SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Alured Henry Shove of Lincolns Inn proposed member 11.1.1782 by Thomas Brand Hollis 2nded John Jebb. 29.3.1782 elected vice-president
Alured Henry Shove bapt 22.10.1759 Harrietsham Kent of Rev Henry Shove & wife Jane. Rev Henry Shove = Tunstall Kent 12.1.1759 Jane Pincke. Adm Lincolns Inn 1776 of Lincoln College Oxford only son of Rev Henry Shove of Doddington, Kent, deceased. Called to bar 1782. Morn Chron 9.7.1782 recorder of Queensborough, Kent. St Jas Chron 18.8.1792 commissioner of bankrupts. Jacksons Oxford Journal 17.10.1807 died in his 49th year. Buried 17.10.1807 Doddington, Kent. His will PCC 15.1.1808 dated 20.2.1801 mentioned Mary wife of uncle Alured Pincke of Sharsted, Kent