A-Z of Entries


19.1.1793 write to Franklin and 13.9.1801 adv at Hill's, 23.9.1808 calls, (6.10.1808 Godwin re-reads Life of Franklin), 11.10.1809 write to, 21.10.1809 White calls from Franklin, 14.11.1809 write to, 23.2.1810 write to, 13.8.1811 write to Franklin. Hertford and 21.6.1817 write to.

The 'write to' entries may be William Temple Franklin who died Paris 25.5.1823 grandson of Benjamin Franklin DNB 1706-90 and had been his secretary in Paris and published his works after his death.

Franklin, Hertford was probably the Rev Frederick William Franklin 1774-1836 exhibitioner at Christs…

Franklin, Miss

1.7.1796 on Mail to Ipswich with Merry, R(ichard) B(runton) & miss Franklin

Perhaps a young lady who was looking after Richard Brunton, the youngest brother of Merry's wife (see next day's entry, Richard enfant), who would have been about 5 years old (see Exeter Flying Post 20.8.1846 and Ipswich Journal 15.8.1846). Perhaps related to Robert Henry Franklin (Highfill, Burnim & Langhans) 1769-1802 manager of a theatre company operating in the East Midlands will PCC 1802

Franklin, Mrs

HCR diary 23.2.1825 "at Flaxman's I heard of the death of Mrs Franklin"

Eleanor Anne Porden (DNB 1795-1825)

Franklin, Richard

MILL VOTERS 1802: Richard Franklin of Old Brentford

Richard base born son of Richard Franklin & Theodosia Martin bapt 27.6.1774 Mortlake / Richard Franklin = Mortlake 1.8.1797 Margaret Huntington / Richard Franklin bur 16.5.1802 Mortlake / bapt Brentford of Richard & Margaret Franklin  - Richard 23.2.1800, Elizabeth 25.4.1802 / Richard Franklin = St Martin i t Fields 27.11.1801 Margaret Mason / Land Tax Ealing1800-1810 Richard Franklin rent £4 landlord Wm Cook of 82 Upper Thames St / bapt Ealing of Richard & Margaret Franklin - John Edward 4.3.1804, James 22.9.1805,…


5.11.1793 calls on Godwin / 19.10.1794 again / 11.11.1798 again / 12.10.1803 Godwin calls on but doesn't see / 28.10.1817 Godwin writes to Franks, Dublin

John Franks apothecary Charles St Westminster Medical Society 1779, voted Fox 1790

Richard Franks bookseller Brooks Mews voted Fox 1784

William Franks jeweller Horseferry Rd voted Fox 1790

Edward Franks bricklayer Smith St Westminster voted Tooke 1796

Boyle's 1792 Franks Esq 5 Percy St

Samuel Franks & John Stride attornies 24 Carey St Lincolns Inn Fields Law List 1798


see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

True Briton 10.1.1795 At F.S.Franque's A.M. 28 Poland St, young gentlemen instructed in French & Writing, Classical & Mathematical learning / Old Bailey 6.12.1797 Stephen Franque "I am a native of France; I have no particular profession; I lodge at No 38 Poland Street; there is one other lodger beside me, a gentleman and his wife; I pay my rent to them. Are they in possession of the whole house? They are. What are their names? Davidge" (38 clearly an error for 28 see Davidge, John) "How long have you been in the country…


Fransom calls 30.9.1803 (at Norwich) / 4.7.1831 Fransom at John Martin's

John Fransham DNB 1730-1810. The name was very rarely spelt Fransom in Norfolk, e.g Daniel Fransom farmer of Hindringham 1864. In 1831 there were Fransoms in Kent, e.g. at Ospringe but the nearest I have found in London was Francis Fransham silversmith of St Luke Old St born 1789 Brook, Norfolk and buried 26.4.1849 Old St. All the other guests at Martin's that day were regulars there and all but one (Wheatsen) are identified in GD website and have entries in DNB


27.5.1788 Fraser at T Hollis' / 17.6.1788 again / 18.7.1788 again / 21.10.1788 again / 25.9.1789 again / 24.8.1790 again

3.6.1796 Fraser calls / 8.7.1804 mrs Cooper dines, adv mrs Fraser & Jane Silver / 7.5.1807 at Phillips' / 27.2.1811 Godwin calls on Fraser / 9.3.1811 again / 24.12.1812 Godwin calls on Fraser for Hicks / 18.4.1816 at Ballantine's / 3.10.1824 adv at Rowbotham's / 13.2.1829 at Uwins's / 29.4.1832 at Pickersgill's

In November 1832 Godwin read a book by James Bailie Fraser DNB 1783-1856 who was mostly abroad till 1823. The GD website has thrown all the…

Fraser, Alexander

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Lord Saltoun proposed member 9.5.1788 by Hugh Sempill 2nded John Cartwright

Alexander Fraser (Lord Saltoun of Abernethy) born 27.6.1758 son of George Fraser (died 1781) and Eleanor Gordon. Admitted Lincolns Inn 24.11.1779. Advocate (Scotland) 5.8.1780. At Strasbourg on way to Lausanne 26.3.1783. Married 9.6.1784 Marjory only dau of Simon Fraser of Ness Castle, Co. Inverness, London merchant and director of East India Co. Died 13.9.1793 at Baldwin, Kent of gout in stomach


19.1.1807 Free at tea with Binham, T(homas) T(urner)

Only time this surname appeared in Godwin's diary. As the Quaker-born Binham was a minor accountant and Turner was a very junior attorney, it's unlikely this was anyone as grand as the banker Peter Free (died Brighton 2.11.1850 in 80th year  Standard 5.11.1850). Nor perhaps the other two of that surname in the court section of Holdens 1811 directory, A Free esq 19 Sackville-st & Stamford Brook, H'smith, and Geo Free esq 33 Brunswick-sq (who I couldn't further identify). In the trades section there were just two more, B T Free…

Freeman, John

MILL VOTERS 1802:  John Freeman of Isleworth (2 shares)

John Freeman bur 7.5.1826 Isleworth

Freeman, John

see Batemans Buildings in London Addresses dataset

John Freeman 7 Batemans Buildings ratebooks / Morning Post 19.2.1776 & 20 more ads up to 8.6.1776 all in Morning Post except 2 in Gazetteer, all for money broking &c by Mr Freeman 7 Batemans Buildings / probably the same as John Freeman prosecuted Middlesex Sessions April 1783 for a fraud on Thomas Cussans. According to Thomas Martyn's King of the Swindlers, he was of Hay Hill, Worcestershire and Cleveland Court off St James Place, and had been solicitor to Mr Guest the High Bailiff of Birmingham

Freeman, Jonathan

MILL VOTERS 1802:  Jonathan Freeman of Richmond


Freeman, Thomas

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

Thomas Freeman ratebooks 51 Poland St 1789-95 / Thomas Freeman surveyor Poland St voted Hood 1790 / ( Holdens 1810 Thomas Freeman Esq 71 Lambs Conduit St ) / SunFire 1781 Thomas Freeman surveyor Piccadilly 

Freeman, Virtue

SWEDENBORGIANS: New Jerusalem Chapel bapt 28.7.1790 Virtue Freeman

A rare name so perhaps the Virtue Freeman bapt 6.11.1761 Luton of George & Phillis, married 14.10.1794 at Luton Robert Dixon, their children George bapt 19.8.1795, Dianna bapt 6.2.1799, John & Francis bapt 10.3.1805 all at Luton, Virtue Dixon bur 11.1.1824 Luton, Robert Dixon bur 1.5.1826 Luton. Presumably another Virtue Freeman = Luton 8.10.1797 Thomas Kingham and a Virtue Kingham was buried 29.1.1828 at Luton age 75. There was also a Virtue Freeman bapt 22.4.1720 Luton of George & Elizabeth but she was…

Fremow, Mrs

mrs Fremow 22.5.1794 at miss Godwin's

Samuel Fremoult beer brewer 1784 St George's Bridge St Norwich voted Hobart & Harbord 1784 / Hobart 1786 & 1787 / Windham 1794. died 18.2.1797 age 86

Samuel Fremoult jr appr 1756 to Elisha le Hague attorney Norwich, voted Hobart & Harbord 1784 / Hobart 1786 & 1787 / Hobart 1790 / Hobart 1796. Henry Wells appr to Saml F jr attorney Norwich 1790

Joel Fremoult throwsterer Norwich voted Hobart 1786 / gent voted Hobart 1787

Rev Fremoult rector of Wotton Kent marr Mrs Marsh of Boughton (Gents Mag 15,7,1760) will…

French, Richard Forrester

27.2.1795 French at Frend's / 21.10.1804 meet / 9.6.1805 at Tooke's / 25.11.1823 meet.

Ben Ross Schneider, "Wordswoth's Cambridge Education" suggests this may be Richard Forrester French, admitted Trinity Hall 1787, because he is the only contemporary French in Alum Cantab, and if he is not a Cambridge man he is the odd one out at the meeting of 27.2.1798, (though nor were Holcroft and Godwin Cambridge men). In fact there is another possible French in Alum Cantab, William James son of James French schoolmaster admitted Trinity 1784, schoolmaster of Bow d. 1808. Richard F French…

French, Thomas & Margery

SWEDENBORGIANS:  Margery Georgina Grace French bapt New Jerusalem Chapel 24.3.1801.  Intellectual Repository for the New Church 1826 p.438 obituary (by S Noble) of Mrs Margery Georgiana Greece French, died 12.12.1826 at her lodgings in Lisson Green in her 78th year "widow of a clergyman of the Church of England, from whom she had been separated, for many years before his death, under circumstances of the most trying and painful nature".

Marjory dau of John Sangster & Isobel Milne bapt 22.8.1749 Montrose / Thomas French bach = St Pancras 4.10.1784 Marjory Sangster sp botp banns…

Frewen, Joseph

see Poland Street in London Addresses dataset

Joseph Frewen 35 Poland St ratebooks 1779-86 / SunFire 1782 Joseph Frewen cheesemonger 35 Poland St / Joseph Frewen bach = St Marylebone 20.11.1780 Mary Hewitt sp botp / children William bapt 11.8.1782, George bapt 18.11.1783, Jane Elizabeth bapt 7.6.1786 St James / Andrews' directory 1789, 1790 Joseph Frewen cheesemonger 136 Oxford St / Joseph Frewin 11 Old Cavendish St Land Tax 1792-1805 / Joseph Frewen wid = St Marylebone 24.5.1813 Ann Emblin wid botp by lic wits Ann Paris, Richard Parkins / Joseph Frewen from Monkwell St, City of…

Frewin, Richard

MILL VOTERS 1802:  Richard Frewin of Isleworth

Richard Fruin bur 18.2.1810 Isleworth age 83 by coroners warrant / bapt Isleworth of Richard Fruin & Mary 8.8.1803 Mary 31.10.1804 John / Land Tax Isleworth 1780 Mr Frewen £2 rent landlord Featherstone 1783 £3 rent landlord Reeve / 1861 census Heston Richard Fruin age 60 superannuated police constable born Isleworth