A-Z of Entries


call on Downman 3.4.1802

Perhaps John Downman DNB 1750-1824 (which says he was itinerant after 1800). Compare call on Cosway 20.3.1802, both uncommon names, both could have been the artist of that name, and both called on by Godwin once but never featured in his diary again.

Downs, John

MILL VOTERS 1802:  John Downs of Richmond

John Downs = St Geo Mayfair ("clandestine") 14.5.1752 Mary Millner (both?) of Richmond / John Arthur Downs bapt 18.7.1756 Richmond son of John / John Downs bapt 1,1,1759 Richmond son of James / John Givell Downs bapt 5.2.1760 son of Thomas / John Downs bapt 5.10.1783 Richmond of John & Elizabeth / Land Tax 1786 Richmond John Downs White Cross Row / Land Tax  1803 John Downs Whitecross Row / letter 30.3.1811 from Wm Raymond  & John Downs of Richmond re stone & chalk at Sunbury, Guildhall COL/TNC/01/005 / William son of John &…


Dowse 5.8.1792 at Watts's

Dowse & Fleming, stationers Lincolns Inn Gateway 1790 BM Satires, Jacob Dowse printseller & publisher nr Turnstile Holborn 1791. Most likely as similar profession to host (see Watts, William)

John Dowse appr to Robt Fawcett attorney of St Geo Bloomsbury 1770/ attorney Bartletts Bldgs Holborn 1784, 2 gns to Hackney College 1788/ Unitarian Socy 1792, Warwick Ct/ 1792 steward of friends of asylumfor industry East St Walworth (Undertaking for Reform of the Poor) with Henry Clifford, Charles Shuter, William Fletcher/ 1792 John Dowse of Bedford Row…

Doyle, John

18.11.1829 tea sir John Doyle & mrs Wheeler / 23.5.1830 dine at Bulwer, w. sir John Doyle / 7.6.1830 tea M(ary) W S(helley)'s, w. Doyle, 2 Bulwers / 23.7.1831 Bulwer's, w. sir J Doyle

John Doyle DNB 1756-1834. First at tea with his niece Anna Doyle Wheeler (qv), then with Bulwer who had married A D Wheeler's daughter Rosina in 1827

Doyley, John

sir Jno Doyley 6.7.1800 (calls at Curran's?). In Godwin's 1796 list for 1800

Sir John Radley D'Oyley Hist of Parl 1754-1818 6th baronet, MP for Ipswich, = 1780 Diana, widow of Wm Cote of Calcutta, dau of Wm Rochfort bro of Robert Rochfort 1st Earl of Belvedere. Out of English parliament 1796, returned to India 1803 after wife's death. (A Lt Genl D'Oyley = Dec 1802 miss Thomas sau of late Dean of Ely)


SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION:  Capt Drake of Wells proposed 7.5.1790 by John Lockhart 2nded Hollis & Cooper

Francis son of Rev Francis Drake vicar of Seaton & Beer, Devon, & Elizabeth his wife born & bapt 22.4.1764, bapt publicly 15.6.1764 / Francis Drake rector of Uplyme and vicar of Seaton & Beer, son of Thomas Drake of Yardbury Esq by Dorothy his wife dau of William Palmer of Combrawleigh clerk. He married Elizabeth eldest dau of Charles Tudway of Wells, Esq (his will PCC 1770) and died 5.4.1769, bur 9.4.1769 Colyton/ Francis Drake = St Marylebone 19…


20.1.1796 at Mary Hays' with Draper & Brown / 31.3.1809 dine at Hume's with Draper / 21.12.1813 at Maldon, Essex, Day breakfasts, adv Draper / 22.12.1813 again

According to Marilyn Brooks, The Correspondence of Mary Hays, Godwin met Hugh Draper again at Mary Hays but she gives no more information on him. Can she mean Henry Draper elected lecturer at St George the Martyr Southwark 15.3.1796 resigned March 1808, who would have been a neighbouring preacher to Brown if he was Mary Hays' pastor Michael Brown (see Brown)? Catherine bapt 15.10.1794 & Henry bapt 25.1.1801 children…

Draper, William

TS 11/963 examination 22.5.1794 of Frederick Polydore Nodder, for whose spy reports on LCS in April & May 1794 see Thale. Mentioned William Draper who lived somewhere in Clerkenwell and was preacher at London Wall, Draper also mentioned in Hayward's examination 27.5.1794. No other evidence that Draper was sympathetic to reform or the LCS.

Lloyds Evening Post 21.3.1791. Rev W Draper, Sunday afternoon lecturer of All Hallows Londom Wall, of 5, Bowling Green Lane, Clerkenwell. Wife and 9 children, £40 lectureship, classical and mathematical tuition. late curate of New Church…


28.6.1807 Drew at Philips'

A Drew also appears later in Godwin's diary from 1826 to 1833 but I haven't researched him and he was unlikely to have been the same person. Among authors (since Phillips was a publisher) perhaps the most likely was Richard Drew whose Description of a balance level was published in Nicholson's Journal xx 344 (1808). I found no more about him unless he was Richard Drew attorney of 3 Cliffords Inn (Holdens 1802). Other less likely authors were Samuel Drew (DNB 1765-1833) a metaphysical Methodist, and the Rev Edward Drew a patriotic Anglican. In Holdens 1811…


Drury 23.3.1794 at Hubbard's

Thomas Drury & James Harrison printers & booksellers Paternoster Row 1780

Thomas Drury carpet manufacturer Covent Garden voted 1796 Fox & Tooke / Sun F 1805 carpet warehouse Piazza, Covent Gdn & Red Lion Sq / will PCC 1819 of Holborn


13.12.1809 call on Dry, w. M(ary) J(ane)

Abraham Dry pawnbroker & silversmith 17 South-st Manchester-sq & 32 St Martins-la Charing-cross. Only Dry in Holdens 1811 trades directory, probably the same as  A Dry esq 36 Upper Charlotte-st in 1811 court directory. His will PCC 1820


HCR diary 29.12.1821 "Evening at Aders - the Masqueriers, Jenkins and a Mr & Mrs Dubusson were there - musick and engravings produced"

I found two or three possible couples. Thomas Du Buisson of Lawrence Pountney Lane merchant died 1843 at Newcastle upon Tyne age 65, his will PCC 1843. His father Peter will PCC 1813 of Glynhir, Carmarthenshire) had married Margaret Birt on 2.6.1775 at Newland, Gloucestershire, and he married Elizabeth Birt on 23.10.1809 also at Newland. In the 1841 census they were both living at Wandsworth Common.

Jean Abraham Du Buisson baptised 11.7.…

Duchatz, Wenceslaus

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

Wenceslaus Duchatz ad 11.1.1788 harp teacher at 8 Poland St now returned from Yorkshire / Sarah Eliza dau of Wenceslaus Duchatz & Sarah Eliza bapt 22.5.1797 St James / Sarah Duchatz age 29 buried 5.2.1802 St James / ad 1804 Duchatz harp teacher 2 Phillips Place, New Rd / Wenceslaus Duchatz = St Martin in the Fields 13.6.1803 Ann Chaplin / George s of Wenceslaw & Ann Duchatz bapt 10.9.1806 Lambeth / Ann Duchatz = 8.8.1819 St Mary Newington to William Coleman / Sarah Eliza Duchatz = Samuel Raynes 23.10.1834 St…

Duche, Jacob

SWEDENBORGIANS: Rev Jacob Duche, chaplain to Orphan Asylum, St Georges Fields. Theosophical Society 1783, Sunday evening meetings in his home, he was in England 1778-1792 but he did not join the New Church in 1788

See American National Biography Online Jacob Duche 1738-1798


Duchemin calls 7.3.1799

Rev Louis Jean Duchemin bur St Pancras 7.4.1797 age 77 / Rev Andie Duchemin bur St Pancras 17.11.1807 age 73 / John Du Chemin bur St Geo Bloomsbury 15.1.1826 of Hart St / Duchemin land tax Pelham St, ChCh Spitalfields to 1796, Peter Duchemin Long Acre land tax 1797-1816 bur St Martins i t F 10.3.1816 age 63 of Long Acre / Peter Duchemin carver & gilder Long Acre took appr Daniel Ryde Duchemin 1805 / Daniel Ryde Duchemin bapt 27.11.1791 ChCh Spitalfields s of James & Ann, James D = Ann Abner St Dunstan Stepney 6.1.1788, their children bapt at St…


Duckworths 2.2.1804 at Lamb's with Fenwicks / 3.2.1804 Duckworths & Fenwicks dine / 6.2.1804 Duckworths adv at Fenwicks

see Vaughan, Priscilla. John Fenwick's sister Mary and her husband. See letter from Eliza Fenwick in Fate of the Fenwicks


see Ward, William (lord Dudley)


Duff 28.9.1800 at Perry's



Four Courts, Lattin v Duigenan 25.7.1800

Covered by event tag in GD website on 25.7.1800 but not coded to a person record

Duke Street

tea, Duke Street 3.7.1798

Godwin sometimes identified a venue by address rather than name. It seems likely this was one of his contacts named in the diary but I haven't at present guessed whom. It may emerge later or please add comment. Or try searching my website on "Duke St"