A-Z of Entries


6.9.1807 Carlisles, Buchan & John Flather call / 16.11.1807 Carlisle, Buchan & mrs Topping call / 18.11.1807 Jo(seph) G(odwin) calls, & Buchan (not seen) 

The GD website has a person record for Dr Alexander Peter Buchan (DNB 1764-1824), but the above entries are not coded to him. Although calls on the same day could have been quite separate, the fact that Buchan followed Carlisle on the first two entries above suggests that this was Dr Alexander Buchan, a known associate of Anthony Carlisle, and so presumably was the third entry, only two days later. 


call on Buck 6.9.1802 / 19.11.1802 again / 25.11.1802 again (not in)

Some possibles / Adam Buck DNB 1759-1833 artist / Charles Buck DNB 1771-1815 Independent minister. He lived from 1807 in Primrose Street where the sisters of Godwin's first wife owned houses, before that in Tabernacle Row Islington. His will PCC 1815 mentioned wife Elizabeth, sons Charles, Thomas Wills, Samuel Gamon, daus Jane, Hannah Sidney, sister Mrs Morgan date 10.12.1813 / Thomas Buck apothecary Strand voted Fox 1780, 1784 Hood 1788 Fox & Graham 1802 will PCC 1817 Thomas Buck apothecary St Margaret…

Buck, Catherine

17.5.1795 miss Buck at Holcroft's (with A Alderson & Mrs Batty), / 21.5.1795 miss Buck at Batty's (with A Alderson & Tooke's) / 3.6.1795 at Tooke's (with A Alderson, Batty & Smirkes) / 11.6.1795 adv C Buck at Holcroft's (with Batty, Richters) / 10.10.1803 call on C Clarkson (at Bury) / 23.1.1807 sup at Lamb's w. Clarkson / 1.5.1814 sup at Kenney's adv Clarkson / 25.11.1814 Clarkson calls

Likely to be Catherine 1772-1856 daughter of William Buck of Bury St Edmunds (1747-1819) brewer, yarnmaker & leading member of Whiting St chapel. She married 21.1.1796 at Bury the…


23.11.1807 Buckingham calls / 1.3.1827 Hodgets' au soir, w. Buckingham / 24.10.1828 call on Buckingham / 29.10.1829 theatre, adv. Buckingham / 4.6.1830 dine at H Bulwer's, w. Buckingham

The later entries 1827 to 1830 were perhaps James Silk Bockingham (DNB  1786-1855), at a period when he was active in London journalism. In 1807 he was lately married and penniless might well have called on Godwin between his voyages. other possibles in work notes below.


Buckland, Charles

Charles Buckland of Isleworth

Charles Buckland (his mark) bach otp = 1.11.1795 Jane Giblett sp otp by banns at St Mary Ealing / John s of CB & Jane bapt Isleworth 1801, Lillian Annie, Kate, Mary Jane, Frances, Hannah, Mary, Charles all bapt Isleworth of CB & Jane, occupation labourer in post 1813 baptisms / CB age 66 bur Isleworth 21.6.1835


call on Buckley with M(ary) J(ane) 8.1.1805

Possibly William Buckley 24 Chancery La 1805, law stationer, paper hanger & bookseller / William Buckley of Ossulston St Somers Town builder 1811 / Henry Buckley dealer in floor cloths 16 Strand Sun Fire 1805 / John Buckley lapidary 1 Ely Court Holborn Sun Fire 1808 / Buckley hatter and hosier 399 Strand Sun Fire 1804 / David Buckley watch gilder Charterhouse Sq Sun Fire 1808

Buckmaster, Thomas

Thomas Buckmaster of Brentford End plumped for Burdett

Thomas Buckmaster bur 10.10.1802 Isleworth / Thomas son of George & Elizabeth Bookmaster bapt 22.6.1806 Isleworth / TB otp = 6.8.1810 Hillingdon by banns to Hannah Wood otp / Thomas son of TB & Hannah born 10.2.1811 bapt 24.3.1811 Harefield St Mary the Virgin / 1841 census Sermon Rd, Twickenham Rd, Isleworth TB age 35 agricultural labourer & Susannah B age 30 / 1841 census Mitcham St Marylebone TB age 30 labourer & Jane B age 35 & Sarah B age 30 / SunFire 1792 TB butcher Tooley St, London 1809 TB baker…

Bucknall, Samuel

Samuel Bucknall 1788 in printed list of 77 / Saml B bapt 22.6.1788 New Jerusalem / Samuel Bucknall of Stroud conference 1792-3 / Sami son of Edward B = 18.4.1790 Stroud Ann Clissold dau of Stephen C / Samuel Trowel Bucknall bur 17.11.1839 Redcliff, Bristol age 69

Bucks, Lady

Lady Bucks 24.8.1796 see Martindale, Henry

Budgen, John Smith

John Smith Budgen of Dorking proposed Socy for Const Info 25.8.1780 by John Cartwright 2nded John Jebb, resigned 16.4.1784.

Bapt 3.7.1741 St Andrew Holborn son of Thomas Budgen (MP for Surrey 1751-1761, died 1772, History of Parliament) and his wife Penelope (d.1773) dau of Daniel Smith, Governor of Nevis. Westminster School.  Admitted Middle Temple 1756. Trinity College Oxford MA 1761.  Married 9.8.1764 St Anne Soho to Lucretia Mills (who died 8.11.1798) youngest dau of Matthew Mills of St Kitts and a granddaughter of Peter Soulegre, she had a son 26.10.1765 at their house in…

Bugby, Joseph

Joseph Bugby bapt 20.9.1794 New Jerusalem

this must have been Joseph Bugby whose obituary appeared in Dawn of Light 1825 p470. He converted from Calvinism to Swedenborg about 1790. He died 6.8.1825 at South Petherton, Somerset in 76th year and was reorted to have been a schoolmaster. Thanks to Graham Clark for this information and more of the following. He had several sons baptised at New Alresford, Hants including Joseph 1775, Jervoise 1781 and Samuel 1785. Joseph Bugby sacking manufacturer Alresford Hants bankrupt 14.8.1790. Wakefields 1794 Joseph Bugby, Thread Mills,…

Buiton, William

William Buiton, Camomile St joined 21.5.1794 the "unnumbered division" (QV)

No good identification found yet.

Bull, Frederick

Frederick Bull of Leadenhall Street original member Socy for Const Info.

History of Parliament 1714-1784. Alderman Salter's Company, Baptist. Treasurer of Supporters of Bill of Rights. Supported John Wilkes and Lord George Gordon. His will PCC 1784

Bull, Lewis

Bull's 6.3.1798 at Bath with col Barry / 8.3.1798 again / 9.3.1798 again

Lewis Bull bookseller Old Rooms Bath 1784, directories 1781-1798. The will of John Bull of Bath PCC 1804 dated 26.6.1804 proved 1.10.1804 mentioned his father Lewis and his sister Mary wife of John Hensley. Hensley became a partner in the bookshop. John Bull was baptised 1.12.1764 at Bath Abbey son of Lewis & Rachel Bull.  Mr, Mrs & Mr J Bull and Mr & Mrs Hensley all subscribed to Ann Wingrove's poems published Bath 1795 / Benjamin Bull of Bath was imprisoned one year 10.10.1794 for seditious…


22.6.1808 call (w. M J) on Bullard at Cromwel's

The only instance of Bullard in the diary. Cromwel's is noted one other time (a fire in 1817) but no (living) Cromwell appeared in the diary. See my entry for Cromwell's.

Mr Joseph Bullard 5, Crutched Friars (Holdens 1805 Court) / Robert Bullard plumber, engine, pump & water-closet manufacturer, Union-st, Borough (P O Directory 1808) his will PCC 1810 wife Mary son Timothy Wood Bullard / William Bullard, bricklayer, 15 Clerkenwell Close (Holdens 1805 & 1811) / Henry Bullard, wine vaults, 1, George-st, Blackfriars-rd (…

Bullen, William

William Bullen of Richmond

Land Tax redemption Richmond 1798 WB prop, occs himself, Devell, Sackett, Price, late Colwell, Walters, Johnson, Burr, Wo Gumbridge. Will PCC 2.6.1818 WB of Kew Foot Lane Richmond gent mentioned William Collins gent exec, WB's son Richard & his son James and dau Frances Sheldon, WB's afflicted dau Annabella, WB's servant Elizabeth Margesson dated 17.10.1812 wits Edward Smith painter, Charles Hall tallow chandler, John White carpenter all of Richmond, codicil 14.11.1817 revoked £50 legacy to grand dau Frances Sheldon  for her ill-treatment of WB wits…

Buller, William

GODWIN DIARY; Buller 1.1.1795 at Sutton's / 10.4.1795 Buller contr at King's / 6.5.1795 again.

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: William Buller of Wilton proposed member 7.8.1782 by John Jebb 2nded Edward Bridgen.

SunFire 1788 William Buller carpet maker, Wilton1793 William Buller & Thomas Mease, Wilton, Wilts & Daniel Sutton, London, carpet manufacturers. (Sutton was also SCI member from 1792). Subscr to Sermons 1786 of John Baxter Pike (QV*). Subscr to Works of John Jebb 1787. Subscr 2gns annually to Hackney College. Haven't been able to trace him further, the…


Bullock 4.3.1798 on coach to Bath

A fairly common name met once on a coach would be hardly worth identifying had it not been for his fellow passenger D'Esterre. Captain Henry Bullock of the East India Company ship "United Kingdom" sailed to Madras & Bengal 1801-2, D'Esterre captained the same ship in 1807-9'. Possibly one of 4 Henry Bullocks in PCC wills - 1808 of Stanwell, Middlesex / 1829 of Lambeth / 1831 of Wroughton, Wilts / 1841 of Stanwell, Middlesex

Bulmer, William

8.3.1792 Bulmer / 10.3.1792 again / 26.3.1792 again / 31.3.1792 again / 16.4.1792 again / 5.5.1792 again / 30.3.1795 again.

These are all calls and appear to be connected to John Cooper and the arrangements for his apprenticeship. On 26.3 and 5.5 Godwin calls on Bulmer immediately after calling on Dorset, who paid the premium for John Cooper's apprenticeship to Spilsbury (see 18.5.92 JC goes to Spilsbury and my earlier para 11/a/b), and on 31.3 Godwin calls on Bulmer with JC. This makes it more likely to be William Bulmer printer of Cleveland Row, St James, later in partnership…

Bunbury, Charles

13.9.1794 SCBunbury at Inchbald's. In Godwin's 1796 list (crossed out) for 1794, also in 1794 version.

Sir Charles Bunbury DNB 1740-1821 6th baronet & MP, founder with Lord Derby of Oaks and Derby races at Epsom