call on Ogbourne 20.12.1802 with Northcote / 3.2.1803 call on / 21.2.1803 calls / 7.3.1803 again / 12.3.1803 calls (plate)
Probably John Ogborne DNB 1755-1837
Amendments to Oxford DNB
JOHN OGBORNE 1755-1837
CURRENT TEXT "Ogborne's marriage to Elizabeth Jackson (1763/4-1853) [see Ogborne, Elizabeth] probably took place around 1790 at the dissenting Tottenham Court Road Chapel."
SUGGESTED CHANGE <Ogborne married Elizabeth Jackson (1763/4-1853) at St Pancras on 20 March 1790. One of the witnesses was the engraver Robert Mitchell Meadows, who in 1793 married Mary Ogborne, probably Ogborne's sister.>
NOTES St Pancras 5.8.1793 Robert Mitchell Meadows bachelor married Mary Ogborne spinster by license, witness E Ogborne
CURRENT TEXT "her marriage, about 1790,"
SUGGESTED CHANGE <her marriage on 20 March 1790 at St Pancras,"
Jan 2015 the DNB has adopted my changes in abbreviated form in both these articles and credited my website in the sources in both articles