A-Z of Entries


3.11.1807 call on Kerslake

Only instance of this name in Godwin's diary. Possibles:

Thomas Kerslake brewer 19 Marshal-st Carnaby-mkt SunFire 1783, voted Paull 1806 Holdens directory 1811
Thomas Kerslake coal merchant Brewer-st voted Paull 1806 (will PCC 5.3.1827 Thomas Kerslake of Marylebone perhaps one of these)
Kerslake tailor 16 Devonshire-st Queen-sq Holdens 1811
Mary Kerslake single woman vendor of medicines 46 Salisbury-sq (Old Bailey 2.7.1806)
John Kerslake victualler The Crown, Essex-st Strand (Old Bailey 10.1.1816)
James Kerslake…

Ketting, Mrs

meet Sarah Elwes & mrs Ketting 31.5.1800 / 26.3.1800 mrs Ketting at Sarah Elwes'

Perhaps a Dutch name


14.9.1796 mes(dames) Kettle & Lloyd at Foulkes'

Godwin used the mes to include married and unmarried ladies. The only other Kettle in his diary were 2 Kettles at his mother's funeral in Norfolk in 1809, unlikely to be the same person as this entry

Kettle, William

see Poland Street number not known in London Addresses dataset

William Kettle of Poland St Soho signed (as witness) release at Middlesex Sessions 7.9.1795 / Middlesexs Sessions7.9.1789 affidavit of William Kettle clerk to Messrs Fletcher & Nicholls attornies of Gerrard St Soho


Keylocks 13.4.1800 at Southgate's

see Southgate. John Keylock glass grinder 11 Hatton St 1785, looking glass manufactory 11 Hatton Garden 1790


Keys 8.4.1805 at Philips / 18.6.1805 again / 7.10.1805 Keys jr calls / 31.6.1806 Keys at Philips / 7.5.1807 again

see work notes below

Kidston, James

James Kidston 2 Little Love Lane, Aldermanbury joined "unnumbered division"  (QV) 5.5.1794

James son of James & Sarah Kidston bapt 11.5.1774 St Luke's (this might be him)
Land Tax 1795 North St, St Lukes £16 Jas Kidston

Next 2 lines probably him, as this division was closely linked with Hon Artillery Co, and Little Love Lane was near St Alban Wood St
Morning Post 8.8.1801 Lt James Kidston, Hon. Artillery Co.
James Kidston bach of St Alban Wood St = Lambeth 10.4.1802 Martha Taylor otp sp by lic (Faculty Office) wit Martha Lowndes

(probably not him…

Kiesewetter, Christoph Gottfried

HCR diary 17.5.1822 "dinner party at Aders - a musical genius there Kiesewetter - whose performance when I was told it was super excellent I could perceive to be good"

Christoff Gottfried Kiesewetter 1777-1827 now most famous for the Stradivarius violin he owned. He was first violin at His Majesty's Chapel Royal Hanover and his first performance in England was at Drury Lane Theatre in 1821, see Morning Post 29.3.1821. He died in London in 1827


Kilburn 13.2.1805 at Joseph Johnson's

Perhaps William Kilburn DNB 1745-1818 artist and calico printer, his will PCC 1819


Kilkenny 25.9.1800 at mrs Plunket's

Perhaps Edmund Butler 1771-1846 who married 1793 Mildred dau of Robert Fowler (DNB 1724-1801 archbishop of Dublin) and was created Earl of Kilkenny 1793, but he was said to have been insane by 1799. Mary Kilkenny widow of St Pancras will PCC 1843


Kimberley 31.12.1800 at Mary Robinson's funeral, Old Windsor

PCC wills William Kimberley of Windsor 1809 (mentioned sons William Lewin & Avery, grandsons George & James, nephews Thmas saddler of Windsor and his brother a cooper in London, Mrs Huguenin 33 Haymarket London, her brother John Kimberley late grocer of Windsor, Mrs Keppel, friends Stephen Kinsey & wife, Joseph Cutting & wife, 10 Bartletts Bldgs Holborn, Mr Charles March late of Salt Hill but now of Dover St, Piccadilly) Thomas Kimberley 1812 Avery Kimberley grocer of Windsor 1813 wife Judith. Possibly one…


1.12.1793 dine at Jennings with Holcroft & King / 22.4.1795 King at Holcroft's / 14.5.1796 tea Reveley's with Woodford & King / 21.9.1796 dine at Reveley's adv C King / 7.3.1797 3 Kings call / 30.4.1797 Opie & King call (not in) / 7.11.1797 dine at Reveley's with King & Lowrys / 13.12.1797 King at Aldis's / 3.5.1800 Bedford House adv C King / 16.10.1800 meet (Shd) King / 7.12.1804 meet Marshall, (J King) & Lamb / 11.9.1805 (from Ipswich) coal coach with King, Waterhouse, & capitaine / 17.2.1812 mrs King calls / 13.1.1814 seek King / 14.1.1814 call on King / 17.1.…

King, C

C King at Reveley's 21.9.1796 / 3.5.1800 C King at Bedford House

Could be Charlotte Byrne (nee King) DNB 1782?-1825 dau of John King, or his son Charles

King, George

19.4.1802 write to Geo King / 20.4.1802 again

Abinger c7 f115-20 has George King's letter to Godwin of 17.4.1802 from Liverpool and his two further letters of 21.4.1802 and 22.4.1802. He was clearly a son of John King DNB c1753-1824, perhaps by a Scotch woman (Mary Barbara Mackay?), and claimed to have had no education but reading and writing and to have spent 9 months in a school in Yorkshire where the pupils were put to farm work. He had got into debt in London, gone to sea and ruptured his groin. In the first letter he said his father had discarded him, but by the second he had…

King, Jeremiah

Morning Post 16.4.1795 LCS ad for subs for state prisoners received among others by Jeremiah King, 183 St John St, Clerkenwell

Jeremiah King otp = St Jas Clerkenwell 7.5.1792 Ann Mansfield otp banns sigs, wit Wm Chaplin

SunFire 1797 Jeremiah King 9 Green Walk, Southwark gent. No clear identification


King, John

JOHN KING 1753-1824

CURRENT TEXT "Although they lived as husband and wife for forty years it does not appear that they married."
SUGGESTED CHANGE <They married at St Chad Shrewsbury on 4 January 1790, when her son Augustus Butler was a witness.>

FURTHER AMENDMENT John King's death date should be August 1823 not August 1824. See Gents Mag Feb 1824 p184 and Morning Chronicle 23.8.1823

Jan 2015 the DNB has adopted my corrections and credited my website in the Sources. See also my unfinished Background Article, King of the Swindlers


19.12.1801 meet, at Fenwick's, Kingden, &c, £75

The surname spelt Kingden is virtually nonexistent, so this was probably Kingdon, common in Devon particularly, or Kingdom, less common. The only other amounts of money noted in Godwin's diary around this time were 4.9.1801 £30 to Ht (=Holcroft) and 11.12.1801 £262 (which had Ht beneath it in very small letters). Thomas Holcroft's letters to Godwin show that Godwin and James Marshall were looking after his financial affairs in London while he was in Europe. In his letter from Paris dated 1.1.1802 (Bodleian Abinger c7 f80-1) he…

Kingdon, Peter

See Castle Street East 1 to 15 &c in London Addresses dataset

No 10 Castle St East Land Tax 1796-1798 Messrs Kingdon & Davis 1800-1805 Peter Kingdon

SunFire 1792 Peter Kingdon & Richard Davis perfumers 402 Oxford St (Charles Braxtone gent, owner?) / Peter Kingdom bach otp = 20.7.1798 St Marylebone by lic Ann Stanley wid otp wits Elenr & Heny Masburne Marr Lic 19.7.1798 PK perfumer (and), 21 yrs & upwards. (A Joseph Kingdon had married an Ann Stanley 2.8.1792 St Giles Cripplegate) / will PCC Peter Kingdon of Enfield Highway wife Ann nephews Wm Toutt (?), Wm…


GODWIN DIARY:  Kingsbury 11.6.1791 at Disney's, with Charlesworth

Benjamin Kingsbury formerly a dissenting minister at Warwick, by 1797 supplying razors, toothbrushes &c at 85 Piccadilly and 3 Mitre Court, Fleet St. According to Surman Index born 1765 at Warwick, studied 1783 at Daventry under Thomas Belsham (DNB 1750-1829), minister 1786 at High St Warwick, 1790 at Oat St, Evesham (see Worcester Archives 898.4/5196/2/i) "very clever, has good dispositions" "conduct has been very inpudent, and singular". He published 1791 Prayers for the Use of Families, 1792 The Christian…


7.1.1798 Kingslake at Holcrofts

Kingslake is a rare name but may have been an alternative spelling of Kinglake, as both are found chiefly around Taunton, Somerset in this period. The Coles and the Braddocks who were also at Holcroft's that night had West Country connections. Robert Kinglake (DNB 1765-1842) according to Farington's diary p630 met Richard Duppa (DNB 1768-1831) by arrangement in Dresden and they travelled together perhaps to Vienna, Constantinople and Rome. If this was him he was probably newly returned from Europe and soon to set up practice as a doctor at Hot Wells,…