A-Z of Entries

Lane, William

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

William Lane gem engraver 59 Poland St 1789 (Royal Academy)  DNB 1746-1819 / Richard Lane ratebooks 50 Poland St 1792-5 57 Poland St 1795 / Richard Lane bur 25.4.1797 St James / will PCC 1770 of Richard Lane wine merchant of St James mentioned brothers Joseph & William Lane


Lanesborough's 29.12.1799 / 19.1.1800 again / 12.6.1802 meet Lanesborough,SM, EBD / 3.3.1807 King, L Lanesborough at mrs Hippisley's ? 8.3.1807 dine at Plunket's, w. King, L Lk

I think all the above entries referred to John King's wife the Countess of Lanesborough. Another possibility would be her son by her first marriage Lord Lanesborough, but I think that unlikely. At the two dinners at Lanesborough's at least half the guests also appeared at King's dinners. Lady Lanesborough was probably present at most of the dinners at King's (they were said to be inseparable) and Godwin didn'…


S Laney 4.3.1798 at Bath with E & M Jones / 5.3.1798 Laney at Richardson's, Bath with Jones's / 14.3.1798 Jones's & Laney to Chippenham (from Bath) / 27.6.1798 S Laney calls / 29.6.1798 Laney calls / 14.4.1799 meet miss Laney (after dining at Tooke's) / 21.4.1799 H(olcrof)ts, L Jones & miss Laney dine

The first entry was with two Jones sisters (see Jones, Margaret) also identified by their initials, the next two plain Laney with Jones's, the next used the S initial again, and the last is miss Laney with L Jones. I suggest these were all one unmarried female whose first…


Lang 23.7.1795 at Hannah Godwin's & 4.12.1801 Lang at Northmore's

for the 1795 entry see Laing, Charles


Langhorn, William

8.2.1806 call on Wordsworth & Langhorn / 10.2.1806 call on Langhorn & Report Office; adv. Wordsworth / 11.2.1806 call on Langhorn / 2.4.1806 call on Wordsworth & Langhorn / 7.4.1806 Langhorn calls / 31.5.1806 call on Langhorn / 4.6.1806 again / 5.6.1806 again / 3.7.1806 call on Langhornn / 25.7.1806 call on Langhorn / 15.8.1806 again / 16.8.1806 Langhorn calls / 25.8.1806 call on Langhorn / 2.9.1806 again / 7.6.1807 meet Langhorn

6.4.1790 Richard Wordsworth witnessed articles of clerkship William Langhorn to James Lambert attorney / William Langhorn = Holborn…


Langley 6.3.1798 sups after Bath theatre / 5.6.1798 sups on Godwin's first night back in Bath / 8.6.1798 sups again with Ellistons & Randalls / 9.6.1798 dines with R Jones / 8.2.1799 at (John) King's / 10.2.1799 R(ichard) & L(ouisa) Jones, Langley & Dyson dine / 10.10.1808 Institution:Langley

Possibly John Langley appr 1794 to Nathaniel Bayley attorney of Bath, his will PCC 1849 mentioned widow Elizabeth Ann, witnesses were testator's clerks. A John Langley married Elizabeth Ann Walkins (7.7.1805 Bristol, 9.10.1805 Rodborough Glos). Eliz Ann Langley widow in 1861 census…

Langridge, William Balcombe

26.2.1804, 27.2.1804. This was William Balcombe Langridge attorney of Lewes. see Godwin, Harriet and Steel, Jeremiah.

Langshaw, Thomas

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Thomas Langshaw 39 Poland ST (Crispin) ratebooks 1779-88 / Thomas Langshaw = St James 27.12.1776 Esther Webb botp banns / note Richard Webb was the previous tenant of the Crispin and he had married Betty Langshaw in 1770 / an Esther Webb dau of William & Esther was bapt 4.4.1741 St James / John Thomas s of Thomas & Esther Langshaw bapt 7.8.1777 St James / Hannah d of Thomas & Esther Langshaw bapt 11.12.1778 St James / Morning Herald 13.5.1784 lease of Crispin in Poland St occupier Thomas Langshaw at £43 p.a. for sale…



25.11.1804 Langslow calls / 27.11.1804 call with Langslow on Alexander / 21.5.1805 Langslow calls / 27.7.1805 write to Langslow / 25.8.1805 Langslow calls / 23.11.1805 again / 1.12.1805 again / 8.12.1805 Langslow (calls?) / 9.12.1805 call on Langslow / 13.12.1805 meet Langslow / 2.1.1806 Langslow calls / 5.1.1806 call on Langslow / 19.9.1808 Langslow calls / 20.9.1808 Accounts, Langslow / 23.9.1808 Langslow & Alexander call / 24.9.1808 Langslow & Ash call

Possibly Richard Langslow MD died Hot Wells Bristol 24.12.1813 aged 60, will PCC 1813 (wife Sarah…

Lappan, Lucy

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

Lucy Lappan 2 Poland St ratebooks 1787-97 / SunFire 1777 Lucy Lappin mantua maker opposite Little Marlborough St, King St, Oxford St / SunFire 1786 Lucy Lappan mantua maker Poland St / SunFire 1804 Lucy Lappan & Hannah Sawyer 7 Silver St Golden Sq // 1772 Samuel Lappan of Bruton St = Miss Sawyer of Kirby St, Golden Sq / 1786 ad re Dr James' Powder, attempt to sell it by his former footman Samuel Lappan / Lucy dau of Samuel & Lucy Lappan born 22.9.1773 bapt 11.10.1773 St James, buried 24.6.1812 Westminster…

Lapworth, James

James Lapworth = Christ Church Newgate 1786 Mary Willby
St James Piccadilly rates James Lapworth £15 Carnaby Street East 1787 to 1803 (7 houses from LCS member John Moody)
SunFire 1788 James Lapworth 8 Carnaby St baker
Harriet Elizabeth d. of James & Mary Lapworth born 13.3.1792 bapt 15.6.1792 St Jas Picc'y
Alfred s. of James & Mary Lapworth born 11.4.1794 bapt 9.7.1794 St Jas Picc'y
James Lapworth baker Carnaby St on Westminster coroners' juries 17.5.1788, 7.8.1794, 29.8.1796, 27.10.1798

Letter 24.5.1794 James Hartley to Henry Dundas: James…


Lathorp 14.2.1802 at King's. Lathrop in Godwin's 1796 list for 1802 / 21.3.1802 again / 4.4.1802 Lathorpe at King's

The GD website has a person record for Murray Lathrop with relevant editorial notes but no diary entries are coded to it. The fullest account of Lathropp is A History of the Families of Skelt, Somerscales &c p166 though sources are not given the facts are mostly checkable, though I could find no other source for the suggestion that he was an illegitimate son of George III, something he would have been likely to have claimed and which King George would have been…

Latter, Thomas

30.9.1788 interview with Thomas Latter of Hertfordshire, esquire / 5.10.1788 letter from mr Latter / 5.10.1790 call on mr Latter morning & afternoon / 10.10.1790 note from Latter. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1788 and in 1794 version

A newspaper report of 1.2.1773 announced the marriage of Thomas Latter junior of the Strand, childbed warehouseman, to Miss Elizabeth Dashwood, near relation of Lord Despenser, at the Savoy church. A Sun Fire Insurance record of 1808 (Guildhall MS11936/445/816828) had Thomas Latter Esq of Gadebridge House, Hemel Hempstead, Herts and Beaufort Buildings…


Four Courts, Lattin v Duigenan 25.7.1800. Lattin in Godwin's 1796 list for 1800 / 30.7.1800 Lattin at Cockburn's / 3.8.1800 Latten at Brown's

Covered by event tag on 25.7.1800 in GD website but not coded to a person record. The action which Godwin attended (according to the Dublin Evening  Post of 5.8.1800) was in fact Lattin v Milliken, the printer of Duigenan's pamphlet, at the Court of Exchequer and damages of sixpence and costs of sixpence were awarded by the jury


Laugh 4.4.1798 at Joseph Godwin's (&Lea)



HCR diary 8.10.1831 "dinner at Aders, but Laurent the painter and a Mr Corbould were there so we had not much conversation"

                  13.10.1831 "Laurent who is cleaning A's pictures is in raptures at their excellence"

There were a number of French painters at the time called Laurent or Laurens, none of them is said in the art dictionaries to have visited England. Jean Francois Laurent born Brussels 1773 was probably the most likely, as he was said in Benezit to have been a painter and art restorer. Joseph Bonaventure Laurens 1801-1890 made extensive travels in Europe…


W & H Laurie at tea 30.8.1803 / 11.1.1805 3 Lauries adv at dinner / 30.8.1805 4 Lauries adv at dinner / 14.1.1806 again / 9.7.1806 Laurie, DS calls / 11.12.1812 Rev Laurie calls / 2.11.1822 Laurie of Stowmarket calls

Possibly John Laurie of 2 Polygon (see Oracle & Daily Advertiser 15.6.1799). His father was Robert Laurie 1725-1774 will PCC 1774 trussmaker of Bartholomew Close London and his mother was Ann Laurie who died 12.3.1813 age 83 will PCC 1813 widow of Holloway. His brother William 1754-1827 will PCC 1827 gent of Cheshunt Herts and his sister Rebecca 1757-1836…


Laval 29.12.1799 at Lanesborough's / 19.1.1800 again

Perhaps Anne Alexandre &c, duc de Laval, 1747-1817 will PCC 1817 marshal of France 1783, who was certainly in England in August 1799 as the Oracle of 14.8.1799 reported his departure for Switzerland with his two sons, one of whom, Anne Pierre Adrien 1767-1837, succeeded him as duke and would have been styled marquis de Laval at the time (Hoefer, Nouvelle Biographie Generale). There are biographies of father and son in Adolphe Robert's Dictionnaire des Parlementaires Francais which I haven't yet seen

Lavell, James

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

James Lavell 21 Poland St ratebooks 1784-6 / SunFire 1784 chandler & wine cooper Poland St / SunFire 1788 cooper & turner 24 Whitcomb St / wine cooper Whitcomb St voted Hood 1788 & 1790 / Wakefields directory 1790 wine cooper 24 Whitcomb St / coroners jury 1793 cooper Whitcomb St / wine merchant St Martins La voted Maxwell 1818 / James Lavell = St Marylebone 11.1.1784 Mary Spink / their sonJohn born 27.9.1784 bapt 10.10.1784, dau Lydia bapt 11.2.1793, dau Elizabeth bapt 9.3.1795 all at Grays Inn Lane Independent /…


call on Fell (Laver's) 13.1.1804 / 13.4.1804 Fell at Laver's / 20.12.1813 Day writes to Pattison & Laver

The first two entries above referred to Godwin's friend Ralph Fell who'd been arrested for debt. Three of the Laver family were officers of Giltspur St Compter, William of 1-9 Chancery Lane, Joseph of Took's Court Cursitor St and Benjamin of 92 Chancery Lane, the last two kept safe custody houses. See work notes below for others of the name in London