A-Z of Entries

Rose, Pelling

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 and Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

20, 50 & 51 Poland St ratebooks (Pennel or Pelling) Rose leaseholder 1788 / Westminster coroners jury 1767 / SunFire 1777, 1779, 1787 dealer in glass, china & earthenware Newport Alley / Pelling Rose potter of Newport Market voted 1780 Fox & Rodney 1784 Hood & Wray / Wakefields directory 1790 Pelling Rose silk dyer Spring Gardens / SunFire 1790 Pelling Rose dyer John St, Tottenham Ct Rd, & 2 Spring Gardens / will PCC 1794 Pelling Rose gent of Fulham , , mentioned…


22.4.1808 Rosiere dines at Joseph Johnson's

No clues. Rosier quite a common English name but spelling with an e suggests a Frenchman


call on G Ross 3.12.1799 / 3.4.1801 adv W Ross at E Fenwick's

The True Briton of 4.7.1796 reporting a court case between two newspapers named George Ross as publisher of the Telegraph who had stated he was a member of the London Corresponding Society (see MacDonnell, David Evans). Possibly the same as Rous, George (qv). Ross probably founded the Albion newspaper in September 1799, and sold it to Allen Macleod in September 1800, who had sold it to John Fenwick by June 1801 (Winifred F Courtney, Young Charles Lamb p311)


Ross, David

Land Tax 22 St Mary Axe 1790 to 1800 David Ross £9
Telegraph 22.6.1795 LCS tickets from D Ross 22 St Mary Axe, Leadenhall St
Morning Herald 21.3.1798 ad for position, apply Mr Ross's hairdresser 22 St Mary Axe, Leadenhall St
SunFire 1794 Francis Ross smith 32 St Mary Axe / SunFire 1810 Daniel Ross & co merchants 7 Bury Court, St Mary Axe
Ann d of David & Ann Ross born 9.2.1789 bapt 8.3.1789 St Andrew Undershaft (church in St Mary Axe)
David s of David Ross from the workhouse bapt 5.8.1795 St Andrew Undershaft
Elizabeth Ross buried 30.7.1793 St…


3.3.1807 Rossewens at mrs Hippisley's

Perhaps an Irish name but I found no trace of it in that spelling


8.7.1808 write to Rosslyn / 21.7.1808 letter from Rosslyn

James St Clair Erskine DNB 1762-1837 2nd Earl of Rosslyn was a Burkeite Whig up to 1793 then became a soldier and returned to politics in 1814 as a Tory so not a natural patron for Godwin, but he did reply


Rotherld 5.12.1794 at Foulkes'


HCR diary 8.4.1826 "to Aders where I heard melancholy news - poor Sieveking has failed - an excellent man and his family must be grievously afflicted by the blow - A: spoke of the uncertainty of the times as of an overwhelming evil and of Rothschild as a sort of general prop intimating that had not R: taken this paper of his own house they could not have gone on"

Nathan Meyer Rothschild (DNB 1777-1836). The DNB article refers to Rothschild's substantial deposits of bullion over a prolonged period in 1825 which averted a stoppage of payments by the Bank of England. For Sieveking (QV…


HCR diary 1.8.1824 see Raymond (QV*)

                 15.4.1828 shorthand passage Masquerier Rough

                 26.4.1828 to Masqueriers "where were Rough and his daughters"

               29.11.1828 call on Mrs Kay "a chat about Rough - she seemed to have no recollection of what had passed between her father and me on Rough's leaving England"

                 17.1.1829 Rough going to Tobago

                 7.10.1836 letter to Mrs Masquerier about "Rough's not being Chief Justice"

                 2.11.1836 with Masquerier "we talked about…

Rous, George

14.7.1791 Rous at Crown & Anchor and 10.1.1797 at Debrett's.

George Rous, author of Thoughts on Government 1791. Barrister and East India Company clerk. Signed Declarations of Friends to the People and Friends to the Liberty of the Press. Boyle's 1792 23 Lincolns Inn Fields. Will PCC 1802 of Bedford Sq, eldest son Thomas succeeds to property under will of friend Alexander Campbell/ late friend Henry Peckham/ wife/ brothers Thomas Bates Rous and Robert Rous



15.1.1806 call on Rouse / 20.8.1811 write to Rouse

One possibility is John Norgrove Rouse weaver who was listed in Land Tax from 1792 to 1803.as occupier of 16 Primrose Street, one of the houses in the Wollstonecraft estate Godwin was obliged to deal with as executor of his late wife. However Rouse appears to have moved on by the dates in Godwin's diary

Rousseau, Jean Jacques

20.11.1789 Rousseau talk of with Robinson. Surely Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1712-1778

7.2.1804 call on Johnson (Rousseau). Godwin was reading Rousseau on 4.2.1804 and on 8.2.1804



see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Morning Herald 15.1.1781 Rouvier (from M L'Esprit at Paris) cuts and dresses gentlemen's hair, 34 Poland St near the Pantheon (same ad in Feb and March)

Row (Rowe, Rowes)

Row 3.10.1799 adv at Curran,s / 19.10.1799 again

Rowes at Joyce's 16.1.1806 / Rowes at Hodget's 27.10.1826

Row is a common name, and Rowe (which Godwin might well have spelt Row), very common, Rowes as a surname is quite rare, and the Rowes noted above may have been a couple, plural of Rowe. If so those at Joyce's may have been John Rowe (DNB 1764-1832) Unitarian minister at Lewins Mead, Bristol, and his wife Mary who died in 1825. I have yet to study the Hodget circle. William Rowes of 26 Surry Street, Strand, gent, insured SunFire 1804.

Rowans, young

J & Ht Rowan dine 8.10.1804 / 11.3.1805 mrs Rowan & Jane call / 28.3.1805 A & F Rowan dine / 15.4.1805 young Rowans adv at dinner / 10.11.1805 F Rowan dines / 20.12.1805 Archd Rowan & 4 to theatre / 28.3.1806 G(race) M(ary) C(ooper) & F Rowan dine / 27.4.1806 GMC & Boadens dine; adv. F Rowan / 29.5.1807 F Rowan dines at Godwin's with H Rowan & others

The children of Archibald Hamilton Rowan DNB 1751-1834 were daughters, Jane born about 1785, Elizabeth who married Hamilton Sydney Beresford in Dublin in 1810, Mildred who married Sir Edward Ryan in 1808,…


Rowcrofts 19.10.1805 at Perry's / 27.3.1818 Rowcroft at Hazlitt's

Thomas Rowcroft born Bermondsey 1770 broker 27 Lawrence Pountney Lane 1795 married 1797 St Geo Han Sq Jannett Guest alderman 1802 resigned 1808, vice president of Society of Arts 1806, trustee of Surrey Institution 1807, vice president Literary Fund 1810. In 1824 appointed consul general to Peru "much aginst his will" Morning Chronicle 28.10.1823 "his habits have been thought somewhat eccentric but he has considerable aptness for business and is indefatigable in whatever he undertakes". He was killed on 11.12.1824 by…

Rowe, magistrate

HCR diary 24.4.1823 Kelly, Mrs Aders first husband fined for drunkenness outside Aders' house "I spoke with the sitting magistrate Mr Rowe - or Roe" "R: said he was going to talk about family matters but I would not listen to him. Mr A's servant has since told me that Mr Cameron whispered to Mr R: that it was a family matter"

See Cameron (QV*). Sir Frederick Adair Roe born 19.3.1789 created baronet 1836 died 20.4.1866 when baronetcy expired see Burke's Peerage & Baronetage between 1837 and 1866. Will proved effects under £120,000

Rowlandson, Thomas

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

Thomas Rowlandson DNB 1757-1827 lived at 50 Poland St from or before 1787 with his aunt Jane Rowlandson who had brought him up and a servant Mary Chateauvert. His aunt Jane died there April 1789 (her will PCC 1789), he had moved to the Strand by Christmas 1791 / ratebooks 50 Poland St 1789 Thomas Rawlinson / SunFire 1790 Thomas Rowlandson gent 50 Poland St

DNB says his companion and executrix Betsey Winter died in 1835 and that there is a drawing reputedly of her by him from the late 1780s. If she was the…

Rowlandson, Thomas

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

Thomas Rowlandson DNB 1757-1827 lived at 50 Poland St from or before 1787 with his aunt Jane Rowlandson who had brought him up and a servant Mary Chateauvert. His aunt Jane died there April 1789 (her will PCC 1789), he had moved to the Strand by Christmas 1791 / ratebooks 50 Poland St 1789 Thomas Rawlinson / SunFire 1790 Thomas Rowlandson gent 50 Poland St

DNB says his companion and executrix Betsey Winter died in 1835 and that there is a drawing reputedly of her by him from the late 1780s. If she was the…


dr Rowley 4.10.1799 adv at James Marshall's / 8.7.1800 (in Ireland) Rowley at Caldwell's / 12.9.1818 sleep at Rowley's (Southend)

Dr Rowley may have been William Rowley DNB 1742-1806. Rowley in Ireland perhaps Clotworthy Rowley of Granby Row or Hon Clotworthy Rowley of Mountjoy Sq both Dublin 1795