
Submitted by edpope on

mrs Hatchard 18.8.1800 on mail coach from Shrewsbury to London / 20.11.1809 call on Hatchard

John Hatchard DNB 1756-1849 was said to be a Tory bookseller, though he voted Fox & Tooke in 1796 but then Gardner in 1802, Hood in 1806 and Romilly & Maxwell in 1818. He married 11.7.1790 Elizabeth dau of Thomas & Elizabeth Lambert. George & Thomas Hatchard were carpenters & chandlers of Castle Lane Westminster, Thomas voted Horne Tooke in 1790 & Hood in 1806 while George voted Hood in 1788, Fox & Gardner in 1796. Henry Hatchard, carpenter & umdertaker of York St Westminster voted Horne Tooke 1796,  Burdett & Romilly 1818,  his will PCC 1824. Benjamin Hatchard shoe maker of Piccadilly voted Fox & Gardner 1802, Hood 1806 and Maxwell 1818 (by when he was called a stone merchant). Thomas Hatchard architect & surveyor of Warwick Row voted Hood in 1788 &1790, and there was another Westminster Hatchard in Petty France.