A-Z of Entries


call on Roach 13.3.1798 (in Bath)

Perhaps John Roach DNB fl 1789-96 bookseller, but no special reason to think he was in Bath in 1798. A Mr & Mrs Roach were among Bath arrivals in 1789 and a Mrs Roach in Oct 1798. There were also some of the name in Bristol. Solomon Roach of Hotwells, Bristol, merchant married Mrs Rachel Spencer, sister to Mrs Morgan of Bristol (Bath Chronicle 3.6.1784) and his will was PCC 1803, (wife Rachel, brother Benjamin deceased, brother Samuel, sons James & John, son Timothy beyond the seas dated 3.3.1803). John Roach (probably son of Solomon) was a…

Road to Ruin

18.2.1792 Road to Ruin. (te0119) by Thomas Holcroft. Also relevant to this text are 25.3.1792 Mercier's Road to Ruin (already tagged to te0119) / 3.4.1792 'talk with Holcroft of literary monopoly' / 8.4.1792 'Holcroft calls, talk of literary monopoly. Dine at Holcroft's, his explanation with Mercier; sup with him at Fenwick's, explanation' / 6.8.1792 'Smith in the Road to Ruin' when Thomas Cooper appeared in that role at Newcastle / 4.11.1792 Mercier adv at Holcroft's; talk of languages and precision

I would suggest that the Mercier on 8.4.1792 and 4.11.1792 was the playwright Louis…


18.12.1809 write to Robbins / 12.3.1811 again / 4.9.1811 (in Winchester) call on Robbins, twice / 26.9.1811 write to Robbins / 11.2.1818 again / 21.8.1818 again

James Robbins bookseller Winchester (bbti)


4.10.1794 Roberts at Powel's ( & Walker) / 20.12.1794 again / 1.11.1794 Roberts M at Hardy's trial / 2.4.1797 at M Robinson's / 30.8.1801 Roberts calls / 21.9.1802 meet Roberts / 4.3.1803 write to Roberts / 4.9.1805 Roberts adv at J Taylor's, Norwich / 10.10.1815 Museum, M Roberts / 5.6.1816 miss Roberts at Sarah Elwes' / then 30+ entries 1832-1835

a John Roberts of the LCS is mentioned in Thale and in Trials for Treason & Sedition but without any info about him. He may have been the first three entries above. The Roberts of 1797 appeared at Mary Robinson's along with Porter…

Robertson, Joseph

14.9.1789 Robertson at Miss Williams & 7.5.1790 & 13.5.1791 there & 7.6.1795 adv (at Holcroft's?). In 1796 list for 1789 and in 1794 version.

Joseph Robertson (DNB 1726-1802) on 7.5.90 his wife Sarah, daughter of Timothy Raikes was also at Miss Williams (Mes Rn) according to DNB they never spent an evening apart. Rev Mr Robertson, Vicar of Horncastle and Mrs R (as well as a Mrs R of Prendergast) were subscribers to HMWilliams Poems 1786. Whether he was the Robertson (at Holcroft's?) in 1795 I've no idea, no further Robertson - apart from authors read - entered in Godwin…

Robespierre, Maximilien

24.8.1794 Robe talked of at Gray's with Holcroft.

Must have meant Robespierre, especially as they were talking about him the night before at Jennings'


4.8.1810 write to Robins

James Robbins bookseller College-st Winchester (Holdens directory 1811) from 1793 to 1816 (bbti). Unlikely to have been the Robins at Egerton's on 28.2.1801

Robinson, George

13.11.1794 Robinson, Irish barrister at Foulkes' / Robinson I.B. (alongside week ending) 22.11.94 at Tooke's trial / 17.2.1795 at Foulkes' with Parker adv Robinson IB / 8.3.1795 at Foulkes', Robinson, Parker / 6.6.1796 at hustings Robinson / 25.4.1797 meet Robinson barr

George Robinson admitted Middle Temple 15.1.1782 eldest son of Arthur Robinson MD, late of Wood Park, Tynan, Armagh, Ireland (studied Leyden 1733 age 27, MD Rheims 1754). George Robinson barrister of Armagh subscribed 1793 to Poems of Rev John Anketell. May be the George son of Arthur Robinson baptised 2.11.1760…

Robinson, Mary

27.2.1796 theatre with mrs R & C(ooper) / 10.3.1796 call on M Rn (not available) / 2.6.1800 dine at M Robinson's, call on Northcote & Fenwick with MR / 14.6.1800 theatre with M, MR, MER &c / 15.6.1800 MR calls (not in) / 29.10.1800 Stratford MRn

These entries were all clearly Mary Robinson, the first two are uncoded in GD website, the last 4 coded to Maria Reveley who was by then Maria Gisborne. On 2.6.1800 the calls followed on from dining at hers, on 14.6.1800 her daughter (MER) was present. The next one was the following day, and the last one has been transcribed in…

Robinson, Mary Elizabeth

miss R 24.12.1799 at mrs Robinson's

Surely Mary Elizabeth Robinson who has a person record in GD website

Robinson, Pollingrove


Pollingrove Robinson, Esq was the author of books on art, music and astronomy. In 1790 he subscribed to Poems by Mr Fenton giving his address as Inner Temple. His name is not found in Inner Temple admission lists or those of any other Inns of Court. His books were ridiculed in the reviews. Godwin and Holcroft dined at his on 2.11.1788, (when he was called Pol Robinson) then he dined at Holcroft's on 3.12.1788 then on 30.1.1789 Godwin calls on P.Robinson. P Robinson also appeared in Godwin's 1796 list for 1788

Robinson, surgeon

call on Robinson, surgeon with M(ary) J(ane) 16.9.1805

Perhaps Arthur Robinson surgeon of 31 Doughty St Guildford St  (Holdens 1805 and Land Tax 1803, 1813) He at some point obtained an M D (Jacksons Oxford Journal 26.11.1825), his will PCC 1823 of Broadwater, Sussex. One other surgeon in Holdens 1805 was Henry Robinson of 13 Cooper's Row Tower Hill, and there was a Thomas Robinson apothecary of 41 Duke St Grosvenor Sq



write to Robson 16.9.1801 / 24.12.1801 write to Alex Robson / 1.1.1802 write to Robson

Maybe William Robson 1744-1824 of Newcastle. See my entry for Clennell, John & Ann


Rodbard, Mrs

9.3.1796 at Newton's

Rodburgh, Mrs

mrs Rodburgh 28.5.1797 at (Thomas) Knight's

Spelt Rodburgh or Rodborough seems to be very rare name. Rodber is much commoner particularly in Dorset/Somerset area. Thomas Rodber 1756-1834 was a minor celebrity bapt 2.11.1756 Sherborne, Dorset son of Mr Thomas R & Rebecca (Thos R sr married Rebecca Napper of Sherborne by lic 8.1.1753 at Stock Garland, Thomas Rodber of Sherborne died 1766). He married Catherine Pemberton 31.3.1778 by lic at Sherborne and their son Thomas s of Thomas (mercer & draper) & Catherine was baptised there 11.5.1779 and their daughter Caterine…


Roebuck 20.4.1789 at Brand Hollis'

John Roebuck DNB 1718-94 seems likely


Rogendorf 8.10.1798 at John King's


Rogers, Frederick Leman

8.3.1795 sir F Rogers at Foulkes'. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1795, inserted above.

Sir Frederick Leman Rogers of Blackford, Devon. (History of Parliament) 1780 Plymouth election. His will PCC 1798

Rogers, George

Rogers 10.2.1795 at King's & 22.3.1795, 3.9.1795, 25.12.1795, 2.2.1796, 25.3.1796, 8.4.1796, 16.5.1796, 23.3.1797, 2.5.1797, 28.2.1798, 8.10.1798, 15.10.1798, 27.10.1798, 7.11.1798, 27.5.1799, 26.10.1799, 17.11.1799, 5.1.1800, 16.3.1800 all at King's. G Rogers in 1796 list.

George Rogers, of Audley St 1777 agent for HM ship Porcupine (Sun Fire), voted 1784 Hood & Wray, 1788 Hood. 25.9.1794 comptroller of the Treasurer's account (Nat Arch ADM359/14/194/84).19.10.1800 he wrote letter to Home Office recommending John King as a magistrate (Nat Arch H) 42/52/50). Derby Mercury 18…

Rogers, Samuel

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Samuel Rogers proposed member 11.5.1792  withdrawn

Samuel Rogers DNB 1763-1855