A-Z of Entries

Cole, William

Cole 22.9.1793

William Cole married Sophia Holcroft in 1794. Of the dates coded to him in the diary, 30.1.1796 and 14.2.1796 should be removed as Mrs Cole only; 10.10.1801 "Coles sups" is ambiguous and 15.3.1830 Coles (at Kenney's) may refer to him if he was by then divorced and with a new wife or some of his children; or he may have died by then.


12.9.1799 Coleman at tea (& Keir) / 27.9.1799 meet Coleman / 5.6.1800 call on Christie (incog) & Colman (do) / 18.6.1800 call on Colman (not in) / 5.8.1800 Colman at Wallace's trial (in Ireland) / 29.8.1811coach (to Chichester) with mrs Colman & daughter

Possibly George Colman the younger DNB 1762-1836. A full text search of the DNB for Coleman shows a number of instances of George Colman's name (senior or junior) being spelt Coleman. The "incog" may be connected with Holcroft's belief that his name and Godwin's were bad publicity for plays they had written. George…

Coleridge, Sara

call on mrs Coleridge 20.12.1799

Presumably Sara nee Fricker 1770-1845 see Samuel Taylor Coleridge DNB 1772-1834. The Coleridges dined at Godwin's on Christmas Day, five days later


Colles's 3.7.1800 dine at / 6.7.1800 Colles calls (not in) / 10.7.1800 Colles's at Macnally's / 5.8.1800 Colles (at Wallace's trial in Carlow?)

Perhaps Isaac Colles printer Dublin Book Trades 1766-1813 or perhaps Abraham Colles DNB 1773-1843 surgeon at the Meath St Charitable Dispensary, Dublin, these two probably related, both from Kilkenny, or perhaps Richard Colles who subscribed to Reports of Cases (Dublin law courts) 1798, or John Colles barrister of Kinsale who married the daughter of John Rashleigh of Burrin in Jan 1807 or  William Colles who married miss Tobin of Swanlinton…

Collick, John

Collick 27.11.1794 at Shields'.

John Collick a Westminster JP of 85 St Martin's Lane and near the Plough, Clapham, his will PCC 1807 but dated 1799 mentions his friends William Shields, John Crosdill, and Mr Clementi as well as other musicians. Major Henry Waller who was at Holcroft's musical gathering 6.7.92 and left his watch to Crosdill in his will of 1794 also made Collick his executor. Collick's daughter Elizabeth married Charles Hatchett, chemist and mineralogist 1765-1847 who was also at Holcroft's musical gathering on 21.3.92. Collick and Hatchet both supported Gardner…


call on Collier, eng 16.11.1802 / 18.12.1802 call on Collyer with M(ary) J(ane)

Joseph Collyer jr DNB 1748-1827 in John Boydell engravers. Constitution Row, Grays Inn Rd. Will PCC 1828 engraver of St Pancras


mrs Collins 13.6.1801 at Carlisle's / 20.1.1806 miss Collins at Rowan's

I have left aside for now the forty or so Collins entries between 1817 and 1827, all but the first one were miss Collins or E Collins (who were probably one person). The miss Collins at Rowan's above could have been the same person but there was a gap of eleven years. Meanwhile I have no idea yet who either of the two above were either


see Coleman


7.9.1809 seek Zoust, at Colnaghi's, w. M(ary) J(ane)

Colnaghi family DNB (per.c.1785-1911) art dealers. Godwin & his wife were seeking a print of Shakespeare's head by Gerard de Soest (or Zoust). GD website has wrongly transcribed it as Colmaghi's


30.8.1806 Four Boadens dine; adv. E Joyce, C Colnet, Essex & Sheffields / 13.9.1806 boat to Richmond with E Colnet (& Godwin's family & close friends) / 14.1.1807 Sarah Taylor & 3 Colnets dine / 2.3.1807 theatre with M(ary) J(ane Godwin), E C & 4 / 29.6.1807 dine at M(argaret) Jones's, (with Godwin's family) & Miss Colnet (chairing Sir F(rancis). B(urdet)t) / 8.8.1807 M J, E C, F(anny Imlay) & C(harles Clairmont) dine / 30.8.1807 adv. C Colnet at dinner / 3.9.1807 boat with M J, E C, C, J(ane Clairmont) & W(illiam Godwin) / 8.9.1807 Greenwich with M J, E C…


10.2.1796 Columbine at mrs Robinson's / 29.9.1796 at theatre / 27.10.1796 again / 27.1.1797 at mrs Robinson's / 19.2.1797 there / 12.3.1797 there / 18.6.1799 at Reynolds'  talk of Merry, Colombine etc / 11.2.1801 Columbine at theatre / 10.7.1801 Colombine at theatre

Perhaps Edward Henry Columbine DNB 1763-1811 naval officer (Captain Nov 1802) will PCC 1811 son of Edward Columbine RN, his will PCC 1788?. There were also Columbines in Norwich (Rev Paul, F, F jr, David jr, Peter jr & Thos all subscr to Norwich Public Library 1796). In 1798 Peter Columbine married Elizabeth (1771-99…

Combe, Charles

31.12.1797 Carlisle, Dr Combe call - in Godwin's 1796 list at end of 1797 as Combe (Hor) / 2.1.1798 at Joseph Johnson's with Carlisle / 3.1.1798, 4.1.1798, 6.1.1798, 7.1.1798, 9.1.1798 (calls &c) / 27.7.1798 at Nicholson's / 24.8.1798 adv at Northcote's, meet Combe ph / 26.1.1799 calls / 8.12.1799 meet / 3.5.1800 adv at Nicholson's / 24.1.1802 3 Combes & Carlisle at Nicholson's / 28.5.1802 send to Combe / 31.5.1802, 7.6.1802, 11.6.1802, 17.6.1802 (calls &c) / 15.9.1802 call on (at Newbury) / 8.10.1802 calls / 9.10.1802 tea at his / 31.10.1802 Carlisle & Combe call / 2.11.…


25.10.1794 Compter. Joseph Gerrald had just been moved from Newgate to the Giltspur Street Compter, perhaps to make room for Bonney (see 23.10.1794 mrs Tomkins above).

Comrie, James

1.7.1808 call on Comrie / 2.7.1808 write to Comrie / 30.8.1813 seek Comrie & W Morgan / 31.8.1813 seek Comrie / 1.9.1813 / 2.9.1813 seek Comrie: call on Walkden / 3.9.1813 call on Comrie

Perhaps son of William Comrie of Greenwich his will PCC 1778 left one shilling to wife Susanna residue to children James & Elizabeth / James Comrie of Fleet-st articled to George Coombe of Carey-st 1780 / James Comrie married by license 22.3.1788 Mary dau. of Christopher Hill at Holborn / James Comrie & John Fowler Dyson, attornies, 3, Staple Inn (1791) / Henry Hill apprenticed to James…

Comte de Barde

6.8.1808 dine at Knowles's (comte de Barde)

Francois Isidore Le Roy 1742-1811 Comte de Barde fled to England 1792. His eldest son, Armand Nicholas Le Roy 1772-1845, Comte de Barde, page of Louis XVI, married 1.7.1806 Marylebone to Adèle de Sainte-Hermine. One of the witnesses was the Duc de Coigny 1737-1821. Perhaps Knowles had some gossip about them?

Condell, Henry

17.10.1788 at Shield's thoroughly musical gathering this must be Henry Condell (DNB 1757-1824) musician, & at Holcroft's 21.3.1792

Doane's 1794 Henry Condell St Alban St


Churchil: Night, Conferences, Farewel 13.1.1792 / 4.3.1792 Read the Conference / 3.12.1793 Independence, Farewel, Conference / 23.1.1794 sup at Reveley's, a conference / 14.3.1794 Churchil's Conference & Farewel / 9.6.1798 Conference / 26.6.1798 Conference / 1.7.1798 Conference; read Adept p37 / 3.7.1798 Read Adept p.90: conference / 5.10.1809 call on Johnson twice; conference / 6.8.1811 Conference, W B / 24.10.1811 sup at Bedford (conference) / 1.3.1816 Conference; Fitzgerald, pp.20 / 21.12.1824 conference, M J & Baldwin

Above are all the instances of the word conference in…


Conolly 21.4.1794 at Thelwall's


11.6.1806 dine at Johnson's w. Conrad

Not a clear identification but a rare surname
John Frederick Conrad bach = St Dunstan i t West 2.8.1789 Ann Catharina Vocker sp banns sigs wits John Webster, Elizabeth Kramer
1790 Conrad weaver Norton Folgate
Holdens dir 1805, 1811 Mr John Conrad Queens-row Islington
John Frederick Conrad bur Bunhill Fields 9.3.1836 age 77

Consitt, Francis

Consit 21.6.1799 at John King's / 24.6.1799 adv at theatre / 27.6.1799 meet / 17.7.1799 call on (not in) / 24.8.1799 calls / 26.10.1799 at King's / 29.20.1799 meet / 24.12.1799 call on (not in) / 29.12.1799 at Lanesborough's / 5.1.1800 at King's / 26.1.1800 again / 9.2.1800 again / 15.2.1800 adv at opera / 21.2.1800 meet / 16.3.1800 at King's / 27.4.1801 at (RA) exhibition / 2.5.1801 meet / 24.7.1801 adv at theatre / 5.9.1801 meet / 24.10.1801 meet

Mr Consitt 17 Bury St, St james 18.3.1795, 12 New Burlington St 14.3.1796, 7.1.1797, 6.3.1799, 12.10.1799 Lectures in Philosophical…