A-Z of Entries

Macklin, Thomas

18.5.1796 Macklin's ; with Dyson & Kearsley

Morning Chronicle 9.5.1796 "The Poets Gallery is now open, with the addition of several new pictures". Thomas Macklin DNB 1752-1800 at 37 Fleet St. Dyson & Kearsley were both artists

There is a strange note in Godwin's diary on 5.2.1795 Macklin dies in small writing at bottom of that day's section. Probably Godwin intended to record the death of the actor Charles Macklin who died on 11.7.1797, but he didn't make any other note of Macklin's death


4.2.1807 Mackoy at Hawthorns

A rare name spelt like this (as opposed to McCoy), but did exist, for example Ann Mackoy widow of St Martin i t Fields will PCC 24.7.1800 but she had no Mackoy heirs. No clear identification


dr Macleane 11.12.1800 calls / 14.12.1800 Maclean calls / 15.12.1800 Maclean dines

See Thomas Holcroft's letter to Godwin dated 28.11.1800 Altona (Bodleian Abinger c6 f86-7). Holcroft spelt him Macleane and said he was in London and intended to return to Hamburg shortly. Probably Charles Maclean DNB fl.1788-1824. MD Aberdeen 1800, though the DNB says he was allowed by the French to returm to Britain in 1803 because he said he hadn't visited Britain for 10 years. The main purpose of his 1800 visit may have been to obtain his doctorate.


(Macleod expected) 29.7.1800 at Grattan's

GD website has coded this to Norman Macleod DNB 1754-1801 citing the DNB that he went on a jaunt to Ireland in 1800, which failed to lift his spirits. The only other Macleod I found in Ireland in work notes below


MacMahon 2.6.1800 at Mary Robinson's / 14.9.1805 McMahon at Curran's

Probably John Macmahon DNB 1754-1817 at about this time became public relations man to the Prince of Wales, whose former mistress was Mary Robinson


16.5.1808 M(arshall) calls from Macmurdo

Only instance of this name in Godwin's diary, but I have quite a good candidate. Edward Longdon Mackmurdo 1757-1817 of Clapton will PCC 1817 mentions wife Elizabeth, 3 sons, 8 daughters & nephew Robert Stark Mackmurdo. He was buried at Bunhill Fields, calico printer. One of his sons' birth registered 1798 Gilbert Wakefield Mackmurdo at Kings Weigh House Chapel, Whites Row. 1798 was when Gilbert Wakefield DNB 1756-1801 was tried and imprisoned for writing a book.

Macnally, Leonard

Macnally 4.7.1800 at Curran's. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1800 / 5.7.1800 again / 10.7.1800 at Macnally's / 6.8.1800 meet Macnally / 2.8.1817 at Dyer's

Leonard MacNally DNB 1752-1820

Macnamara, John

16.7.1794 Macnamara & 19.7.1794, 4.8.1794, 3.9.1794, 18.9.1794, 19.12.1794 & 23.1.1795 all at Jennings'.

Whig Club 11.6.1793 of Queen St Cheapside / Farington diary 149 Jany 1794 Mr Macnamara principal agent to Duke of Bedford / 1812-5 John Macnamara & wife vs Duke of Bedford, Kings Bench / PCC 1840 of 44 Half Moon St Piccadilly mentions son John Augustus Macnamara, friend Susanna Cox

Daniel Macnamara DNB 1720-1899 will PCC 1800 Stretham Surrey mentions wife Catherine, witness Maria Macnamara

Boyle's 1792 John Macnamara 51 Baker St & Hengoed Castle…


Macneil 2.9.1804 at H Rowan's / 15.10.1804 again / 12.2.1805 theatre with mrs Rowan &c and Macneil

see work notes below

Macpherson, David

21.11.1795 D Macpherson at Ritson's  In Godwin's 1796 list for 1795 crossed out

David MacPherson DNB 1746-1816 which says he was friend of Ritson's. Coded in GD website to James McPherson of Ossian fame

Will PCC 1816 St Pancras

Macquin, Ange-Denis

Mackin 16.2.1798 at Chandler's (in Godwin's 1796 list) / McQuin 19.3.1798 there / Macquin 10.7.1798 there / 22.6.1799 Chandler dines, tea O Fancourt's, meet Macquin / 24.6.1799 Macquin at Chandler's / 25.7.1799 meet Mcquin / 17.10.1799 meet Macquin / 1.1.1800 at O Fancourt's with Chandler / 6.1.1800 again / 17.10.1800 invited at Godwin's / 16.8.1802 adv at Townsend's / 21.12.1809 call on Townsend, meet Macquin

Ange-Denis Macquin DNB 1756-1823 antiquary & writer, will PCC 1823 of 7 Bermondsey Sy Southwark


21.09.1809 Macreery calls / 22.9.1809 call on Macreery / 21.2.1810 Macreery calls / 25.2.1811 call on Place (adv. Macreery)

Holdens 1811 directory: John M'Creery printer Black Horse-court, Fleet-st. At Old Bailey 21.2.1810 he prosecuted Isaac Pettitt for stealing 30/- worth of paper, part of a work on Scottish Chiefs he was printing for Longmans. M'Creery said his dwelling house was in Surrey.. Pettitt, a journeyman printer, said he was told M'Creery was a particular man, and he would be treated "like a negro" if he worked there. His sentence was 7 years transportation. Perhaps M'…


23.3.1810 dine at Johnson's, w. Maddocks

This was quite possibly William Alexander Madocks DNB 1773-1828 Whig MP for Boston famous for reclaiming land at Tremadoc in Wales and quite an enthusiatic reformer. One of his brothers Joseph was active in amateur theatricals, the eldest brother John Edward cut his own throat in 1806. There was a Richard Maddocks auctioneer at Coleman-st buildings, a Henry Maddock barrister of Lincolns Inn whose son Henry put himself forward as a candidate to succeed Fox in Westminster 1806, and a Walter Maddocks c.1745-1823 actor on the London stage


Madox 5.5.1789 at Timothy Hollis'


Magee 17.6.1801 see Gilbert & Magee


31.8.1806 dine at Philips's, Hampstead w. Magnys & many

Nicholas Magny otp wid = Maylebone 4.6.1802  Mary Gamby otp sp

Christopher Magnay & William Pickering stationers 72 Upper Thames-st (SunFire 1791) 55 Queen-st Cheapside (SunFire 1802 to 1816) College Hill (SunFire from 1819)
married 29.3.1806 Lambeth Harriet Burdon, his will PCC 6.3.1827


Mahaffy 5.8.1800 at Wallace's trial. Carlow



Mahon 4.5.1803 at Joseph Johnson's

It would be surprising if this was Philip Henry Stanhope Hist of Parl 1781-1855 known till 1816 as Viscount Mahon, as although he was educated by Jeremiah Joyce, at this point he had been disinherited by his father, the radical peer Charles Stanhope, and appointed Lt Governor of Dover Castle by Pitt on £500 p.a. and Johnson's dinners had a radical reputation. Another Mahon was Gertrude Mahon DNB 1752-1808+ the "Bird of Paradise", she might have been welcome at Johnson's dinners as a rejected superstar like Mary Robinson, but it seems unlikely, and…


call on Gen Maitland 13.4.1803 / 28.1.1807 Maitland at Lauderdale's / 19.2.1808 M(arshall) dines, from Maitland / 11.3.1808 M(arshall) calls from Maitland & Sharp / 20.6.1818 call on Maitland / 8.2.1834 Maitland at Anthony White's / 30.11.1834 again

The first entry was perhaps Thomas Maitland DNB 1760-1824 brother of the 8th Earl of Lauderdale. He became brigadier general in 1798 and was MP 1790-1804, but from 1805-1811 was governor of Ceylon and from 1813-1824 governor of Malta so was probably not the later Maitland entries. Another brother William Mordaunt Maitland died 1841…

Majendie, Lewis

28.4.1789 Majendie at T Hollis and 5.5.1789.

Lewis Majendie 1756-1833, younger brother of Henry William Majendie, bishop of Bangor DNB 1754-1830, married 1783 at St Marylebone Elizabeth Hoghton, granddaughter of Timothy Hollis' sister Elizabeth who married William Ashurst (d 1735), their daughter Elizabeth married Sir Henry Hoghton and died in childbed 1761, her daughter Elizabeth survived and married Lewis Majendie. Codicil to Timothy Hollis's will dated 16.5.85 mentions his niece Elizabeth Majendie Hoghton