J H, advertiser

Submitted by edpope on

19.5.1808 call on R Taylor; adv. J H, advertiser / 23.6.1808 Advertising calls

Unusual for Godwin to just use initials for someone he doesn't already know, as the description of his trade suggests, but advertiser may not have been a trade, but someone inserting a small ad in a newspaper, where people often used just initials.There was a James Hall at Johnson's on 4.8.1807 (see my entry for Hall). John Hunt DNB 1775-1848 (who has a person record on GD website) had just launched the Examiner. In Holdens 1805 Directory there were two "newsmen" with the initials J H ; J Harmer of John St, Edgware Rd, and Joseph Hutchins of 18 New Belton St, Long Acre.