A-Z of Entries

Laing, Charles

Lang at miss Godwin's 23.7.1795

Because Hannah Godwin seems to have been friends with the Andersons (see Anderson, James) and particularly with his son George, I speculate that this Lang entry may have referred to Charles Laing 1771-1826 mentioned in George Anderson's will PCC 1817 as his partner.

Probable events of his life were / born 21.1.1771 bapt Perth 27.1.1771 son of James Laing & Elizabeth Broun / married St Mary Portsea, Hants 4.9.1799 Mary Barton / brazier, ship chandler & merchant 1805-1817 305 Wapping; 8 Bennett's Wharf nr church Rotherhithe; Limehouse…

Laing, Malcolm

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Malcolm Laing Esq of 11 Southampton Buildings proposed member 11.5.1792  by Lord Daer 2nded John Farnell Tuffin, WITHDRAWN

Malcolm Laing 1762-1818 (historyofparliamentonline 1790-1820). Signed declaration of Society of Friendsa of the People 26.4.1792 / Morn Post 7.3.1794 counsel with Adam Gillies & Archibald Fletcher to Joseph Gerrald at his trial in Edinburgh / Morn Post 20.1.1796 in minority who voted for Erskine as dean of Edinburgh Law Faculty / Oracle 10.11.1796 joined Whig Club 8.11.1796 / Oracle 26.6.1800 ad for his History of…

Lake, Gerard

gen Lake 12.9.1800 on boat from Dublin

Gerard Lake DNB 1744-1808

Lally Tolendall, Gerard de

18.3.1796 Lally at Debrett's

Gerard de Lally Tolendall 1751-1830 Wikipedia. Came to UK 1789 returned to France 1799.

Lamb, Charles

chez lui 25.12.1800

lui is underlined (unidentified person) in GD website but clearly referred to Charles Lamb

Lamb, John

John Lamb 9.8.1804 at Lamb's / 24.6.1807 sup at Lamb's, w. 3 J Lambs / 25.3.1815 call on M(ary) Lamb; adv. J Lamb / 21.10.1815 call on J Lamb (not seen), w. C(harles) Lamb / 21.2.1819 call on John Lamb / 7.3.1819 John lamb calls

John Lamb 1763-1821 deputy accountant at South Sea House, brother of Charles Lamb DNB 1775-1834. See Letters of Charles & Mary Lamb

Lamb, John

24.6.1807 sup at Lamb's, w. 3 J Lambs

Charles Lamb's brother John Lamb (1763-1821) and his family, which consisted of a woman of about his age (referred to by Charles Lamb as his wife) whose husband was still alive, and her daughter by her husband who was aged about 20. I have discovered their names and life stories but am keeping it secret for a bit, while I wait for the response of the Charles Lamb society to my offer of a mini-talk and/or an article in their bulletin. The "secret" is of course available to anyone with access to the internet and to Ancestry who could do the…

Lambe, Aaron

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

Aaron Lambe 8 Poland St ratebooks 1777 / Aaron Lambe auctioneer Pall Mall 1759 / Daily Advertiser 4.8.1777 pictures for sale of a gentleman moving to the country 8 Poland St / Aaron Lambe died 30.11.1777 at Mortlake, JP for Middlesex, Major in Middlesex Militia / will PCC 6.12.1777 Aaron Lambe of Poland St Esq dated 8.4.1774 mentioned wife Anne, daus Susanna wife of Mr Thomas Underwood, Anne Caroline wife of Edward Comber Esq, sister Mary wife of Thomas Newborne, wife's daus Mary, Ann & Elizabeth Paschall,…

Lambe, William

dr Lambe 12.10.1794 at Parr's.

Clearly William Lambe DNB 1765-1847 who is coded correctly in GD website on 23.6.1795. According to DNB he moved to Warwick 1794. His will was PCC 1851 of Kentish Town

Lambert, Elizabeth

see Batemans Buildings in London Addresses dataset

Elizabeth Lambert spinster 1 Batemans Bldgs SunFire 1779 / no clear identification as fairly common name / will PCC 1797 Elizabeth Lambert spinster (housemaid to Sir John Thorold of 25 Cavendish Sq) / will PCC 1847 Elizabeth Lambert o/w Frost sp 66 Lambeth Walk

Lambert, James

7.2.1793 Lambert delegate to LCS genl cttee from Div 28, same on 11.4.1793 when his name appeared on an LCS handbill as an address where a petition could be signed Lambert's bookseller 3 St George's Mall. 27.6.1793 Richard Hodgson delegate for Div 28, James Lambeth subdelegate. 29.8.1793 Lambeth delegate in place of Hodgson. 11.11.1793 Div 28 meeting place 4 St George's Mall, opposite Dog & Duck. (Thale p 48, 59, 60, 80, 91. 92) and Nat Arch TS 11/963 examination of spy Metcalfe says Div 28 met at Citizen Lambert's, 3 St George's Mall on Mondays. LCS Committee of Constitution 21.2.1794…

Lambton, William Henry

In Godwin's 1796 list for 1787 and in 1794 version

William Henry Lambton (History of Parliament 1764-1797)

Lameth, Charles

C Lameth 1.4.1795 adv (at Gray's). In 1796 list

Three brothers Theodore 24.6.1756 - 19.10.1854 / Charles 5.10.1757 - 28.12.1832 / Alexandre 28.10.1760 - 18.3.1829

General Evening Post 23.10.1792 M. Charles Lameth has been some days in London / London Chronicle 8.11.1792 duel with Comte de Chauvigne near London / Morning Chronicle 25.3.1793 letter from Charles Lameth & Richelieu d'Aiguillon re: article in Times / Brightwell, "Amelia Opie" p55 / St James Chronicle 9.9.1795 C Lameth in Hamburg / Morning Post 24.9.1797 & 10.10.1797 C Lameth at Basle

Lamoth, Peter

see Poland Street 10 to 18 & 45 to 48 in London Addresses dataset

Peter Lamoth 14 Poland St ratebooks 1780-1, 1782 ran away / SunFire 1779 Peter Lamoth surgeon 14 Poland St / 3.2.1780 coroners inquest Peter Lamoth surgeon of Poland St witness


call on Lancaster 10.10.1805 / 1.11.1805 again / 1.4.1807 Lancaster at Philips' / 19.10.1808 call on Lancaster / 20.7.1809 again / 25.7.1809 again / 8.8.1809 Lancaster's lecture / 15.8.1809 at Lancaster's / 26.9.1809 call on Lancaster, broker / 10.11.1809 call on Lancaster / 5.1.1810 again / 10.1.1810 call on Lancaster (£108..6.) / 18.2.1811 call on Lancaster / 12.6.1811 again

Joseph Lancaster DNB 173-1838 educationist was probably the lecturer of 1809. The nearest lecture to that date by him I found in newspapers was on 3.8.1809 at the Jews Chapel Spitalfields, but he was giving…


Landaff 29.12.1799 at Lanesborough's

The GD website has coded this to Richard Watson the Bishop of Llandaff but I think more likely it was Francis Mathew, ist Earl of Llandaff (Dict irish Biography 1738-1806). His son Francis James (Viscount Matthew) had married 10.7.1797 Gertrude La Touche,acousin of Elizabeth LaTouche who had married 17.1.1781 Robert Herbert Butler, 3rd earl of Lanesborough and Lady Lanesborough's eldest son


NCR diary 21.5.1832 with Landor "We went first to Mrs A: and had the good luck to find her going to the gallery and we accompanied her - L: was exceedingly delighted with their pictures - some of which he declared with his usual exaggeration to be finer than Raphael etc however his judgement seemed in substance to be that of Mrs A: and I daresay they were pleased with each other"

25.5.1832 "with Mrs Aders - An interesting rather than comfortable chat about Landor who is high in favor on account of his admiration of their pictures - and Mrs A: says his judgement is quite…

Landseer, Mrs

CRABB ROBINSON DIARY 25.5.1820 Mrs Lanseer, mother of the artist - radical views

                                                  12.6.1827 "the late Mrs Lanseer was a firm believer and Unitarian Christian"

I could find no trace of the death of Mrs Ann Landseer but she seems to have been the person Crabb Robinson was referring to (see below for details). In noting her Christian beliefs Robinson was defending her against those who confounded her radical views with disbelief. He could not have meant John Landseer's wife Jane nee Potts who lived till 1840



Cha. Lane calls 17.11.1801 / 24.11.1803 M J (=Mrs Godwin) calls on Lane / 1.12.1803 again / 20.9.1808 Lane at O'Hara's / 26.4.1810 call on Lane / 28.6.1814 miss Lanes at Kenney's / 5.5.1830 call on Lane (Ulster Place) / 9.7.1830 Lane calls / 16.7.1830 expect Ric. Lane / 19.8.1830 call on R Lane / 23.8.1830 Lane adv at supper / 17.9.1830 Lane at (FM) Reynolds' / 20.7.1832 seek Lane / 21.1.1836 Lane at Kenney's

The Lane at Ulster Place in 1830 must have been Richard Lane DNB 1800-1876 lithographer, as a newspaper ad of his (Atlas 21.5.1826) gave his address as Ulster-pl, Portland-pl.…

Lane, Miss

HCR diary 31.5.1822 at Aders "The two Miss     were there - the elder has a romantic face - They are great favourites with Mrs A: - we had whist - I read Wordsworth to the Miss     and we were regaled with delicious wine and a good supper - we came home late"

                    14.6.1822 "to Aders. The Miss Lanes there - Miss L: senr is a governess at Mr Eaton's near Newmarket" (next passage in shorthand) "pressed me much to call on her, and offered to come and meet me at N: She is an agreeable woman and Mrs Aders praised her much but cannot account for her being so very prevenant…