A-Z of Entries


see Ward, William (lord Dudley)


Duff 28.9.1800 at Perry's



Four Courts, Lattin v Duigenan 25.7.1800

Covered by event tag in GD website on 25.7.1800 but not coded to a person record

Duke Street

tea, Duke Street 3.7.1798

Godwin sometimes identified a venue by address rather than name. It seems likely this was one of his contacts named in the diary but I haven't at present guessed whom. It may emerge later or please add comment. Or try searching my website on "Duke St"

Duke, Miss

miss Duke 8.5.1799 adv at Masters


Dulau, Arnaud

Dulau's 19.3.1799 / call on Dulau 3.9.1803 / 4.9.1803 coach with Dulau (to Horne Tooke's) / 9.9.1803 call on Dulau / 14.9.1803 again / 31.5.1804 again / 8.6.1804 again / 13.6.1804 again / 22.6.1804 again / 5.7.1804 again / 28.1.1805 again / 22.11.1805 again / 26.11.1805 again / 2.12.1805 again / 11.3.1817 call at Dulau / 27.2.1832 seek Dulau

Dulau & Co printers & French booksellers 37 Soho Sq 1800-1843. Arnaud Dulau & Bernard Charles de Milhau of Soho Square bankrupt 12.2.1802 (Nat Arch B3/1265 & 5436)


Dunbar 15.6.1792 at Freemasons' Tavern

James Dunbar DNB -1798 philosopher teacher of James Mackintosh, who was also present

Dunbar, Mrs

mrs Dunbar 23.4.1801 adv at dinner / 26.5.1802 call on mrs Dunbar / 7.6.1802 F Dunbar adv at dinner / 21.8.1802 F Dunbar calls / 24.8.1802 call on mrs Dunbar / 29.3.1805 L Eastwick & F Dunbar at tea / 29.10.1805 mrs Dunbar adv at Eastwick's / 17.8.1828 Dunbar at Bryant's

Mrs Dunbar and F Dunbar were probably the same person, Godwin often used initials for female acquaintances, and as they became more frequently mentioned in the diary he would sometimes begin to use just a plain surname, though actresses and authoresses tended to get the plain surname earlier or even at first…


Duncans 4.3.1800 at Charlotte Smith's / 26.1.1801 call on Duncan with Carlisle / 17.4.1801 Duncan of Dundee breakfasts / 8.5.1802 call with MJ on Duncan, adv Carlisle / 27.9.1805 call on Duncan / 9.11.1805 again / 11.11.1805 call on Duncan (bail) / 30.6.1812 Duncans at tea / 15.4.1816 Duncans (in Edinburgh) / 22.4.1816 Duncans dine (in Edinburgh) / 24.4.1816 Duncan at theatre (in Edinburgh) / 15.12.1816 Duncan at Curran's / 30.9.1817 again / 22.4.1825 Duncan, accountant / 23.4.1825 Duncan, half after two / 28.4.1825 Duncan sups, 6th day / 30.4.1825 Duncan at Guildhall / 2.5.1825 Duncan…


6.7.1810 write to Dunn

Godwin was writing to many booksellers throughout England in 1810, so Dunn may have been a bookseller. There was Jonathan Dunn of Nottingham publisher of the Mercury newspaper, trading 1793 to 1834; Brownrigg Nicholson Dunn of Whitehaven trading 1797 to 1812; and Charles Dunn jr of Birmingham trading 1807 to 1835. These three from bbti.bodleian.ox.ac.uk


see Duport, Adrien Jean Francois

Duport, Adrien Jean Francois

13.11.1793 Dupont at Holcroft's should read Duport. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1793 and in 1794 version. (Check writing of these entries).

Jean Pierre Duport 1741-1818 French cellist (Grove) Rather than the cellist this is likely to have been the politician Adrien Jean Francois Duport 1759-1798 an associate of Lameth (see Lameth, Charles) who escaped to England about September 1792 (Dictionnaire de Biographie Francaise). He is also mentioned in Brightwell: Amelia Opie p56


16.1.1796 Duppa at Carlisle's / 7.5.1806 Godwin calls with Wordsworth & Duppa on Edridge & Wilkie

Richard Duppa DNB 1768-1831. Went to Europe 1796

Duprat, Francois

25.12.1795 Duprat at John King's

Francois Duprat, Marquis de Barbantaune. Nat Arch PRO30/8/131 letter to William Pitt T1/338/44 memorial of Cont Duprat


Dupuy 22.6.1801 call on with Lamb & Burnet

Peter Solomon Dupuy died 1829 worked in same office as Lamb 1790-1819. Translated Sentimental Tablets of Good Pamphile by Gorjy. Wife Augusta (Susanna), Letters of Charles & Mary Lamb


Duquerry 5.8.1800 at Wallace's trial, Carlow / 6.8.1800 hear Duquerry (presumably at same trial)

Henry Duquerry Dict Irish Biog 1749x1751-1804 barrister. Address 1798 Leinster St, Dublin (sub to O'Conor)


Durango 15.2.1795 calls.

Don Vincente de Durango was secretary to Spanish embassy in London 1805 and 1811


20.1.1807 Durham at Joseph Johnson's / 22.4.1808 Lamb (& Durham) at Coleridge's lecture

Unlikely to have been Shute Barrington (DNB 1734-1826) bishop of Durham - and Godwin would have probably added at least a Bp if it had been. No Durhams in Lamb or Coleridge letter indexes. I found nobody in Watt or Allibone the usual sources for authors who were often the guests at Johnson's. Also no Durhams in Holdens 1811 court section, six in trades (see work notes below). Perhaps one of the sons of Thomas Durham bookseller of 34 Cockspur-st (died 1798) and his wife Lilly (died 1800) who…


Dutens 24.7.1802 at Edwards' P M

See Edwards, James for the Pall Mall bookseller. This must have been the Rev Louis Dutens (Hoefer, Biographie Generale) c1730-1812.

Boyle's 1800 Rev Mr Dutens 119 Mount St Berkeley Sq, Madam Dutens 83 Leicester sq. Farington's diary vol II p341 (at Sir Geo Beaumont's) p571 (tea at Farington's). Godwin read Dutens on 29.10.1806, 30.10.1806, 4.11.1806 & 9.11.1806


Dwarris 29.6.1795

Lilley Smith of Warwick will PCC 1803, son in law William Dwarris & Sarah his wife, grandson Fortunatus Lilley D, grand dau Sarah D

Sun F 1807 William D 3 Southampton St, Bloomsbury / Fortunatus D, Dr of Physic Jamaica PCC 1809 / William D Bloomsbury PCC 1813 / 1823 Sarh D widow of Cheltenham owned house south side of High St Warwick (her will PCC 1847) / Parr's Works vol8 p25 letter from FD Barbadoes to Parr 8.1.1823 / Francis D barrister mentioned in Parr's will 1825 / Rev Charles Augustus D will PCC 1830 / Fortunatus D, St James St, Westminster will…