see Wake, William Robert) her brother was John Henry Carles c.1776 - 1837 Clerk to the Privy Seal. His wife's name was Martha

Carlisle, Anthony

In Godwin's 1796 list for 1795 but this is not coded to his person record in GD website / 9.12.1799 Carisle jr at Carlisle's / 22.11.1800 Carlisle senr at Carlisle's

Anthony Carlisle DNB c1768-1840 according to DNB 3rd son of Thomas & Barbara Carlisle born at Stillington, Durham. His mother died the year he was born and his father married secondly Susanna Skottowe. The children of Thomas Carlisle (mother's name not given) born at St Cuthbert's Darlington, Ann 1770, William 1775, Thomas 1777, Anne 1779, Isabella 1780, Jane 1782 may have been his half-siblings. He married Martha…

Carlisle, Mrs

mrs Carlisle adv at mrs Nicholson's 9.2.1801 / 15.5.1802 mrs Carlisle calls / 11.8.1803 again / 8.3.1804 again / 1.7.1806 call on mrs Carlisle with M(ary) J(ane) / 10.11.1809 mrs Carlisle calls

Anthony Carlisle DNB 1768-1840 married 23.8.1800 Martha dau of John Symmons, Fellow of the Royal Society, at Alcester, Warwickshire. She died 17.4.1842 at Mitcham, Surrey


Carpenter 9.1.1802 at Thomas Moore's / 17.9.1806 meet Curran, Carpenter's & Waring's / 18.12.1809 call on Carpenter / 8.2.1810 again / 10.2.1810 again / 20.2.1836 Lilly, Carpenter (texts Godwin read? but not tagged in GD website)

A common name with few entries in Godwin's diary. The 1809 and 1810 entries were probably one person, but the 1802 and 1806 entries could easily have been different people (or not). At Moore's in 1802 with Moore's friend Woolriche who was a surgeon, so maybe a surgeon or maybe an Irish connection. See Hughes, Maria for connection of Curran and Waring.…


Carpue 11.1.1805 at Carlisle's

Very likely Joseph Constantine Carpue DNB 1764-1846 surgeon


26.1.1795 at Barbauld's / 20.2.1795 adv at Freemasons Hall / 29.10.1795 at Barbauld's / 4.11.1795 meet / 6.11.1795 tea at his with Carlisle / 15.11.1795 sup at his (with Carlisle) / 20.11.1795 tea at his with Carlisle / 12.12.1795 call on (St Pauls) nah / 20.12.1795 calls / 23.12.1795 sup at his / 16.1.1796 Carlisle's / 21.1.1796 sup at his with Carlisle /1.2.1796 call on / 5.2.1796 call on nah / 19.2.1796 sup at his / 14.3.1796 sup at his /19.3.1796 he calls / 14.4.1796 sup at his / 15.4.1796 Montagu's / 19.4.1796 sup at his with Carlisle / 2.5.1796 call on / 25.6.1796 meet / 26.7.1796…


abbe Carrier 12.5.1795 adv at Batty's (& Smiths)

will PCC 1806 Jean Baptiste Carrier of St Marylebone, late servant to M de Barentin at Thayer St. Gave abbe de Coudray 2gns to say masses. Exec Francois Simonet. sworn to by Pierre Francois / married bach 7.9.1802 St Marylebone Marie Jeanne Descavee sp by banns, wits Charles descavee, Hilaire Soulieu

a Jean Baptiste Carrier was guillotined in France 15.12.1794

Carroll, John

See Castle Street Esat 1 to 15 &c in London Addresses dataset

No 14 Castle St East Land Tax 1784 James Douglass 1785-1790 no data 1791-1796 John Carroll 1798-1800 Letitia Turnbull / Harris's List 1790 Miss B-r-n

(Letitia d of John & Eliz Carrol of New St born 7.8.1753 bapt 19.8.1753 St Bride Fleet St) / Letitia d of John & Letitia Carrol mariner at St James Stairs bapt 15.12.1754 St Paul Shadwell / John s of John & Letitia ballastman at St James Stairs bapt St Paul Shadwell 4.3.1753 / Robert Turnbull wid otp = 30.3.1782 St Marylebone by lic Letitia Carrol sp…


Carters 9.3.1797 at John King's / 28.5.1798 again / 8.2.1799 Carter at King's / 19.2.1806 mrs Carter dies / 16.9.1808 call on Carter / 14.8.1813 Carter at S(arah) E(lwes) / 11.10.1813 call on Carter / 8.11.1813 again / 24.11.1813 again / 1.12.1813 again / 6.12.1813 again

The mrs Carter who died 19.2.1806 was Elizabeth Carter DNB 1717-1806 and perhaps too respectable a "bluestocking" to have been a guest at John King's

John Edward Carter gent of Leicester was a party to the marriage settlement of Augustus Butler (qv) to miss Danvers, his will PCC 1813. Thomas Leveson Prescott…


cartons 28.11.1799 see at Windsor

Perhaps the Raphael cartoons (more properly cartons) in Her Majesty's collection at Windsor (Oracle 27.8.1799)

Cartwright, John

Major John Cartwright original member 1780 of Society for Constitutional Information

John Cartwright DNB 1740-1820. Appeared four times in Godwin Diary as Major Cartwright

Cartwright, Rev.

rev. Cartwright 20.9.1801 at H Tooke's

Quite likely Edmund Cartwright DNB 1743-1823, not a great radical hImself, but the brother of Major John Cartwright DNB 1740-1824 whom Godwin had met at H Tooke's in 1799

Cary, Sarah

see Karre, Sarah


8.7.1808 dine at Joseph Johnson's w. Cash

Only instance in Godwin's diary. No Cash in Holdens 1811 Court, in Trades only two publicans. Wills PCC 1811 John Cash, Quaker, stuff merchant of Coventry / Ann Cash PCC 1812 spinster of Spitalfields, (born 1760) father Edward Cash weaver will dated 1779 (not found) she left her stock in trade of books and stationery to her cousin Joshua Farmer who appeared as a bookseller in 1817 directory at 11 Hereford-pl Commercial-rd

Castle Brown

Castle Brown 30.7.1800 at Cockburn's / 3.6.1800 dine at Brown's / 3.2.1804 Castle Brown at H Rowan's / 22.2.1804 meet H Rowan & Castle Brown

Probably Thomas Wogan Browne 1758-1812 son of Michael Browne and Catherine Wogan of Castle Browne, Co. Kildare. Raised a Catholic he converted to the established chuech on his marriage to Sarah Pierson 1.12.1785. He lived at Castle Browne from 1788 and in 1794 offered to act as bondsman for Archibald Hamilton Rowan DNB 1751-1834 when Rowan was imprisoned for sedition. Browne was a captain in the yeoman cavalry and his commission was…

Cavendish, George Henry

3.2.1796  Geo Cavendish &c. Looking at the original I think this says "l Geo Cavendish &c" and is meant to be additional to the Holcrofts and Mrs Cowley who Godwin saw at the theatre

George Henry Cavendish d.1834, after the death of George Augustus Cavendish in 1794 known as Lord George Cavendish, afterwards 1st Earl of Burlington. Whig M P (see History of Parliament)


see Selinas


see Acerbi


31.5.1796 chaise with mrs Chamb -  (from Edgware to London)

Godwin wrote to the end of the page, it looks like an e or an r after the Chamb. Could well have meant Chambre (a not too rare surname) or else Chambers