Christie, E

Submitted by edpope on

see E Christie 8.6.1799 / 17.3.1800 meet E Christie / 26.3.1800 call on E Christie / 5.6.1800 call on Christie (incog) & Colman (do) / 19.6.1800 E Christie calls / 20.2.1801 meet E Christie24 / 5.4.1801 call on R Christie / 16.6.1801 call on E Christie / 25.6.1801 call on E Christie...dine at Johnson's, with Christie / 20.6.1802 E Christie calls / 24.6.1802 E Christie dines / 28.6.1802 call on E Christie / 25.4.1803 E Christie adv at Fitzjames, (ventriloquist at Dulau's Library)

Perhaps Edward Christie baptised 1783 son of James Christie DNB 1730-1803 auctioneer and his wife Isabella (nee Chapman married 14.6.1772 St James Piccadilly). If so he was a young man of only 16 or so at the first entry. According to H G Marillier, Christie's 1766-1925 p 17, Edward Christie became a midshipman and died at Port Royal in 1821. It would have been consistent for Godwin to use just her initial for a woman and I've noted a number of female E Christie wills in the work notes below. R Christie above in 1801 should probably be coded to Rebecca Christie (widow of Thomas Christie DNB 1761-1796). She has a person record on GD website and was generally referred to by Godwin as mrs Christie. Thomas Christie had brothers and sisters but none whose first name began with E


Work notes
Elizabeth Christie widow of Bethnal Green will PCC proved 4.4.1803 nephews Charles, Edward & Robert Thomas Jackson / Elizabeth Christy widow of St James will PCC 1820 late of Carnaby St, son William dau Ann, bad spelling / Elizabeth Christie of Cumberland St, Portman Sq will PCC 1833 dated 10.9.1831 widow of Daniel Beat Christie captain Bombay Engineers (will PCC 1809) sons Langham of Preston Deanery Northants & Charles William of Lincolns Inn / Eleonora Christie spinster of Bath will PCC 1838 sisters Ann & Ulrica Janet (b1807) still at Walcot, Bath in 1871 census