A-Z of Entries

Mulready, Mrs

mrs Mulready invited to dinner 27.12.1805 / 19.6.1806 callon mrs Mulready with M(ary) J(ane)/ 26.6.1896 again / 18.10.1806 call on mrs Mulready / 23.8.1807 mrs Mulready adv at dinner / 21.7.1808 mrs Mulready sups / 6.11.1809 meet mrs Mulready / 30.3.1810mrsMulready sups / 27.5.1810 call on mrs Mulready

William Mulready DNB 1786-1863 married in 1803 Elizabeth Robinson Varley 1784-1864 sister of John Varley DNB 1778-1842. They were separated by 1809

Mumford, Mrs

mrs Mumford calls 12.8.1805 / call on mrs Mumford 13.8.1805

see work notes below

Mumford, Robert

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London addresses dataset

Robert Mumford 34 Poland St rate books 1776-83 / Robert Mumford = St James 5.10.1775 botp banns wit John Marsh / Elizabeth dau of Robert & Elizabeth Mumford bapt 22.12.1776 St James / Robert Mumford Poland St voted 1780 Fox & Rodney / ad 1783 Mr Mumford's coal dealer / William Stephen son of Robert Mumford born 15.9.1778 bapt 25.8.1784 St Gregory by St Paul / Robert Mumford adult bur 11.3.1790 St Marylebone / will PCC 1726 Robert Mumford collier of Holborn


12.10.1901 chaise w. Philips's : call on Munday, Oxford / 1.4.1807 dcall on Philips; adv. Munday / 10.4.1813 write to Munday / 5.6.1813 call on Munday, Oxford / 1.9.1823 call on Munday

Joseph Munday bapt 24.3.1771 St Peter i t East Oxford of Joseph & Susannah / Joseph Munday of St Martins Oxford = All Saints Oxford 1.8.1802 Martha Robinson / Joseph Munday published University & City Herald from 1806 / 1809 Joseph Munday printer, Oxford / 1817 Munday & Slatter printers Oxford / 1841 census 26 SWt John-st Oxford / Bury & Norwich Post 13.3.1844 Joseph Munday printer…

Munden, Joseph Shepherd

14.11.1806 meet Reynolds & Munden / 21.4.1817 at Drury Lane Theatre; see Munden, Kean, Oxberry &c. / 16.10.1823 Munden at tea at Bacon's

Joseoh Shepherd Munden (DNB 1758-1832). First entry above he was with playwright Frederic Reynolds, second entry in list of famous actors seen at theatre. Third entry less certain

Munford, William Green

Munford 5,5,1800 calls / 11.5.1800 again / 12.5.1800 dines / 21.5.1800 at tea / 19.6.1801 write to Montfort / 2.3.1802 again

Bodleian Abinger c15 f51 letter to Godwin from James Madison bishop of Virginia and president of Williamsburg University dated 20.11.1799 and introducing Munford who had already astonished th world at 17 years old. His letter to Godwin dated 25.11.1801 New York Abinger c6 f80-1 signed himself Montfort. He was presumably the William Munford 1775-1825 whose entry in Allibone follows that of his father Col Robert Munford. Another William Green Munford was born…

Munnings S

S Munnings 23.4.1793 Godwin writes to.

Godwin had been visiting his friend Leonard Munnings who was jailed probably for debt and died soon after on 11.5.1793. His father Leonard grocer of Bildeston Suffolk had married Alice Scott widow of the same parish there 4.3.1741 and was buried there 17.5.1779 in his 56th year, 'formerly an eminent shopkeeper of Stowmarket', his will Norwich 1779. Mrs Leonard Munnings was buried at Bildeston 25.3.1806, but she could have been the mother or the widow of Godwin's friend, (if he was married).. Shadrach Munnings maltster of Stowmarket was in a…


HCR diary 3.6.1818 at British Gallery with Mrs Smith, the futre Mrs Aders "Mrs S made me attentive to the brilliant lights of Hobbema and made me half a convert to her preference of Cuyp over Claude"

A longish passage on how the future Mrs Aders influenced Robinson's taste in art, but compare his visit the previous month to the gallery with Munro, who seems to have influenced him in much the same direction. Probably Hugh Andrew Johnstone Munro (DNB 1797-1864)

Murphy P

9.8.1810 P Murphy calls

A Patrick Murphy was officer of the night where a pickpocket crime that had occurred in Skinner-st was reported on 19.5.1811 though this was perhaps not the same Skinner-st where Godwin lived. A Patrick Murphy stonemason Marlborough-row St James Westminster voted Burdett 1818. Patrick Murphy DNB 1782-1847 could conceivably have been this caller. There was also a Phineas Murphy Old Bailey 18.9.1816 victim of a theft but no address given. And a Peter Murphy law officer in 1811. All these from London Lives

Murphy, Cornelius

see Newman Street 1 to 9 in London Addresses dataset

Old Bailey 29.3.1792 a very interesting trial, read it online (London Lives or oldbaileyonline) concerns theft from lodgers at 2 Newman St, the house of Robert Christie (QV*). Elizabeth Meyles spinster had been living there on the first floor with Captain Cornelius Laen Murphy for four months, passing as his wife. William Garrow (DNB 1760-1840) counsel for the accused, a "black" from Pondicherry, tried to imply in his cross-questioning that Meyles and her fellow lodger Margaret Smith (on the second floor) were engaged in…

Murray, Edward Augustus

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

Edward Augustus Murray gent SunFire 1777 nr Broad St Poland St / Edward Murray gent Poland St voted 1784 Hood & Wray / ratebooks 4 Poland St 1780 Agnes Murray 1781-4 Mrs Mackie. True Briton 30.11.1796 Edward Augustus Murray Esq died at his house in Charlotte St, Rathbone Place. His will PCC 1796 mentioned his housekeeper Agnes Mackie and her sister Mary wife of William Benson, mother of children Charles Benson to whom he left house in Wimpole St, James Benson to whom he left public house corner of Goodge St,…

Murray, James

Murray perruquier 13.1.1793 adv at Holcroft's

Probably James Murray (will PCC 1798) barber of Lower Holloway, Islington, formerly of St Martins le Grand. Sun Fire insurance 1780 perukemaker, hairdresser & perfumer of Paternoster Row. His will mentioned James Cornfoot of Hertford St, Fitzroy Sq, confectioner who was a member of London Corresponding Society (Thale)

Murray, Lord William

L W Murray 20.1.1794 at Muir's / 9.5.1795 La. Murray at Reveley's

Lord William Murray born 20.3.1762 3rd son of John Murray 3rd Duke of Atholl. Served in America 1777, Capt 42nd foot 1778; 1784 fought duel in East Indies with Lt Gilbert Waugh who died 3 days after; 1787 envoy to Lower Egypt; 1789 married Mary Ann daughter of James Hodges, lived at Tidmarsh, 1 son, 1dau; was at Bath 13.11.1791, writ issued 11.1.1792 for debt by James Sims, wine merchant, Henry Chawner (qv) one of many creditors; Lady Murray gave birth to a child in Wright's lock-up house; 21.4.1792 to Kings Bench…

Murray, William

William Murray, Clements Lane, Lombard St joined 28.5.1794 the "unnumbered division" (QV)

William son of William & Elizabeth Murray born 16.10.1793 bapt 3.11.1793 All Hallows Lombard St
Elizabeth dau of William & Elizabeth Murray born 30.4.1796 bapt 22.5.1796 All Hallows Lombard St



21.12.1810 Wardmote, St Brides; adv. (Murrel)

Wm Murrell auctioneer 20 Skinner-st (Holdens directory 1811). St James Chronicle 25.12.1810 Murrell was one of the 16 re-elected to Common Council in the ward of Farringdon Without, which was a radical ward at that time (e.g. its common councilmen voted unanimously to protest Burdett's arrest June 1810). William Murrell was baptised 5.4.1778 St James Clerkenwell son of Stephen & Elizabeth and apprenticed in the Barbers Company to his father Stephen of Ray-st Clerkenwell auctioneer in 1792. Stephen's will PCC 1802


museum 20.1.1797 / 25.1.1797

These two entries should surely be added to those starting on 11.8.1802 event-tagged in the GD website to the British Museum. Although the first 3 entries in 1802 stated British Museum in full, Godwin soon reverted to writing simply Museum and only used the full form 4 more times out of hundreds of visits


Myers 27.11.1799 at Charles James Fox's, St Ann's Hill

Possibly Thomas Myers DNB 1774-1834 mathematician but he doesn't seem a very probable visitor of Fox's. Another random possible Dr Joseph Hart Myers 1758-1823 (Monk's Roll)

Mylius, William Frederick

24.6.1808 call on Mylius, w. M(ary) J(ane)

William Frederick Mylius bapt 1776 St Martin i t Fields, s. of Charles & Elizabeth.  Ad in Morning Chronicle 11.1.1810 for books published by the Godwins, including Mylius's School Dictionary with preface by Edward Baldwin (pseudonym of William Godwin), and Junior Class Book by W F Mylius, Master of the Academy, Red Lion Sq. He was still alive in 1861 census Chelsea and perhaps in 1864 as voter in South Mimms, but I couldn't find a record of his death

N & H

22.11.1790 demele N & H

probably Nicholson and Holcroft



sup at Philips's Haverstock Hill with M(arshall) [N N] 15.9.1803

I've racked my brains with this N N. Robert Watt's Bibliotheca Britannica vols 3 & 4 (1824) had book titles and subjects in alphabetical order, which gave me New Nomenclature, which referred to the post Lavoisier chemical names. A translation of Dumas came out in 1801 and one of Hassenfratz in 1807. James Marshall certainly undertook translation work, so this is one possible suggestion for N N