Colborn Barrell born 6.11.1735 Boston, Massachusetts, son of John B 1707-81 and Ruth (Green) 1208-73 / CB = Elizabeth Langdon 20.10.1764 Portsmouth, New Hampshire / 1774 Boston protester against the Solemn League & Covenant / 30.1.1777 memorial to Lord North / 27.1.1787 CB of James St Bedford Row merchant late of New York bankrupt, certificate in March / one of the 18 who signed 1789 conference in addition to the printed list of 77 / 24.6.1789 signed Plan for Community in Africa, with C B Wadstrom,August Nordenskjold and Johann Gottfried Simpson (Prussia) / CB at 24 Threadneedle St and Henry Servante at 45 Upper Marylebone St agents for the Purchase and Sale of American Funds, Land &c in The American Kalendar Debrett's London 1796 / CB died 23.9.1802 Portsmouth, New Hampshire (perhaps his son or relative) or CB died London 1803 (Ancestry user-submitted tree)