A-Z of Entries


4.3.1806 Chamillys at Rowan's (with a party of 30 or more)

No clear identification. A seigneur de Chamilly was valet de chambre to Louis XVI of France and was guillotined in 1794, but his son lived to 1827 (Hoefer, Nouvelle Biographie). Holden's 1811 directory listed a John Chamilly, surgeon, Ireland.  Peter Francis Venault de Chamilly was a coal merchant of Somerset Street, Marylebone who owned a distillery at Paddington Green, and went bankrupt (Morn Post 25.3.1808, Morn Chron 13.6.1808).  Dorcas de Chamilly was buried at St Marylebone 4.8.1818 age 53. The name Venault de…

Champante & Whitrow

27.9.1809 call on Champante / 17.11.1809 call on Whitrow / 19.12.1809 again

William Champante & Benjamin Whitrow booksellers 2 Jewry-st Aldgate

Chance, Robert Lucas

HCR diary 10.6.1824 (at James Gillman's in Highgate where Coleridge lived) "There was also a Mr Chance who broke out at last by an opposition to Mr Ir: which made the good man so angry that he exclaimed 'Sir I reject the whole bundle of your opinions'"

Mr Ir: was Edward Irving (DNB 1792-1834). Mr and Mrs Chance were neighbours of the Gillmans in Highgate, and appeared in Coleridge's letters from 1824 to 1827. Because in a letter of 1829 Coleridge mentioned a Mr E Chance, the editors of Coleridge's Letters and of his Notebooks assumed that this was the same person, but in fact…

Chantrey, Francis Leggatt

HCR diary 18.12.1820 Mrs Aders talking about her father John Raphael Smith "Chantry she says owed evrything to Mr S: It was Smith who discovered him at Sheffield where he was an apprentice to a carver and gilder. S: persuaded his master to allow him time and opportunity to draw. Chantry came to town in extreme poverty - S: gave him money - to make him known S: caused him to make a bust of himself - then introduced him to Horne Tooke and so amde him known. Afterwards when Raffles S: went to him as a pupil and the old gentleman died, the lad was sent into the kitchen to the servants - the…

Chaplin, Amos

Amos Chaplin of Catherine St proposed Society for Constitutional Information 28.6.1782 by John Jebb 2nded Edward Bridgen

Amos Chaplin = St Clement Danes 14.1.1759 Mary van Stockum / Daily Advertiser 17.11.1772 ad A. Chaplin boot & shoe maker of Chichester Rents, Lincolns Inn entered into partnership with John Pritchard of York St, Covt Gdn / 15.1.1773 City of London Sessions Matthew Kenny prosecuted Amos Chaplin for perjury after Chaplin obtained a judgement against him for rent owed on Chichester Rents / Amos Chaplin Brydges St Covt Garden voted Fox 1780, 1784 Townshend 1788 /…

Chaplin, Thomas

Thomas Chaplin Esq of Henderley proposed Society for Constitutional Information 13.6.1788 by John Cartwright 2nded Lord Sempill

Probably the Thomas Chaplin  of Enderby who was sheriff of Lincs in 1799. Thomas Chaplin Esq = St Geo Han Sq 31.3.1788 Elizabeth only dau of late Godfrey Webster, Baronet. He died in 1780 and was succeeded by her brother Godfrey who was Whig MP for Seaford 1786-90 (see my entry for Oldfield, Thomas Hinton Burley). The will PCC 1804 of Thomas Chaplin of Riseholme, Lincs mentioned his wife Elizabeth and his mother-in-law Lady Webster, and estates at Blankney…


MILL VOTERS John Chapman, William Chapman senior & William Chapman, all of Isleworth

John Chapman of Twickenham bach = Harmondsworth 8.7.1799 Ann Riddington sp otp by lic wits Stephen Riddington, Thomas Chapman / children of John & Ann Chapman bapt Twickenham William 1801 James 1803 John1805 Mary Anne 1808 Henry 1810 / John Chapman buried 16.7.1832 Twickenham age 63 / will PCC 1832 John Chapman blacksmith & furnishing ironmonger of Twickenham execs wife Ann brother James of Harrow and George Smith coachmaker of Twickenham. House in Church Street. Land Tax Twickenham 1804…

Chapman, Henry

Henry Chapman 68 Chiswell Street joined 28.5.1794 the "unnumbered division" (QV)

No good identification yet. Neighbour of Thomas Fawcett (QV) who joined the same day.

Henry Chapman merchant of Savage Gardens bankrupt 1799
Gloucester Journal 21.7.1800 Henry Chapman of the Barrack Office = Miss Ann Davies of Lambeth
SunFire 1790 Henry Chapman 8, Hercules Buildings, Lambeth
SunFire 1790 Elizabeth Chapman 58 Chiswell St spinster Other occupier William Ewster gent  (58 Chiswell St also connected with Hon. Artillery Co.)
Chancery 1811 plaintiffs Thomas…

Chappel, John

John Chappel born 10.7.1771 of Samuel & Mary bapt 23.3.1794 New Jerusalem 

(John Chappel bapt 10.10.1771 Chapel en le Frith, Derbyshire, son of Samuel probably not this one) / John Abraham Chappel bapt 7.8.1771 Bicester, Oxon son of Samuel / John Abraham Chappel = 25.10.1797 Northaw, Herts to Martha Knight / SunFire 1802 JC pork butcher 56 Snow Hill / John born 18.7.1798 bapt 8.4.1803 St Sepulchre, John son of John Abraham Chappell & Martha of St Sepulchre  bapt 28.7.1798 Cross Street Swedenborgian / Abraham bapt 26.10.1800 New Jerusalem / William born 27.12.1806 bapt St…


sups with Godwin 4.7.1788

Charlesworth, John

11.6.1791 Charlesworth at Disney's.

John Charlesworth (will PCC 1822) father of Edward Parkes Charlesworth DNB was a Church of England minister who subscribed 5 gns. in 1788 to the Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade (of Ossington)

Charlton, Bernard

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

St Geo Bloomsbury 2.2.1762 Bernard Charlton = Frances Hill / Bernard Charlton coal merchant Berwick St coroners jury 1773 / Barnard Charlton coal dealer St James voted Percy & Clinton 1774 / SunFire 1777 turner dealer in coals Berwick St / his wife Frances witness at Old Bailey 1777 / Bernard Charlton Berwick St voted Rodney & Lincoln 1780 / his will PCC 1781 wife Frances son Bernard / Bernard Charlton coal merchant Berwick St voted Hood 1790 / Bernard Charlton = St James 1790 Mary Smyth / Bernard Charlton…

Charman, Peter

HO 42/30/75 f193-4 anonymous letter to prime minister William Pitt. Peter Charman friend of John Richter had 60 pikes in his father's house, George St, York Buildings

Peter Charman jeweller York Buildings voted 1774 Cotes, SunFire 1777 Duke St, York Bldgs, 1780 & 1784 Villiers St voted Fox, 1788 George St voted Townshend, 1790 & 1796 George St voted Fox. Will PCC 7.11.1812 of George St, York Bldgs mentioned wife Elizabeth.

Children of Peter Charman & Elizabeth his wife bapt St Martin i t Fields: Martha 1773, Martha 1775, Mary 1777, Henry 1778, Elizabeth 1780, Mary…


30.7.1810 write to Charnley / 4.1.1811 again / 11.1.1811 again / 15.7.1811 again

Probably Elizabeth Charnley bookseller of Newcastle upon Tyne from 1803 to 1814 widow of William Charnley (bbti)

Charnock, Margaret

see Batemans Buildings in London Addresses dataset

Margaret Charnock ratebooks 7 Batemans Buildings / will PCC 3.2.1769 of Richard Charnock of Endfield dated 25.2.1762 mentioned wife Margaret, son Richard, dau Esther / Esther dau of Richard Charnock & Mary bapt 1740 Buxton, Derbyshire / Richard Charnock widower of Endfield = Edmonton 11.5.1754 Margaret Barker widow otp by lic / children of Richard & Margaret Charnock bapt Edmonton 1755 Elizabeth Maria, 1757 Margaret, 1759 Thomas, bapt Enfield 1762 John, bapt Hillingdon 1764 William / Mr Richard Charnock exciseman buried…


Charpentier calls 4.7.1802

I suspect this call may have had some connection with Godwin & Richard Phillips' calls of two days before (see Miller). Benjamin Charpentier was a gilder of Titchfield St who took an apprentice in 1795 and advertised in the Morning Chronicle 19.8.1807 for some paintings by Russell lost in transit. There was also a William Charpentier jeweller of Soho in 1796 who died about 1800. PCC wills Gideon Ernest Charpentier of St Pancras 1797, Ann Charpentier of St James Piccadilly 1805


12.4.1809 call on Chase / 13.4.1809 Chase calls / 19.8.1810 call, w. Jo(seph) G(odwin) on Chase

Possibly John Chase surgeon & apothecary 31 Duke-st, West Smithfield PODirectory 1810. Many Chases in London, chose this one because near to Godwin at Skinner-st

Chastanier, Benedict

Benedict Chastanier, French surgeon 62 Tottenham Court Rd in list of Theosophical Society c1783 in Wm White's Emanuel Swedenborg vol 2 p599-600, publ 1786 London (in French) Tableau Analytique, a precis of Swedenborg's works. publ 1787 London (in French) Journal Novi-Jerusalemite, signatory (printed list) to 1788 conference, signatory to 1789 conference, bapt 12.4.1789 New Jerusalem, wrote articles (in English) New Jerusalem Journal 1792, wrote letter to 1792/3 conference

Benedict Chastanier elector Grafton St Soho 1774 /  Public Ledger 22.5.1776 Duran's Bougies from Paris for all…


11.4.1809 call on Chater / 19.9.1809 again / 1.8.1810 Chater calls / 14.8.1810 again / 21.8.1810 call on Chater / 3.1.1811 again / 13.4.1811 again / 17.6.1811 again / 27.11.1811 write to Chater / 20.12.1816 call on Chater

Probably Eliezer Chater stationer 11 Cornhill Sun Fire 1790, 1811 & Upper Clapton will PCC 1835, son George. Buried 1.9.1835 Bunhill Fields age 71 from Finsbury Circus. Son of James Chater watchmaker, apprenticed in Stationer's Co 1777. partner William Limbery Grosvenor. Bankrupt 1826. There was an extensive family of Chaters in London, mostly watchmakers,…

Chatfield, John

Godwin Diary: Chatfield 8.6.1794 at Holcroft's

John Chatfield of Back Hill, Hatton Garden proposed member of Society for Constitutional Information 1.6.1792 by William Sturch 2nded Jeremiah Joyce

directories 1789-91 John Chatfield timber merchant 7 Back Hill, Land Tax 1788-99 Back Hill / SunFire 1780 John Chatfield & Thomas Wood timber merchants 4 Bains's Row, Cold Bath Fields / John Chatfield timber merchant St James Westminster took appr 1782 Jonathan Agate (Bessels Green Baptist, Orpington, Kent born 14.7.1764 son of William & Jane Agate, signed Friends to Liberty…