A-Z of Entries


dine with Hopkins 7.8.1800

See Godwin's letter Bodleian Abinger c6 f36-7. Presumably a militia officer, not yet identified

Hopkinson, Charles

HCR diary 10.6.1834 "obtained from Hopkinson's Aders' account which I sent him"

Hopkinson's bank at 3 Regent St, built in 1825, architect George Stanley Repton (1786-1858). Their previous address was 6 St Albans St, Pall Mall.  Charles born 3.1.1804 baptised St James Piccadilly son of Charles 1772-1830 (will PCC 1830) and his wife Arabella (nee Sainsbury) whom he married 21.8.1798. His grandfather George Caesar Hutchinson (will PCC 1825) founded the bank in 1795. Charles Hopkinson (1804-1882) married 27.4.1837 Clara Bunny. Their country seat was at Wotton, Glos, Charles Hopkinson's…

Hoppner, John

In Godwin's 1796 list for 1796 but not coded to his person record in GD website

Hopwood, James

JAMES HOPWOOD 1745x1754-1819
CURRENT TEXT "Hopwood died in London on 29 August 1819 and was survived by his sons James Hopwood the younger (b.c.1795) and William Hopwood (1784-1853), both of whom were born in Beverley and followed"
SUGGESTED CHANGE <Hopwood died in London on 29 August 1819, his age given at burial at St Pancras was 68. With his wife Elizabeth he had at least eleven children, all but the youngest one were baptised at Campsall near Doncaster before he came to London. His sons James Hopwood the younger (bapt. 1791) and William Hopwood (bapt. 1783-1853)…


HCR diary 29.11.1820 "at Aders - a large party there - chiefly of German merchants, including my old acquaintance Hormann"

Marquardt II p 82-5 Johannes Hörmann born in Hamburg active in business in London but without his own firm, very musical, introduced to Robinson by William Rough (DNB 1772/3-1838). He left England in 1811 and returned in 1816, living from 1817 with William Benecke, through which connection Robinson met Benecke. Hormann worked on translating German works into English, he returned to Germany in 1821 but Robinson saw him in England on 30.1.1825 when "Hormann…

Horne a to Dunning

13.7.1793 Horne a to Dunning p.20.

This should be coded in Godwin Diary website as a text. A Letter to John Dunning, Esq by Mr Horne. published 1778 by J Johnson, London

Horne, James

James Horne joined unnumbered division (QV) 26.2.1794 London St, Fenchurch St. (usually called Old London St)
Jas Horne 10 Old London St admitted Chr Smedley to St Thomas Hospital 10.9.1789

None of the James Horne records below seem to have had any links with Fenchurch St which is near Bishopsgate where Lestourgeon and Page, the two earlier members of this division lived. Maiden Lane and Huggin Lane were both near Aldersgate, half a mile to the west, and Holborn a mile to the west.

James Horne (son of Richard Horne Esq deceased by Sarah now wife of Samuel Tice of…


dine with Hornes 7.8.1800

See Godwin's letter Bodleian Abinger c6 f36-7. Presumably (one or two?) militia officers, not yet identified


22.10.1806 dine at Perry's, Merton w. Hornihold

Hornyold was a Catholic family of Blackmore Park, Worcestershire
Charles Hornyhold of Lombard-st, London bankers
will PCC 13.8.1823 of Charles Hornyold of the Strand Middlesex
will PCC 8.2.1814 of Thomas Hornyold of Blackmore Park


26.3.1810 Horrocks calls

Possibly the MP for Preston and cotton manufacturer Samuel Horrocks History of Parliament 1766-1842 or his son Samuel 1782-1817 who was buried at Chiselhurst, Kent. His address in his will and his father's in 1811 directory was cotton manufacturers of 9 Bread-st Cheapside. No other Horrocks in London trades directory 1811or in bbti. A Christopher Horrocks was discharged from the Kings Bench debtors' prison in 1809



Horsefall, Chapter Office, Westminster 2.8.1803

See letter to Godwin (Bodleian Abinger c6 f116). Rev James Horsfall, Cloisters, Deans Yard, Westminster (Holden's1811). Late librarian of the collegiate church died 5.7.1817 age 64 (newspapers) buried Westminster Abbey 11.7.1817. Not found in Oxford, Cambridge or Dublin lists. Perhaps a son of James Horsfall, son of Joseph of Slaithwaite Yorks, who was admitted Middle Temple 1767 librarian there from 1767-1776 and Under-Treasurer 1776 till his death in 1785.


Horseman's 4.6.1797 at Oxford / 13.1.1800 Horsman calls / 14.1.1800 again / 15.1.1800 call on Horsman / 15.7.1816 Horseman (& Underwood) call / 26.10.1816 Horseman calls (not in) / 17.12.1818 Horseman calls / 17.2.1836 again

Godwin and Basil Montagu visited Horseman's at Oxford. This could have been either John Horseman adm Corpus Christi college 30.3.1792 age 16, BA 1795 died 14.8.1844 will PCC 1844 or his brother James adm Magdalen college 25.7.1794 age 15, BA 1798 died 10.8.1844 will PCC 1844, sons of John H, cleric of Souldern, Oxon 1734-1806 will PCC 1807. or both of them.…

Hort, John

28.3.1793 see Sir J Hort at Barry's (more likely Henry than James Barry?)

John Hort 1731-1807 consul at Lisbon 1767, 2nd son of Josiah Hort DNB 1674-1751

Horton, Watts

Sir Watts Horton of Chadderton near Manchester proposed Society for Constitutional Information 3.11.1780 by Thomas Bentley 2nded Adam Walker

Born 17.11.1753 died 15.11.1811 married 3.6.1778 Henrietta (who died Bath 15.10.1830) dau of James Stanley erroneously styled Lord Strange (son of Edward 11th Earl of Derby and father of Edward 12th earl of Derby) Only child Harriet Susanna Anne born 4.1.1790 see Burke's Extinct Baronetcies 1844.  Eton & Cambridge.  Succeeded as baronet 1774. High Sheriff Lancs 1775. Steward of Manchester horse races 1776. Chair of Lancaster Society 1777.…

Horwell, Charles

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Charles Horwell 33 Poland St ratebooks 1780 / Charles Horwell bach = St Pancras 27.8.1780 Ann Davies botp banns wits Thomas Horwell, Frances Davies / Charles Horwell ratebooks Little Pulteney St 1783 / Charles Horwell sculptor exhibited Royal Academy from 1785 address 3 Tottenham Court Rd / 10.9.1796 criminal registers Isaac Peyton stone mason sentenced to 7 yrs transportation for stealing Charles Horwell's marble slab / Gunnis, Dictionary of British Sculptors Charles Horwell b 1754


mrs Horwood (R Wilson) 11.9.1805 at mrs Grimsby's, Stowmarket

Rebecca & John children of Robert Horwood & Hannah were baptised 1799 at Chelsworth Suffolk some 8 miles south of Stowmarket

30.3.1810 Horwood calls / 1.4.1810 again / 29.12.1810 seek Horwood

There were a few Horwoods not far from Godwin in Skinner-st in Holdens directory 1811. Samuel Horwood butcher Newgate-market (his will PCC 1838) / James Horwood Esq 66 Wynyatt-st sheepskin salesman & Thomas Horwood 122 St John-st sheepskin salesman. There was a William Horwood bookseller 36 Ludgate-st but…

Horwood, Nathaniel

see Batemans Buildings in London Addresses dataset

Nathaniel Horwood 14 Batemans Buildings ratebooks 1777 / N Horwood signed St Anne Soho ratebooks 1780 / Nathaniel Horwood ratebooks Dean St, St James 1770-1774 / Nath Harwood ratebooks 1784 Pultney Court, St James / SunFire 1777 Henry Hickson gent at Mr Horwood's, 14 Batemans Buildings / Henry Hickson will PCC 1780 gent of York mentioned contacts and property in London but not Horwood or Batemans Buildings / Henry Hickson = St James Picc'y 23.2.1764 Mary Killiner of St Martin i t Fields by lic wits John & Mary Bassi / Nathaniel…


call on Hoskins 25.11.1804 with M(ary) J(ane) (pro Roscio) / 29.11.1804 H Rowan calls (pro Roscio) / 1.12.1804 theatre Barbarossa with 4 Rowans / 3.12.1804 theatre C(ovent) G(arden) / 8.12.1804 theatre, Douglas / 3.11.1805 Hoskinses at H Rowan's / 19.12.1805 call on Wroughton, adv Bettys, read / 4.3.1806 Hoskins at H Rowan's

Master Betty (William Betty DNB 1791-1874) made his first appearance on the London stage on 1.12.1804 at Covent Garden, which Godwin and the Rowans attended, Godwin went to see the second performance, again as Achmet in Barbarossa, on 3.12.1804, and his first…

Hossick, Vanderlyn, Achard

names & addresses on flyleaf of Godwin's diary vol xv: Hossick, Vanderlyn painter, Jas. Achard 16 Bloomsbury-sq / 24.4.1809 Hossick calls

For the other names on the flyleaf see Graves, William; Davis/Davies after 1805; and Randolph, David Meade. I can find nothing to suggest who Hossick was except presumably a friend of Burr's. John Vanderlyn 1775-1852 wikipedia was a friend of Burr's and was in Paris in 1809. James Achard was listed in directories at 8 Gt Ormond-st in 1802 and 1805, and in Land Tax lists 1806 to 1809 at Bloomsbury-sq, in a fairly substantial house rental £100.…


Housselaer 26.4.1795 at King's, 21.9.1795 there, 19.10.1795 adv at theatre, 9.11.1795 at King's, 3.12.1795 there

This was quite likely Godwin's mis-spelling of Haussoullier (sometimes spelt Haussoulier). See work notes below for similar names from the Low Countries, perhaps this was a French variant. At any rate Haussoulier was a very interesting character and a likely guest at John King's table. Notes & Queries Jan to June 1863 p 91 gave no sources but the facts check out well with records, saying he was a French Jew and fortune-hunter who married the wrong lady by mistake. The…