
Submitted by edpope on

7.6.1796 Wordsworth & Pinney call / 24.4.1798 Montagu & Pinney at tea / 20.9.1798 adv Montagu & Pinney at Godwin's / 7.2.1800 tea at Coleridge's with Lamb, Tobin, Montagu & Pinney / 5.3.00 tea at Coleridge's with Dyson, Tobin & Pinney / 2.5.1801 meet Pinney / 6.5.1801 again / 7.5.1801 call on Pinney (not in) / 19.5.1801 again / 23.3.1802 sup at Davy's with Pinney sr

The last entry above was probably John Pretor Pinney DNB 1740-1818, the others probably one of his sons John Frederick or Azariah. William Wordsworth (see DNB 1770-1850) and his sister were tenants of Pinney in Somerset 1795-7. Basil Montagu is said to have introduced them. A very close study of Wordsworth's letters might establish which of the brothers appeared in Godwin's diary