A-Z of Entries

Knight, Richard

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Richard Knight 21 Poland St ratebooks 1795-1800 / coroners jury 1799 Richard Knight mattress maker Poland St / Richard Knight = St James 5.4.1795 Edith Heast botp by banns (wits Wm Moon, M Potter)

Knight, Robert

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION; Robert Knight of Welbeck Strret, Cavendish Square proposed member 24.1.1794 by Count Alvise Zenobio 2nded John Horne Tooke

GODWIN DIARY: Knights 27.6.1795 at Lord Dormer's & 28.6.1795 Knight calls

these need adding in GD website to Robert Knight, 1768-1855 (History of Parliament) illegitimate son & heir of Lord Catherlough (DNB 1702-1772) of Barrellls Hall, Henley-in-Arden married 12.6.1791 Hon Frances Dormer dau of Charles 8th Baron Dormer. Stood as MP for Warwick 1792. Sheriff of Warwickshire 1797. Awarded £7000 in 1805 from…


Knighton 28.5.1803 / 3.3.1809 Dr Knighton at Joseph Johnson's / 2.2.1810 again / 14.12.1810 Knighton at Johnson's / 12.3.1827 Knighton adv at Northcote's / 3.6.1827 Lady Knighton & fils at Northcote's / 10.6.1827 letter to Knighton / 11.6.1827 write to Knighton / 5.7.1827 again / 1.8.1827 call on Knighton & secretary of state / 3.8.1827 call on Knighton / 26.10.1830 call on Nortcote adv Knighton

Very likely  William Knighton DNB 1776-1836 courtier and physician, moved to London 1803, made a baronet 1812 and became advisor to George IV (which fits Godwin's writing to him) and…


28.3.1809 Lambs & R Lloyd sup / 30.3.1809 tea Ward's, w. Knotts & R Lloyd / 13.7.1809 write to Knott & Lloyd / 11.10.1809 write to Knott / 19.1.1810 write to Knott & Lloyd / 22.7.1811 write to Wedgwood & Knott

Jonathan Knott c.1767-1814 bookseller and stationer of Birmingham in 1808 took into partnership Robert Lloyd son of Charles Lloyd DNB 1748-1828. Robert Lloyd and his brother Charles Lloyd DNB 1775-1839 were friends of Charles Lamb. Robert Lloyd married Hannah Hart at Nottingham in 1804 and died in 1811

Knowles, Helena

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Knowles & MacDonald  36 Poland St ratebooks 1782-4 / SunFire 1782 Knowles & Fanny McDonald 36 Poland St milliners / SunFire 1785 & 1787 Helena Knowles milliner Cranbourn St / Helena Knowles milliner of Cranbourn St took appprentices 1785 & 1786 / Helena Knowles bapt 1.5.1756 Clewer, Berks d of Francis & Elizabeth / Joseph Renock Browne bach age 36 of St James = 26.1.1790 St Anne Soho Helena Knowles sp otp age 32 / will PCC of Helena Browne formerly Knowles milliner of Cranbourn St, Leicester Fields proved 17.…

Knowles, Mary

mrs Knowles 8.12.1794 see at Thelwal's trial / 18.12.1794 at Foulkes' / 22.11.1800 at Carlisle's / 26.9.1804 meet. In 1796 list near end of 1794.

Mary Knowles DNB 1733-1804 poet, widow since 1784 (tagged as identified in GD website but no data in person record). Maybe also 6.6.1796 hustings, presently coded to John Knowles, if she had here "earned" the plain surname Godwin used for independent women like Wollstonecraft and Mansel. Her interest in the trial suggests a possible interest in the election


Knowlson, George

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

George Knowlson 39 Poland St (Crispin) ratebooks 1800-1 / George Knowlson bach = St Marylebone 29.8.1793 Sophia Miles sp botp / John s of George & Sophia Knowlson bapt 24.7.1796 St James / George s of George & Sophia Knowlson bapt 14.4.1799 St Marylebone / coroners jury 1799 George Knowels victualler Poland St / Old Bailey 28.5.1800 witness George Knowlson kept Crispin public house Poland St next door but one to Mrs Mills (QV*) re murder of Bartolomichi (QV*) / Jane d of George & Sophia Knowlson of Paul St, bapt 7.3.…

Knowlys, Newman

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION Newman Knowlys of Essex Court, Temple proposed member 17.11.1780 by Sidney Hollis Foy 2nded Samuel Vaughan

Newman Knowlys DNB 1758-1836


Dr Knox 9.11.1791 at Bosse's / Knox 13.1.1802 at Wycombe's / 6.9.1821 Knox dies / 27.6.1828 call on Dr Knox

The 1791 and 1821 entries above have been coded on the GD website to Vicesimus Knox DNB 1752-1821, correctly in my view. The 1802 entry (which is uncoded in GD website) may have been him also but no special reason to think so. Of the Knox entries in the Dictionary of Irish Biography the one with the most radical sympathies was George Knox 1765-1827, the others were stong government supporters. The 1802 entry could well have been him. The Dr Knox of 1828 was certainly Thomas…

Knox, James

see Poland Street 10 to 18 & 45 to 48 in London Addresses dataset

James Knox 17 Poland St ratebooks1777-1788 Ann Knox 1789-90 Andrew Knox & William Wilson 1792-1800 // 26.11.1780 gift of hare to Mr Knox of Poland St from Thomas Woods Knollis 7th Earl of Banbury (Hampshire Archives 1M44/67/fol39) / 9.12.1783 James Knox of Poland St died at Bushey. His will PCC proved 12.2.1784 by widow Ann dtaed 17.7.1783 at Sparrows Hearn, parish Bushey, Herts, James Knox of Poland St taylor late of Pinner mentioned Dr Robert Knox physician (his will PCC 1790) Mr George heming of Bond St…


Knyvet's 21.4.1799 / 23.6.1830 Knyvet adv at Bain

Charles Knyvett DNB 1752-1822 organist of Chapel Royal from 1796, married 1772 Rose Alloway who d.1807 / his sons Charles Knyvett DNB 1773-1852 married 1795 Jane Laney, William Knyvett DNB 1779-1856 married 1801 Sarah Laney (see Laney), & Henry Knyvett 1773-1844 army officer


M(arshall) dines; agreement for Krimee 26.3.1802

See Bodleian Abinger c7 f95 and c7 f101, letters from Thomas Holcroft in Europe to Godwin. Holcroft sent Voyage dans le Crimee to give Marshall a book worth translating, it had already been translated from Russian to German to French, and was published by Robinson in 1802 as Travels in the Crimea, by a secretary to the Russian embassy. It had to compete with two other travel books on the Crimea issued in England in 1802

Krudener, Rebecca

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

SunFire 1781 Rebecca Krudener widow 63 Poland St / Rebecca Krudener = St James 30.11.1782 William Walker


Kyan 16.8.1800 on post coach Chirk to Shrewsbury

Perhaps John Howard Kyan DNB 1774-1850, his father John Howard Kyan of Mount Howard, Ballymutagh, co. Wicklow who died 1804, or Esmonde Kyan DNB 1750-1798. Not everyone Godwin met accidentally got into the DNB but a remarkable number did and Kyan is not a very common name even in Ireland

Kyd, Stewart

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION; Stewart Kyd of Middle Temple proposed member 23.11.1792 by John Balmanno 2nded John Horne Tooke

Stewart Kyd (DNB d.1811). Bapt 3.7.1758 Arbroath, Angus of Harry Kid and Helen née Fullerton. Admitted Middle Temple 15.6.1782 called to bar 22.6.1787. His younger brother Henry was admitted Middle Temple 1786.


HCR diary 22.3.1838 "I have some hope of obtaining throughh L'Evesque an introduction to Seguire"

Seguire was William Seguier (DNB 1772-1843), keeper of the National Gallery from 1824 (QV*). Robinson wanted to sell some of Aders' pictures to the Gallery. The most prosperous Levesque in London was Peter Levesque of 29 Guildford St, Russell Sq, who was Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, of the Royal Geographical Society, and active in the Royal Literary Fund. He was probably born 31.7.1779 of Pierre Levesque and Anne Olivier and baptised 18.8.1779 or born 6.6.1781 of Louis Daniel…

La Chausee

la Chausee 19.1.1800 at Lanesborough's

Major La Chausee, le comte de la Chaussee "Memoire militaire sur Bantry" 26.4.1797 (Kent History Centre / photopol.com/articles/bm_corr.html). La Chaussee had to show Thomas Pelham 2nd Earl of Chichester how to load a mortar 13.8.1797. Not in British Army Lists. Probably Charles de la Chaussee, Seigneur de St Aubin (Dictionnaire de la Noblesse Francaise)

Lacy, Willoughby

Lacy 13.7.1799 at Sheridan's

Willoughby Lacy 1749-1831 (Highfill Burnim & Langhans) was partner with Sheridan in Drury Lane Theatre


call on Lahee 12.8.1805 with Dawe

Because Godwin called on Jones copperplate printer with Dawe two days before, this was probably James Lahee, copperplate printer of 30 Castle St East who appeared in Pigot's Directory 1822 though not in Brititsh Book Trades Index. He had married Esther  Kirton 13.8.1804 at St George Bloomsbury


Laing 3.2.1799 adv at Mackintosh's / 28.7.1807 Johnson's w Laing, bookseller / 30.6.1809 at Johnson's Laing, br, & son / 27.7.1810 at St Paul's with Laing & two

Malcolm Laing DNB 1762-1818 (or perhaps his brother Samuel DNB 1780-1868) may well have been the Laing at Mackintosh's. The three entries at Joseph Johnson's (the last after his death but at his shop at St Paul's) may have  referred to William Laing DNB 1764-1832 bookseller & publisher. He lived in Edinburgh and travelled abroad, the DNB mentions his sons and the br may have stood for bookseller (see Hayes, Major…