A-Z of Entries

Skeys A

A Skeys calls 4.11.1797 / 20.11.1797 again

Probably a relation of Hugh Skeys whose deceased wife Fanny had been Mary Wollstonecraft's close friend. There was an Abraham Skeys merchant in Ireland alive in 1807

Skillern, Stephen

see Autobiography of Francis Place ed. Mary Thale p.87. There spelt Skillem but this may have been a transcription error. Perhaps a fairly common error which led to Place thinking the name was spelt and pronounced with an 'm'. Of the various friends of his father's whose lives Place believed ended in poverty (he mentioned a list of 27) eight are named on pages 87 and 88 but four of those, including Skillern, seem to have owned property at their deaths (the others were Bury, Robinson and Woollams).

Stephen Skillern tailor of Arundel Street was buried at Petersham Surrey 27.3.1797 age…


Skinner 1.1.1803 at Philips / 25.4.1803 again

Probably Joseph Skinner who edited "The Present State of Peru" which was printed for Richard Phillips 1805; the Editor's Preface was signed Joseph Skinner, Tottenham Court 30.1.1805. In Watt's Bibliotheca Britannica it was ascribed to Captain Skinner. In the Annual Review Jan 1805 p49 it was suggested that Skinner had obtained the material by capturing a Spanish ship and finding copies of periodicals published in Lima. In John Timbs' London Clubs p153 Captain Skinner of elegant manners who had been in the procession of Anacharsis Cloots…


Scotto 18.10.1797 at Carlisle's

Anthony Carlisle DNB 1768-1840 was the son of Thomas and Barbara Carlisle. His mother died the year he was born and his father remarried to Susan Skottowe


6.11.1795 Sloper at Carr's with Carlisle / 16.1.1796 Sloper at Carlisle's / 23.5.1797 Slopers at Carlisle's / 6.10.1797 Sloper & Carlisle call / 27.5.1798 Sloper at Tooke's / 4.6.1798 Sloper & Carlisle call / 3.5.1800 adv Sloper senior at Carlisle's / 18.5.1800 miss Sloper at Tooke's / 16.7.1805 mesdames Carlisle White & Sloper & Mulready at tea / 29.1.1807 call on Sloper / 24.2.1807 again / 8.4.1807 again / 24.4.1807 call on Sloper: adv. Sutton / 6.5.1807 meet Sloper / 27.5.1807 call on Sloper (not seen) /  30.5.1807 again / 2.6.1807 meet Sloper & Keir / 1.12.1807 call…

Smart, Baptist

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Baptist Smart of Bletchingly, Surrey proposed member 28.5.1784 by William Middleton 2nded Samuel Romilly

His father Baptist Smart bapt 23.12.1708 Chipping Campden, Glos son of John Smart, married 10.3.1740 Lucy Whitmore. Lucy wife of Baptist Smart bur 1.12.1744. Baptist Smart = 5.10.1752 Elizabeth Osborne. Baptist son of Baptist Smart doctor of Cheltenham adm Oriel Coll, Oxford 1770 age 17. Baptist Smart Doctor of Physic Cheltenham died 20.12.1772 in 63rd year, buried 26.12.1772 Clifton, Glos. His will PCC 15.2.1773 dated 5.11.1772 mentioned…

Smart, Esther

Smart calls with Esther 12.5.1802

Martin Smart son of Thomas & Esther was bapt 10.7.1751 at St Marylebone. Smart was a fairly common name but Martin & Esther were not the commonest of first names so the coincidence level is quite high, though not a certainty. Fifty might seem a good age for a militia sergeant but he was clearly an unusual person. First names often repeated in families so the baptism above might have been in another generation, and Esther might have been his mother, sister or daughter. Esther Smart widow of Greek St formerly of Tothill St was buried 5.6.1804…


23.8.1795 Smeatham's at Foulkes'


smiler 11.4.1791 at Brand Hollis'

Smirke, Robert

7.12.1795 call on Sme with Holcroft (not at home) / 3.1.1796 Sm breakfasts / 22.5.1812 call on Sme (not in)

Robert Smirke DNB 1753-1845, in the GD website under person record for plain Smirke, because of his "large family of artists". But in 1795 his father was dead and his eldest child just 17. Given his known radical sympathies he is the obvious candidate for the 1795 entries and the abbreviated entries above fit the pattern of Godwin's contacts with him

Smirnove, James

18.4.1790 Russian chaplain at Paradise's and Smirnhoff 31.3.1793 there.

James Smirnove d. 8.5.1840 (newspapers) in his 85th year, chaplain of Russian Legation, officiated at Greek Orthodox church Welbeck St and was Lucy Paradise's chaplain (Shepperson), his will PCC 1840. Boyle's 1792 Rev James Smirnove 47 Upper Marylebone St

Smith (at Warwick)

Smith 2.7.1795 at Lambe's & 4.7.1795 miss Smiths at Morley's

May be Lilley Smith grocer of Warwick, his will PCC 1803 wife Susanna, daughter Sarah married William Dwarris, daughter Ann married Thomas Ellis, dau Elizabeth Smith, late sister Mary Smith, son William Lilley Smith, grandson Henry Lilley Smith dated 8.1.1802. 1792 High St Warwick voted Villiers (pro govt).

John Bohun Smith attorney of Warwick 1784

Smith (Gower St)

Smith (Gower St) sups 7.12.1832

Smith (Stockwell)

Smiths (Stockwell) 22.11.1800 at Carlisle's

Thomas Woodrouffe Smith of Stockwell Park will PCC 1811, merchant 29 Gt St Helen's 1786-99, (Standard 11.4.1839) his widow Ann died at Clapham aged 72. see Coleridge's Letters

Smith at Cooke's

Cooke's with Gent, miss Tucker & Smith 6.9.1829

Smith C

C Smith 2.5.1797 at John King's

The GD website has coded this entry to Charlotte Smith, but her position in the sequence of Godwin's 1796 list for 1797, after Bage (met 14.6.1797) and G Fordyce (met 7.7.1797), suggests that her taking tea at Godwin's on 13.7.1797 was their first meeting. The 1796 list also put sir Robert Smyth and Carrington Smith in that order immediately before Bage, and the diary noted them both at Joseph Johnson's on 9.5.1797, a week after the C Smith entry above. So it may have been Carrington Smith or some other C Smith at King's (see Smith, Carew).

Smith near Guildford

20.8.1788 Godwin dined at Smith's in or near Guildford

Smith of Philadelphia

Smith of Philadelphia 27.10.1801 calls. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1801 / 1.1.1802 T P Smith (Philadelphia) calls / 3.1.1802 T P Smith calls

Sketch of the Revolutions in Chemistry by T Smith Philadelphia 1798. Two papers in Trans Amer Socy vol.4 431, 445 (Allibone). Philadelphia census 1800 North Ward no.661 Thomas Smith chymist. Philadelphia death certificates Thomas Smith died 31.3.1809 age 62 / Thomas Smith born Ireland died Feb 1810 age 55

Smith of Sunday Review

13.8.1810 Smith of Sun. Rev. calls / 15.8.1810 Smith, S R, calls

Courier 5.5.1815 Sunday Review to be sold, apply to Charles Smith mapseller 172 Strand (bbti). In the Morning Chronicle of 6.5.1815 the Sunday Review, its copyright and printing materials, were advertised for sale, applications to Mr Charles Smith, mapseller 172 Strand. It was probably bought by Matthew Davenport Hill DNB 1792-1872 and/or his friends. Charles Smith the mapseller or his son will PCC 1855. See my entry for John Morton, whose wife was Katharine daughter of Colquhoun Smith, printer, and executor of her…

Smith, artist

Betterton's au soir with Jo(seph) G(odwin) & Smith, artist 26.10.1817

Not looked into this yet, this was the only Betterton in Godwin's diary so he was probably a contact of Godwin's brother Joseph