A-Z of Entries

Farrer, William

MILL VOTERS 1802:  William Farrar of Ham

William Farrer victualler of Isleworth 6.1.1786 Old Bailey sessions witness 26.10.1791 Middlesex Sessions bail / Land Tax 1798 Ham & Hatch William Farrer rent £7 landlord John Otto Bayer 1799-1808 Ham & Hatch William Farrer rent £10 landlord Thos Taylor 1810-1813 Ham & Hatch Mrs Farrer rent £10 landlord Thos Taylor / William Farrer bur 12.1.1809 Kingston on Thomes

Faulder, Robert

12.3.1810 dine at J White's, w. Faulder &c / 13.7.1810 call on Faulder / 11.10.1810 again / 13.10.1810 Faulder calls / 16.11.1810 again / 26.11.1810 again / 2.12.1810 write to Faulder / 3.8.1811 again / 27.11.1811 again / 18.12.1811 call on Faulder (not seen) / 20.12.1811 write to Faulder / 24.12.1811 Faulder calls / 4.1.1812 write to Faulder / 3.4.1812 meet Faulder / 29.6.1812 write to Faulder / 5.1.1813 again / 1.2.1814 Faulder calls / 15.9.1815 seek Faulder / 16.9.1815 again / 18.9.1815 again / 3.11.1815 call on White, adv. Faulder

Robert Faulder bookseller 46 New Bond-st.…

Faulkener, Francis

MILL VOTERS 1802:  Francis Faulkener of Isleworth

Francis Faulkner bur 30.9.1803 Isleworth


Faulkner 6.1.1800 at O Fancourt's

One of the guests whom Chandler considered too many (see Fancourt, Olivia). Several Faulkners in the DNB could have been him at a pinch, (Thomas F 1777-1855 Arthur Brooke F 1779-1847 Joshua Wilson F 1780-c1820) though none of these very convincing.

Favell, Samuel

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Samuel Favell of Tooley St proposed 25.10.1782 by John Jebb 2nded Henry Keene not elected, proposed again 6.2.1784 by Michael Pearson 2nded John Jebb

GODWIN DIARY: 5.11.1790 Favel at Rev Socy / 10.5.1811 call on Favel /  12.10.1826 Favel adv at Guildhall.

John Favell of Tooley St slopseller (i.e.2nd hand clothes dealer) of Tooley St will PCC dated 5.5.1781 mentioned wife Jane sons John & Samuel sister Sarah Chapman widow of Bearbinder Lane, London, nieces Mary & Martha Camm, 3 nieces daughters of brother Walters, proved 8.3.…

Fawcett, Thomas & Isaac

GODWIN DIARY: 8.4.1796 at Thos Fawcett's with Powel, Bedder / Fawcett 17.1.1795 at Powell's with Thelwall, Bailey, Walker ( and compare 2.2.1795 Bailey Walker Bedder at Thelwall's) was Isaac or Thomas (see below) and not Joseph as coded on GD website

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Isaac Fawcett of Camomile St proposed 1.2.1793 by John Balmanno 2nded John Horne Tooke. Thomas Fossett of Pancras Lane proposed 15.3.1793 by Stewart Kyd 2nded John Balmanno

Isaac Fawcett of White Cross St articled 26.11.1783 for 5 yrs to Thomas Yates of New inn, authorised by his brother…

Fawcett, William

SWEDENBORGIANS: Intellectual Repository 1826/7 p 425 obituary of Major General W Fawcett "among the earliest readers of the writings of Swedenborg in this country; having first met with them, probably through the channel of a public advertisement, about the year 1780." But not a "receiver" of the doctrines till 1811. and then, according to this obituary, his family also adopted them and he held them till his death on 1.10.1826.

Born 1750 eldest son of Sir William Fawcett (DNB 1727-1804).. Commissioned in the 3rd Guards, studied at Gottingen and Paris, aide-de-camp to General…

Fayle, Charlotte

HCR diary 9.1.1840 "yesterday I saw only Miss Fayle"

see Babington (QV*)

Fazakerly, John

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: John Fazakerly of Salisbury proposed by Count Zenobio 24.6.1791 2nded John Frost

John son of Thomas Fazakerley of Ormskirk, Lancs matric Brasenose College Oxford 1.7.1774 age 17. His father Thomas was born Radcliffe but took surname Fazakerley on becoming heir to Nicholas Fazakerley DNB 1682-1767 his second cousin once removed (History of Parliament, John Nichols Fazakerley). John Fazakerly of Clifford St, St James gent voted Fox 1784. Public Adveriser 7.3.1785 John Fazakerley of Prescot, Lancs married at Swansea (Catherine) dau of Rev Dr…


HCR diary 29.10.1814 Mr & Mrs Fazy returned from Salonica

                      20.6.1818 at Aders "The Schunks, Platts, Mrs Fazy, Miss Lewis were my acquaintances"

                      22.7.1821 "Mrs Fazy has obtained a comfortable situation as superintendent of rich children by which provision is secured to her"

John Solomon Fazy married at Manchester Cathedral 15.7.1804 Eliza Becher (see Becher QV*) a sister of Carl Christian Becher (1770-1836) see Marquardt II p 442 where it says Crabb Robinson had met her In London in 1806 at Becher's, whose sister she was.…

Fearon, Miss

15.10.1806 miss Fearon at Topping's

The only appearance of this name in Godwin's diary, It was a commoner surname than you might think. One possible candidate (not very likely but too interesting not to mention) was the singer Elizabeth Feron whose performances were already noted in newspapers (Morn Post 21.10.1805) as Miss Fearon. Her date of birth is uncertain but she was between nine and fifteen years old in 1806 and a child prodigy. Her subsequent life is well researched in Dudley Cheke's book Josephine and Emilie. Another candidate was Nancy Brooks Fearon 1777-1837 dau of…


mrs Featherstone 19.7.1800 at Mcnally's

Leonard Macnally Dict Irish Biog 1752-1820 his uncle was a merchant called Featherstone. A Leonard Macnally married Anna Maria Featherstone in 1803 or 1804


Featon 28.3.1797 at Townley's collection

Fell's trial

call on Foulkes (trial) 26.1.1804 / call on Foulkes, Fell at tea, Alvanley's chambers, bail with Warner / 1.2.1804 Westminster Hall, with Warner; adv Morris, Agar. call on Lamb adv Fells

Richard Pepper Arden, Lord Alvanley DNB 1744-1804 presided in the Court of Common Pleas at Westminstere hall where (Nat Arch CP40/3847 f379) Charles Brown was plaintiff against Ralph Fell, whose attorney was John Foulkes. I didn't try to work out the exact dates from the above record but they were around the end of January 1804. Not sure who Warner was in this context

Fell, Capt

capt Fell 23.11.1799 at Parry's, Hammersmith

In Army List Capt Joseph Fell was on half pay from 1795, then on 1.1.1795 appointed Major 3rd Garrison battalion, vanished from Army List after 1808. Unlikely the same person as Joseph Fell (brother of Godwin's friend Fell, Ralph qv) ropemaker of Whitby bankrupt March 1804. Joseph Fell senior late Lt Col of East Essex Militia died at Somers Town 15.12.1798. Fells associated with Hammersmith were  / Frances Henrietta Fell widow will LCC 1792 Hammersmith, mentioned no relations but had married Thomas Fell 25.8.1750 of St Margt Lothbury Ldn…

Fell, John

13.2.1790 Fell at Anti-Tests. John Fell DNB 1735-97


Fell, Ralph

18.5.1799 Fells at tea (Whitby) / 15.2.1800 Richard & Ra Fell call / 18.2.1800 Fell at tea; sup at F's / 11.4.1801 Jo Fell calls / 26.4.1801 dine at Fell's with Jo. Fell / 24.1.1806 Jo Fell calls

The F on 18.2.1800 should surely be coded to Ralph Fell. For Ralph Fell's marriage see Karre, Sarah and Godwin, Hannah. Ralph Fell was baptised 6.1.1777 son of Joseph at Newcastle and buried at St Giles Camberwell on 4.3.1814 aged 37 years. His father married 20.4.1764 at South Shields Dorothy Blackiston, their other children baptised at Newcastle were Mary 1767, Dorothy 1769,…

Fell, Sarah

see Karre, Sarah

Fell, Thomas

see Batemans Buldings in London Addresses dataset

Thomas Fell ratebooks 5 Batemans Bldgs 1774-78 (also William Fell 1777-78) / Thomas Fell of Newcastle Court, St Clement Danes tailor 1764 bail at Middlesex Sessions / St Clement Danes settlement exam 29.10.1767 William Fell abt 37 yrs = Sarah at Mayfair Chapel abt 15 yrs ago, children William 14 yrs Mary 7yrs Teresa 1 yr, father Thomas rented house in Newcastle Court for abt 10 yrs till abt 2 yrs ago when he failed  / William Fell of St Martin i t Fields tailor = St George's Mayfair 24.6.1752 Sarah Wyatt of St Clement Danes / Gents…

Fellowes, Henry

see Batemans Buildings in London Addresses dataset

Henry Fellowes 14 Batemans Buildings ratebooks 1781 / Henry Fellows (man) bur 6.11.1785 St Martin i t Fields / Henry Arthur Fellows son of Henry & Martha born 30.9.1764 bapt 25.4.1786 St Geo Han Sq