A-Z of Entries

Jebb, Ann

31.3.1792 Mrs Jebb and 3.5.1792.

Ann Jebb (nee Torkington) DNB 1735-1812. John Disney and Thomas Northmore swore to her handwriting in her will (PCC 1812). Formerly of Parliament St, Westminster, then of St Martin's Lane, then of Half Moon St

Jebb, John

GODWIN DIARY In Godwin's 1796 list for 1785 (crossed out). Also in 1794 version

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION John Jebb original member 1780, elected vice-president 8.12.1780, a very regular attender. In tract distribution took on Huntingdonshire (his wife's home county). See DNB 1736-1786

SunFire 1777 Craven St, Strand. Will PCC 1786, Doctor of Physick, Strand. Dr Williams Library has his notebooks and papers, North Yorks Record Office his letters to Christopher Wyvill 1781-1785


Jefferies 15.3.1790 at Brand Hollis' / 14.12.1796 Jeffries at House of Commons / 18.1.1801 mrs Jeffreys at Charles Lamb's / 9.9.1801 Jefferies at Charles Lamb's / 31.10.1801 Jefferies at D Stuart's. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1801 / 14.9.1814 Jefferies calls

The likeliest at Hollis' in 1790 was Edward Jeffries (1726?-1814) blackwell hall factor 52 Lothbury 1772; director Union Fire Office 1781; treasurer of St Thos hospital Southwark 1787; Socy for Abolition of Slave trade; subscr to Jebb's Works 1787, Wm Gordon's America 1788, £100 to Hackney Coll 1788; Unitarian Socy 1791 or his…


5.6.1808 dine at Knowles's, w. Fuseli, Jeffery / 7.8.1808 dine at Jeffery's, Eltham, w. Bonnycastle & Knowles / 7.5.1811 Jeffery, & British Institution w. M J & T T / 5.1.1817 call on Jeffery (among 8 incl. Knowles) / 9.2.1817 call on Jeffery, adv. Brougham / 7.3.1831 call on Jeffery (not seen)

I think these could all have been Francis Jeffrey DNB 1773-1850 who has a person record on GD website but only mentions of him in Edinburgh are coded to him. The 1817 adv. Brougham is especially likely to have been him. To edit the Edinburgh Review meant he was probably often in…


Jekyl 4.5.1801 adv at theatre / 23.7.1834 call on Jekyl (not in)

Both these entries could have referred to Joseph Jekyll DNB 1754-1837 lawyer & politician


HCR diary 1.7.1821 "dined at Sieveking's met Dr Jenckel physician 2 New London St, Crutched Friars, translates English poems into German - a little dogmatical and a little mystical - I might say he is very much so"

                13.11.1821 "I called on Dr Jenckel 37 Gracechurch St. I sat a couple of hours with him - we talked about English poetry - he is an able man - his wife a respectable woman - but I fear they have not the means of continuing here"

                22.11.1821 "went to Sieveking - an agreeable chat with them - they want an introduction to Aders for…


Jenkins 26.10.1794 at Gray's


Jenkins, Caleb

22.1.1789 Cal Jenkins at Robinson's and C J there on 24.1.1789.

Caleb Jenkins d.1792 (see R Pollard, Dublin Book Trades). In Lottery Office trade with Luke White and James Potts (see their entries)


Jenner 21.2.1803 at Northcote's ( & Northmore)

Quite likely Edward Jenner DNB 1749-1823. He had interests in art (see Farington diary vol3 p660 &c, though no Northcote connection there)

Jennings, (Ireland)

Jennings 12.7.1800 dines (in Ireland) / 20.9.1800 meet Jennings, Id (in London) / 25.9.1800 tea mrs Plunket's with 2 Jennings's / 28.9.1800 meet Jennings, Dobbs & O'Reily / 2.10.1800 meet Jno. Jennings & Burne / 16.1.1802 meet Curran, Bennet & Jennings / 15.4.1804 coach,adv Jennings / 4.10.1805 Jennings Irish at Curran's (Irish is at end of day's entry in GD website transcription but see original) / 21.1.1806 meet Jennings / 6.10.1806 Jennings at Curran's / 20.10.1809 again / 22.10.1811 meet Jennings (with Curran) / 29.10.1811 Jennings with Curran at Hatchet's / 26.11.1811 seek…

Jennings, Edmund

29.1.1789 Jennings at B Hollis' / 30.5.1789, 4.11.1789, 27.1.1790, 21.12.1790, 2.3.1791, 11.4.1791, 14.7.1791, 9.1.1792 and 31.3.1792 there / 2.6.1797 Jennings at B Hollis' / 22.6.1798 meet E Jennings

Edmund Jenings, mentioned in Brand Hollis' will (PCC 1804) and present at most of Brand Hollis' dinners when Godwin dined there. Wrote a work on the peace with America 1778 and a dispute with Henry Laurens 1783. In 1791 listed as member of Unitarian Society, address Wright's Hotel, Soho Sq. On 13.6.1792 he chaired meeting at London Tavern of Society for Commemorating the Glorious…

Jennings, Joseph Clayton

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION Joseph Jennings of Hart St, Bloomsbury proposed member 19.6.1792 by Joseph Gerrard 2nded Robert Merry

GODWIN DIARY first entry 5.9.1793, for earlier Jennings entries coded to him in GD website see Jennings, Edmund

For details of his life see my BACKGROUND ARTICLE William Godwin, the Reveleys and the Jenningses

Jennins, Stephen

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION Stephen Jennins of Wellington, Salop, proposed member 9.5.1783 by Edward Hall 2nded James West

Baptised Wellington 1748 of John & Mary Jennins / married at Cannock, Staffs 1773 Susanna Stokes / father's will PCC 1780 mercer & grocer / brother Edward's will PCC 1804 / (sister?) Elizabeth will PCC 1812 / his will PCC 1816 banker of Wellington


Jervis 13.1.1798 at B(rand) Hollis' / 19.5.1801 Godwin calls on / 23.5.1801 again / 25.5.1801 again / 7.1.1802 Sw. .Jervis calls / 11.1.1802 adv at theatre / 4.3.1802 adv at Joyce's / 11.05.1802 again / 12.12.1802 call on Tho.Jervis / 5.11.1805 adv at Joyce's / 12.12.1805 call on Tho Jervis / 20.3.1807 adv at Joyce's / 11.7.1807 calls / 27.9.1809 Godwin calls on / 26.5.1810 calls / 2.6.1810 again / 6.8.1811 Godwin calls on / 2.1.1812 again / 24.1.1812 meet / 1.2.1812 Godwin calls on / 17.2.1802 Godwin writes to / 13.5.1812 Godwin calls on

Thomas Jervis DNB 1748-1833 Unitarian…

Jervoise, Jervoise Clarke

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION Jervoise Clarke Jervois of Hanover Square proposed member 29.3.1782 by Rev Charles Powlett 2nded William Hodgson

historyofparliamentonline Clarke (afterwards Clarke Jervoise), Jervoise (?1733-1808)


12.4.1806 call on Joachim (not seen)


SunFire 1777, 1778 Thomas Joachim tea dealer & merchant, Cannon-st, SunFire 1785 Upper Thames-st, 1786 Howard-st Strand / SunFire 1790 William Joachim carpenter George-st, Battle Bridge / SunFire 1796 William Joachim Gt Portland-st, victualler / SunFire 1802, 1804 Lewis Rene Joachim distiller & rectifier Paddington Green & Phoenix-st, Somers Town / PCC 14.2.1805 John Joachim tallow chandler St Mary at Hill / PCC 3.7.1817 Mary Joachim tallow chandler 29 St Mary-hill / PCC 21.11.1822 John Chapman Joachim gent  Chancery…


Jobson 16.3.1800 at John King's


Jocelyn, Conyers

Godwin's diary Vol VII f 46v the first name in the 1796 list, Jocelyn. In the 1794 version Sir C Jocelyn

Conyers Jocelyn, of Hyde Hall Sawbridgeworth, baronet and Doctor of Medicine, died unmarried 1778 when the baronetcy went to his cousin and merged into the Earldom of Roden, see Burke's Peerage which wrongly gives his date of death as 1771. William Godwin's younger brother was christened Conyers Jocelyn Godwin on 8.1.1761. Godwin seems to have stayed at Hyde Hall on his way to London in 1773


Johns 17.1.1795 at Powel's


Johnson (Cowper)

Johnson Cowper 21.4.1801 at Joseph Johnson's

John Johnson DNB 1769-1833