Bruhl, Hans Maurice, Count de

Submitted by edpope on

Bruhl 27.5.1799 at John King's. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1799 / 21.6.1799 again / 17.11.1799 again / 26.3.1800 again

1797 Count de Bruhl box 86 Kings Theatre Haymarket. Hans Maurice Count de Bruhl late minister from the court of Dresden his will PCC 1809 of 33 Old Burlington St mentioned his son George (will PCC 1855) his dau Mrs Scott, his wife Mary (will PCC 1811 her late father Thomas Chowne, her cousin General Tilson) nephew Henry Louis Count de Bruhl in Germany, astronomical instruments to Earl of Egremont, and to Thomas Mudge those made by his father, observatory at Harefield from 1798, books to Adam Gebhardt