A-Z of Entries

Rexworthy, Tracy

21.6.1810 Daly, Rexworthy, Tracy &c call

Godwin didn't often use the &c in a list of callers (I use it on this website to abbreviate his lists but in this case and on the next day with Kingston he used the &c). Rexworthy and Tracy both only appeared once in diary. Both rare names

William Rexworthy of Black Dog Tavern, St James Market, went bankrupt 1811 / Morning Chronicle 1.11.1823 Mr Rexworthy proprietor of billiard rooms 5 Spring-gardens / William Rexworthy of St James will PCC 1836. Name more frequent in Somerset

Charles Hanbury Tracy 1778-1858 History…

Reynolds, Frederick

f 46r of Vol VII of Godwin's diary; Reynolds & yg Colman chums at Westmr. F R

see Frederick Reynolds DNB 1764-1841 where it is stated that George Colman the younger DNB 1762-1836 befriended him at Westminster school, but the F R implies that Reynolds told Godwin this himself. See Martindale, Henry

Reynolds, Richard

mr & mrs RR 24.3.1800 at Reynolds'

The GD website has a person record for Frederick Reynolds' older brother Richard Reynolds 1754? or 1757?-1812 but the above entry has not been coded to it. He attended Trinity College Cambridge and was admitted to Middle Temple 1774 and called to the bar in 1783. He married 11.3.1799 Susanna widow of Miles North of Thurland Castle, Lancs and daughter of Oliver Toulmin of Cranborne Lodge, Dorset (will PCC 1783 of Lisle St Leicester Fields?). According to Alum cantab he died in 1813 but the Lancaster Gazette of 28.11.1812 reported the death in…


22.11.1809 call on Rhodes / 19.8.1817 Rodd's; adv. Rhodes

Possibly Richard Rhodes DNB 1765-1838 engraver, or William Barnes Rhodes DNB 1772-1836 writer


Rice at H(olcrof)ts 24.6.1798 / 27.6.1810 Rice calls



Richards 29.7.1798 at H Tooke's / 10.11.1802 call on Richards, 5, Brownlow St / 10.10.1806 at Fox's funeral / 23.3.1807 at Joseph Johnson's, Purser's Cross / 17.11.1809 call on Richards / 11.6.1814 again / 3.10.1814 again / 15.9.1815 again / 23.9.1819 call on T Rodd, chez Richards / 6.10.1823 at Bacon's / 15.5.1824 again / 26.12.1827 call on Dr Richards / 10.1.1828 Dr Richards calls (not in)

George Richards DNB 1767-1837 may well have been the Dr Richards of 1827/8 when he was rector of St Martins in the Fields and active in Literary Funds. He didn't get his doctorate until 1820 so…


11.10.1795 walk with Holcroft & Perry, adv Sheridan & Richardson / 18.3.1796 Debretts / 5.4.1796 there / 9.1.1797 there / 30.12.1798 adv at Godwin's / 10.7.1801 mrs Richardson adv at Northcote's while Godwin sat for portrait / 24.10.1801 Godwin calls / 5.5.1803 adv Cooper from Richardson

Joseph Richardson DNB 1755-1803. Friend of Sheridan and part of the Whig circle at Debrett's bookshop. Didn't feature on Godwin's 1796 list but the name Richardson was inserted above, after Perry, and then crossed out, in the 1794 version, which would fit with Godwin meeting him again in…

Richter, Elizabeth

11.6.1795 G & E Richter adv at Holcroft's & 21.6.1795 E R dines at Holcroft's & 7.8.1795 mes Ht & Richter call (for Ht see Holcroft, Ann) / 2.2.1800 meet G Richter (this one not coded to George Richter's person record on GD website)

John August Richter married Mary Haig of St Martin in the Fields there 2.7.1766; their children bapt St Anne Soho  1) John born 22.7.1769 (married as bachelor Islington 24.7.1811 Jane Maria Smith sp botp banns wits Elizabeth Freeman, Jno Powell, died Aug 1830 in 62nd year at Arnott's Pl Islington, his widow married St Pancras 16.6.1832…

Rickman, Thomas Clio

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Thomas Clio Rickman of Upper Marylebone St proposed member 22.6.1792 by Thomas Paine 2nded John Horne Tooke

Thomas Clio Rickman DNB 1761-1834. Note DNB article says he moved to Upper Marylebone St in 1798 (after SCI was disbanded)


Riddel 21.6.1799 at King's / 1.2.1800 adv at theatre

May have been Maria Riddell DNB 1772-1808 poet. According to DNB her husband Walter went to Antigua in 1796 (his will PCC 1803 of Antigua mentioned wife Maria, dau Anna Maria) while she came to London in 1797 and cultivated Lawrence, Fuseli, Mackintosh, Samuel Rogers & Richard Sharp (none of whom Godwin ever saw at King's - see Rogers, William for the likely identity of the Rogers at King's).

Other Riddells were John R Lt Col EICS of Enfield will PCC 1826 / Sir John Buchanan Riddell born c 1768 died 1819 Hist of Parl /…


Ridge 10.5.1801 calls

Ridgeway, William

Ridgway 3.7.1800 at Colles' / 10.7.1800 at Macnally's (with Colles) / 5.8 at (or before) Wallace's trial in Carlow / all these in Ireland

The GD website has coded these to James Ridgway. More likely William Ridgeway DNB 1765-1817 son of William Ridgeway merchant and Dorothy (nee Tandy, relative of John Napper Tandy) called to Irish bar 1790, United Irishmen 1792. A Joseph Ridgeway attorney subscribed to Reports of Cases.. (Dublin 1798) and a daughter of a John Ridgeway married Dr Thomas Grattan at Edenderry, Kings Co. in April 1777

Ridgway, James

2.4.1794 dine in Newgate with (many) & Ridgway / 13.7.1799 call on Sheridan adv Lacy & Ridgway / 3.7.1800 at Colles's in Ireland / 10.7.1800 at Macnally's in Ireland / 5.8.1800 at Wallace's trial in Ireland / 25.10.1802 Mary Jane Godwin called at Ridgway's / 18.11.1809 Godwin calls on Ridgway / 19.1.1810 Godwin calls on mrs Ridgway & Place / 24.1.1814 Godwin calls on Ridgway jr / 30.3.1814 Godwin seeks Ridgway (Devon H) & Place / 20.11.1821 Godwin calls on Ridgway / 6.9.1830 adv Dr Ridgway at Martin's

James Ridgway died 6.5.1838 and was buried 11.5.1838 at Chelsea…


Ridout 3.2.1804 at Coleridge's

Coleridge's letters mention J G Ridout uncle of Thomas Poole's apprentice and later partner Thomas Ward. This was John Gibbs Ridout bapt Sherborne Dorset 1757 son of George (died 1779) and Mary (nee Gibbs) who were married 1753 at Long Burton. His older half-sister Elizabeth Ridout born 1739 died 1827 Bruton Somerset married 1768 at Sherborne George Ward (died 1790 Bruton). Ridout married Elizabeth Holmes at St Augustine Watling St London on 16.6.1782, their son George was baptised at St Faith under St Paul in 1788. Ridout was a manager of the…

Rigby, Mrs

mrs Rigby 23.11.1799 at Parry's Hammersmith

Anne Rigby was a witness to the will dated 24,4,1800 of John Parry, (see Parry) proved PCC 1825. Mrs Rigby Land Tax hammersmith 1799-1807.

Perhaps the same person were / Mrs Rigby Land Tax Charlotte St Bloomsbury to 1787 / Ann Rigby widow of Rodney St age 59 buried St James Pentonville 9.11.1811 / Anne Rigby born 24.7.1778 bapt of Berkley St Clerkenwell dau of Joshua Rigby (watchmaker will PCC 1795) & his wife Elizabeth Attey (will PCC 1800) / Mazzinghi's 3 sonatas dedicated to Mrs Rigby, subscr to Concerts of Ancient Music 1800…


Rigg 5.4.1791 at Holcroft's

Ambrose Rigg marr 1764 Miss Hone St James Pl (Gents Mag). Thomas Rigg will PCC 1792 of Newman St, St Marylebone, mentioned son Ambrose, & Dorothy Franklyn now called Rigg / John Rigg & son merchants 59 Mark Lane 1780-91; JR sr, & JR jr asst to Eastland Coy, subscr 1790 to James Mylne's poems / Henry Rigg confectioner 1780-5 116 Holborn, 1790 142 Cheapside / Thomas Rigge Law List 1793 counsel Grays Inn and at Kensington / John Rigge Law List 1798 2 Carey St Chancery La Deputy Register for Co. Middlesex / Morning Chronicle 17.4.1801 sale of…


20.2.1807 call on Philips, adv. Ring

Quite likely John Ring 1752-1821 doctor and author. His will PCC 18.5.1822. Morn Post 12.11.1821 died 7.11.1821 age 69. In 1807 his "Beauties of the Edinburgh Review, the Stinkpot of Literature" was published


3 Ritherdons adv at dinner 11.1.1805

George Ritherdon was a gold & silver smith Aldgate High St Sun Fire 1779 his will PCC 1796 of Aldgate mentioned his wife Mary & his sons Robert & Samuel Huntley Ritherdon and his son-in-law John Stockwell /   Geo & Robert R goldsmiths Aldgate 1790, Robert R = miss Hannah Stockwell of Crutched Friars 2.8.1787. Mary R = John Stockwell 1791, Major Robt R Hon Artillery Company 1794, £2000 to loyalty loan 1797, George R clerk in East India House from 1805, Robert R clerk in East India House from 1809, Samuel R 42 Penton, Pl Pentonville…


9.4.1793 calls on Godwin / 19.4.1793 again / tea at Godwin's with Scott 13.5.1793 / Godwin calls on A Scott and talks of Taylor & Rivers 14.8.1793 / calls on Godwin 23.2.1794

David Rivers dissenting minister of a small congregation at Highgate (p 202 Literary Memoirs of Living Authors 1798 - of which he is supposed to have been the author, and which is not sympathetic to Godwin) and had a principal share in conducting the Sunday Reformer and Sunday Recorder newspapers, was frequent correspondent in the World newspaper as Marcus Antoninus. According to the Surman Index he was…


20.11.1809 call on Rivington / 22.12.1809 again / 18.7.1810 Chancery Lane, w. J Rivington &c / 31.7.1810 Guildhall (Tabart); adv. Rivington &c / 20.8.1810 examination of sir R P; adv. Rivington &c / 21.8.1810 Guildhall; Tabart, Rivington &c / 9.10.1810 Baptist's Head; Tabart, Rivington &c

John, Francis & Charles Rivington booksellers 62 St Paul's-churchyard, see DNB Rivington family (per. c. 1710- c. 1960)