
Submitted by edpope on

mrs Mcmillan 11.5.1799 adv at S Elwes' (& Sutherland) / 7.11.1800 Mcmillan adv at theatre / 17.5.1805 call on McMillan /  20.5.1805 call on McMillan with M(ary) J(ane) / 25.5.1805 call on McMillan / 26.5.1805 call on McMillan (copy) / 2.6.1805 McMillan calls / 7.7.1805 again / 19.7.1805 adv McMillan at Philips / 2.10.1805 call on Mc Millan / 3.10.1805 again / 5.10.1805 again / 22.10.1805 again / 30.1.1806 again / 12.2.1806 again / 13.2.1806 again / 21.1.1809 again / 23.5.1809 McMillan calls / 8.7.1809 again / 10.7.1810 again / 8.6.1812 call on McMillan / 12.11.1812 write to McMillan / from 28.11.1805 many entries coded on GD website to B Macmillan, printer

The GD website has coded the 1800 entry to the printer though the notes point out it may not be the same person. Godwin saw the printer frequently between 1805 and 1826 and  took tea with him once in 1822, otherwise it was some 250 calls. The printer's full name was Buchanan Macmillan, he was printer of the Sun newspaper in 1805 and imprisoned for a month for printing a libel against Earl St Vincent. His will PCC 1832 printer of Covent Garden. The1805 to 1812 entries above were probably him though missed on GD website because of spelling McMillan instead of Macmillan


Work notes
PCC wills 1827 Ann McMillan Iver Bucks 1830 Rebecca McMillan widow 50 Leadenhall St