A-Z of Entries

Parker, Edward

theatre: 1/3 Birth day & mar Parker 23.5.1799

Highfill, Burnim & Langhans Master Edward Parker born 1794 child prodigy singer at Covent Garden

Parker, Joseph

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Joseph Parker of Cheapside, London original member 1780

His father Joseph Parker became amanuensis at age 13 to Isaac Watts (DNB 1674-1748) and kept that role for 21 years, attending at Watts' deathbed. Watts' will PCC 1748 left "to my trusty and diligent servant Joseph Parker fifty pounds and all my wearing apparel". Parker had married at St Giles Cripplegate 7.11.1738 Christian Revell, their son Joseph (the SCI member) was born about 1745 and was apprenticed for 7 yrs from 19.1.1759 as son of Joseph of Stoke Newington to Benjamin Porter of…


5.3.1796 Parkes at James Mackintosh's / 1.11.1824 Parkes adv at Rodd's / 5.11.1824 Parkes breakfasts / 23.10.1826 write to Parkes / 12.11.1826 at Hodget's sr, mrs Hodgets, W Parkes / 18.12.1826 write to Parkes & Bowring / 27.2.1827 write to Parkes / 10.2.1827 list of Rump, fr. Parkes / 1.10.1829 letter to Parkes

Samuel Parkes DNB 1761-1825, Unitarian chemist, of Stourbridge, settled in London 1803. According to DNB his only child was Sarah Mayo who married Joseph Wainwright Hodgetts in 1824, so the W Parkes may have been his brother. Hodgetts was Parkes' partner and the Hodgetts…


Parkins's 18.5.1801 at White's (& Lamb) / 6.2.1822 Parkins at J Taylor's


Parkinson, James

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: James Parkinson of Hoxton square proposed member 26.10.1792 by Dr George Edwards 2nded John Moore

James Parkinson DNB 1755-1824

GODWIN DIARY: Parkinson 29.6.1788 at Holcroft's. This is possibly neither of the James Parkinsons discussed in the GD website person record, but since Holcroft's other guests (except Godwin himself) were musicians (Shield, Clementi, and Bossy) this may be one of three brothers Jeremiah (d.1803), John (b.1761) and William (d.1834) all instrumentalists found in Highfill, Burnim & Langhan's Biog Dict of Actors…

Parkinson, Robert

see Poland Street number not known in London Addresses dataset

Robert Parkinson victualler Poland St voted 1784 Fox / name not in Westminster ratebooks but Wiliam Parkinson (QV*) paid rates 1788 for Kings Arms 23 Poland St / Robert Parkinson = St James 18.4.1779 Ann Ord botp by Archbishops lic / Robert Parkinson son of Robert & Rebecca bapt 23.7.1780 St Marylebone / Robert Parkinson = 29,7,1781 Rebecca Holland / Robert Parkinson of St Marylebone = St Geo Han Sq 27.4.1784 Mary Howard otp / Robert Parkinson = St AnneSoho 25.1.1786 Priscilla Snook botp banns / Robert Parkinson…

Parkinson, William

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

William Parkinson 23 Poland St (Kings Arms) ratebooks 1788 / William Parkinson victualler Albemarle St, St Geo Han Sq voted Hood 1788 / William Parkinson bach of St Geo Han Sq = St Paul Covt Gdn 11.2.1787 Jane Richardson otp sp by lic wits Henry Richardson, William Jackson / William Parkinson of St Paul Covt Gdn = St James 27.5.1789 Catherine Margaret Broadwood otp by Archbishop's lic wits James Broadwood, Elizabeth Shudi (the daughter of John Broadwood DNB 1732-1812 harpsichord maker) / these marriages were not necessarily of…


HCR diary 3.1.1833 "I warned Aders about the dangers of arrest, but he assured me and this was confirmed by Jameson that a pledge was given by L's attorney Parnther to Upton, Aders' attorney that there should be no arrest" L was Loevenhagen, Aders was arrested anyway the same day

Michael Smith Parnther will PCC 1850 of 50 Fenchurch St. 1833 of London St, London. 1829 he was clerk to Tallow Chandlers Company. Born 10.6.1776 bapt 2.7.1776 St Andrew Holborn son of Robert & Ann Parnther. Robert Parnther = St Mary Catrlisle 2.1.1772 Ann Smith. Standard 20.2.1850, on 17.2.1850 in…

Parr of Exeter

3.2.1807 Parr of Ex. at Johnson's

Bartholomew Parr (1751-1810) MD of Exeter, his will PCC 1811 Exeter Flying Post 22.11.1810 died 21.11.1810 in 60th year. Essays philosophical and chemical 1799, Life of Richard Hole 1803

Parr, Sarah

miss Parr 6.7.1794 in Norwich (coded in GD website as Sarah Parr).

I tried to find any other Miss Parr in Norwich; Samuel Parr had a cousin the Rev Robert Parr of Norwich (d.1812) but in his and his father's wills there is no sign of his having had any sisters or daughters, so Sarah Parr on a visit to her cousins seems a reasonable guess


HCR diary 18.12.1820 at Aders "I went by particular desire to meet a Mr & Mrs Parry - He a wealthy merchant - she a fine and interesting woman - Aders' prints afforded us all entertainment"

                   21.12.1822 large party at Aders, Coleridge the star "The Parrys - I do not see why they were invited to meet C:"

                     13.2.1823 musical party at Aders  "Miss Flaxman & Miss Denman, the Parrys, Babingtons etc"

                     24.4.1823 re Mrs Aders history of 3 husbands "Mrs A: means to open herself to Mrs Parry, Miss Flaxman etc. etc…

Parry, George

see Newman Street 1 to 9 in London Addresses dataset

George Parry 1 Newman St Land Tax 1791-4 / Middlesex Sessions May 1782 George Parry and 6 other wheelwrights convicted of conspiracy to ask 18s instead of 14s per set of wheels, fined £50 each, Parry was at Mr Jell's coachmaker, Margate (SunFire 1788 Benjamin Jell coachmaker Margate) / George Parry wheelwright of Newman St took appr 1788 Wm Spencer / Whitehall Evening Post 3.2.1789 Old Bailey 4.2.1789 George Parry wheeler of I Newman St witness / directory 1790 George Parry coachmaker Newman St / George Parry coachmaker Long Acre…

Parry, James & John

23.5.1796 at Debrett's / 14.9.1796 again / 9.1.1797 again / 29.1.1797 at H(olcrof)ts / 4.2.1797 at Debrett's / 5.2.1797 at H(olcrof)ts / 9.2.1797 at theatre / 20.2.1797 at Debrett's / 1.3.1797 again / 3.3.1797 meet Parry : dines / 4.3.1797 adv at theatre / 19.3.1797 at H(olcrof)ts / 29.3.1797 at Debrett's / 1.4.1797 again / 7.5.1797 at H(olcrof)ts / 8.5.1797 at Debrett's / 24.5.1797 again / 1.6.1797 again / 2.6.1797 again / 21.6.1797 call on Parry (not in) / 25.6.1797 Parrys at H(olcrof)ts / 28.7 Parry at Debrett's / 18.10.1797 meet Parry senr / 8.11.1797 Parrys at H(olcrof)ts / 3.12.1797…

Parry, Richard

Parry arrives 27.6.1795 & 1.7.1795 at Willes's & 4.7.1795 at Morley's & 6.7.1795 at Greatheed's

Richard Parry admitted pensioner age 18 at Trinity cambridge 17.6.1793 eldest son of Richard P of Cambridge. School. Rugby (of Llanbaidr, Denbighshire). BA & medal 1798. Admitted Lincolns Inn 7.5.1796, son of Richard P of Warfield, Berks. Richard P of Warfield, Berks will PCC 1828, Richard P of Llwyn-ynn, Denbighshire will PCC 1834.

Parr's Works vol8 p381 letter from Richard Parry re: monument for Thomas Jones of Trinity Cambridge p382 letter congratulating Parr on…

Parson, Dr

call on Dr Parson 27.3.1797

There was a medical doctor, Dr John Parson of St James Clerkenwell, perhaps alive in 1797, mentioned in his son's entry in Alum Ox, but this is more likely the son Samuel of Doctors Commons, who got his doctorate of Law in 1792, his will PCC 1819. Two days before Godwin and Mary Wolstonecraft were married, this visit was probably connected with obtaining the marriage licence 

Parsons, Lawrence

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Laurence Parsons Esq MP for Dublin University proposed member 12.1.1787 by Charles Hamilton 2nded Richard Brocklesby

Lawrence Parsons 1758-1841 (historyof parliamentonline 1790-1820). And see History of Irish Parliament. said to have been a protégé of Henry Flood, though Flood didn't join SCI till 30.5.1788

Parsons, Mrs

29.2.1796 mrs Parsons at mrs Robinson's / 1.5.1796 there / 29.4.1806 Parsons at Tuffin's with Wordsworth, Southey, Rickman & Richard Johnson / 24.9.1808 Parsons's call

First two entries perhaps Dorothea widow of William Parsons, actor DNB 1736-1795. Parsons died 3.2.1795, his widow Dorothea married her son's tutor Rev Richard Davis on 17.8.1795 but he deserted her after he spent Parsons' legacy. She was one of 3 daughters of the Hon James Stewart MP for Wigtown burghs. She would have been technically Mrs Davis but perhaps still known, or preferred to be known as Mrs Parsons if…

Parsons, Richard

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Richard Parsons 40 Poland St (Pantheon Punch House) ratebooks 1784-6 / SunFire 1784 Richard Parsons 40 Poland St dealer in wines & spirituous liquors / Bailey's directory 1785 Richard Parsons wine merchant Poland St Carnaby Market / Richard Parsons bach = St Marylebone 6.2.1782 Elizabeth Bruce sp botp banns wit Barbara Rousset / Elizabeth born 16.10.1785 bapt 24.10.1785 St James d of Richard & Elizabeth Parsons / possible burials 4.6.1791 St Marylebone adult (poor), 27.1.1795 St Pancras age 34 from Small Pox Hospital, 7.…

Parsons, William

13.3.1794 at Wedgwoods. This appearance has been linked on the GD website to a person record William Parsons 1736-95 actor but the name in the diary transcription is underlined and clicking on it takes you to unidentified 'parsons'. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1794 as Parsons F M (and in 1794 version as Parsons inserted above), this was clearly William Parsons DNB (fl 1785-1824) of the Florence Miscellany. He may also have been 29.4.1806 at Tuffin's and 24.9.1808 Parsons's call


partner to Constable

4.8.1807 dine at Johnson's, w. partner to Constable

Archibald Constable (DNB 1774-1827) in 1803 took on a partner Alexander Hunter son of the owner of the large estate of Blackness in Forfarshire. From 1809 Constable's London 'branch' was Constable, Hunter, Park and Hunter. Within a year Park died. All this from DNB. ?Thomas Park of Hampstead will PCC  2.3.1811