A-Z of Entries


14.2.1795 at Powel's / 20.2.1795 call on / 11.10.1795 at Holcrofts / 26.10.1796 meet Barnes & Major / 17.11.1802 adv at theatre / 9.8.1809 call on Major br / 12.6.1810 call on / 15.1.1811 calls / 24.1.1811 call on / 14.3.1815 again / 22.4.1817 again

Major br was probably John Major DNB 1782-1849, bookseller of Hospital Gate, West Smithfield or his father Samuel Major tailor and music seller, Duke-st West Smithfield, his will PCC 1816. Close neighbours of Godwin at Skinner-st. Godwin used br for bookseller a few times in his diary, Laing, Hayes, Williams. All the above entries…


29.12.1810 write to Malone / 1.1.1811 call on Malone / 17.1.1811 write to Malone

Quite possibly Edmond Malone DNB 1741-1812 Shakespearian scholar

Maltby, William

GODWIN DIARY Maltby 27.5.1798 at Horne Tooke's / 5.5.1813 call on Maltby LI / 19.2.1835 Maltby at Rogers'

William Maltby DNB 1763-1854 librarian of London Institution (clearly the LI in 1813 above). By presumed coincidence Godwin had received a letter on 8.5.1798 from William Maltby and his brother Rowland, acting as attornies of Fishmongers Hall, threatening arrest for a supposed debt of £15 incurred by Mary Wollstonecraft for carpeting (Abinger c4 f18-9). They referred Godwin's reply to R Sherman for whom along with Mr Cowie they were presumably acting. Joseph Farington in his…


dine at mrs Wilford's (mr Mangles) Hurley Bottom 29.11.1799

John Mangles' will  PCC 1837 of Henley was dated 9.2.1825 and witnessed by a blacksmith and a carpenter both of Hurley, and mentioned his father Robert. Three Mangles spinsters were married at Hurley in 1808, 1820 and 1825. James Mangles DNB 1786-1867 was probably his son or brother. Robert Mangles was a ship's chandler of Wapping. The Mangles family featured in Joseph Farington's diary in the circle of Wilson, Lestock (qv)


18.12.1808 dine at Hume's, w. Manly

Only instance in Godwin's diary. No clues yet

Holdens Directory 1811: David Manley wine merchant 48 Southampton-row / James Manly merchant & agent 41 Mansell-st / Edward Manly esq Herne-hill Dulwich / Joseph Manly esq 28 Grove-pl Camden Town / Henry Manley insurance broker 7 Gt Wincgester-st & Lloyds / John Manley attorney 2 Tanfield-ct Temple


Mann 31.10.1801 at D Stuart's / 16.12.1824 call on Mann, Cornhill

Possibly Horatio Mann DNB 1744-1814 MP for Sandwich 1790-1807 who joined the Whig Club in 1790 but was a supporter of Pitt by 1795 and was more famous as a man of pleasure and patron of cricket than as a politician. Gother Mann DNB 1747-1830 army officer & military engineer. George Mann bookseller & stationer of 39 Cornhill will PCC 1852


18.1.1794 at Thelwall's / 5.12.1794 at Foulkes (celebrating Thelwall's acquittal) / 17.1.1795 / 31.1.1795 / 14.2.1795 at James Powell's (3 times with Walker & Lee, twice with Thelwall, Bailey & Hubbard) / 12.6.1795 Mannings at Thelwall's (with Walker) / 10.12.1795 adv at House of Commons

GD website suggests William M 1733-1810 (Geo Robinson published his sermons on liberty)  Other possibles:

Thomas Manning vintner Oxenden St, St Martin in the Fields voted 1796 Fox & Tooke

Thomas Manning DNB 1772-1841 then a student at Cambridge, wore Quaker dress, met…


Mansel 31.3.1789 at Timothy Hollis' & 16.3.1790, 29.6.1790, and 28.9.1790 there.

Possibly Rev William Lort Mansel DNB fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge who subscribed 1786 to HMWilliams' poems, though his politics were different from Hollis's. Or a William Mansell Esq who wrote the opera "Fairy-Hill" 1784; a W Mansell signed the Declaration of the Friends to the Liberty of the Press 1792; a Samuel Mansell was minister of Baptist Church, Snows Fields, Southwark 1796; Rev Rowland Dawkin Mansel, will PCC 1789 upholder of St Pancras or his son Mansel Dawkin Mansel of Lothbuty…

Mansel, Elizabeth

14.10.1795 call on Mansel / 25.10.1795 Mansel at Holcroft's / 6.12.1795 Mansel at Holcroft's / 3.1.1796 EM at Holcroft's / 17.1.1796 EM at Holcroft's / 21.2.1796 EM at Holcroft's / 9.3.1796 call on EM / 28.3.1796 call on Mansel /  11.5.1796 call on Mansel / 22.9.1796 call on Mansel / 6.10.1796 call on Mansel / 4.11.1796 sup at Mansel's with De Camp, Coopers, C Kemble & C Moore / 25.11.1796 call on Mansel / 29.1.1797 Mansel, de Camp & C Moore call / 10.3.1797 call on Mansel / 11.3.1797 call on Mansel / 13.4.1797 call on Mansel / 17.4.1797 / 21.5.1797 Mansel at Horne Tooke's / 3.12.…


map-engraver calls 7.10.1802 / 22.5.1809 Blake, map-engr calls

The only entries in British Book Trades Index for an engraver named Blake are for William Blake DNB 1757-1827 poet and artist and William Stadden Blake (will PCC 1814). Blake Records, Bentley p839 has info on him but no record of his having been a map-engraver except the reference in Godwin's diary. BBTI cite Laurence Worms, British Map Engravers, (work in progress) under William Blake the poet. The 1802 map-engraver may not, of course, have been called Blake. The BBTI doesn't have a category for map-engravers but those…


Mara 7.4.1802 oratorio at Drury Lane

Gertrud Mara DNB 1749-1833 which says she left England 1801 but newspaper ads make it clear she sang in London up till April 1802, see Morning Post 22.4.1802 which announced she was to quit England in a few weeks


Marcand 7.10.1794 see Marquand, John

March, John

March's 27.6.1794 / 5.7.1794 / 5.7.1796 / 9.7.1796 / 12.7.1796 / 13.7.1796 / 20.7.1796 / 21.7.1796.

John March was a printer & stationer at London Lane Norwich in 1797 and a steward at Norwich Friends of Freedom dinner 5.10.1795. Ipswich Journal 4.8.1804 died at Philadelphia aged 51 Mr John March formerly a printer at Norwich. Bury & Norwich Post 26.12.1804 on 19.12.1804 aged 89 died Mrs Mary March, widow of late Mr T March hotpresser & mother of late Mr John March printer of this city.

1784 John March printer Yarmouth voted H W. John March printer…


20.4.1789 at Brand Hollis' Signora Marchetti. In Godwin's 1796 list (crossed out) for 1788 as Marchetti, also in 1794 version as Marquetti

Signora Marchetti (fl1773-1791 Highfill, Burnim and Langhans) opera singer

Margaret & Lucas

Mart dines 27.8.1797 / 16.1.1798 Lucas to school / 14.4.1799 M(arshall) sups Lucas sleeps / 20.6.1799 Lucas fron school / 1.7.1799 Sadler's Wells with Louisa Jones, Lucas & Fanny / 10.12.1799 Marguerite Journee married Jo Robette / 7.1.1800 dine at Fell's with M(arshal), F(anny), M(ary), L, L(ouisa Jones) & miss Axtel / 2.1.1801 L at theatre / 6.1.1801 L at Marshall's / 6.7.1801 L at Astley's / 12.1.1802 L at theatre / 1.4.1802 congé of Cooper & Marguerite / 3.7.1802 letter from James Marshall to Godwin Abinger c7 f129 / 1.5.1803 Lucas dines / 3.1.1820 Marguerite…


20.10.1795 at theatre with Inchbald. play Dependent

perhaps William Marlow DNB 1740/1- 1813 landscape painter

Marquand, John

7.10.1794 Marcand arrives at Parr's / 26.11.1794 with Parr / 12.12.1796 Mackintosh's.

Perhaps John Marquand, surveyor of Lambeth, will PCC.1810 mentions his daughter Sally wife of Joseph Hill Beavan, flourfactor of Brook Pl, Kensington who married her at Lambeth 19.11.1796, Beavan was at 18 Booth's Pl Kennington in 1809 and his will is PCC 1813.



Mrs Marriot 6.1.1789 at Miss Williams' & 23.3.1789, 5.5.1789, 11.12.1789, 27.5.1790, 13.5.1791 there; also Marriot 21.4.1789 at Brand Hollis'.

Marsh, Charles

3.2.1799 C Marsh, C Moore adv at Mackintosh's / Wed 20.2.1799 C Marsh C Moore at Mackintosh's lecture / Sat 23.2.1799 C Marsh, C M at Mackintosh's lecture / Sat 2.3.1799 C M, C M at Mackintosh ('s lecture)

The above sequence of entries must mean that one of the two C M entries on 2.3.1799 was for Charles Marsh see GDwebsite person record


Marsh, Sir Charles

sir Cha Marsh & lady's maid 15.5.1800 on coach from Windsor

Charles Marsh banker of Reading was knighted 1786, his will PCC 1805