
Submitted by edpope on

11.10.1810 call on Dawe; adv. White, Wilson & Philip / 1.7.1830 dine at Judkin's, w. Wilson & Philip / 13.11.1831 T(homas) T(urner) & Philip jr au soir

For the five other uses of Philip (without a surname and non-fictional) in Godwin's diary, see my entry for Taylor, Philip. The 1810 entry above could refer to George Dawe's father Philp Dawe DNB, see my entry for Dawe, Philip in Amendments to DNB dataset with his possible dates 1748-1819. The combination of Wilson & Philip in 1810 and 1830 may have been coincidental as the two entries were twenty years apart. Alexander Philip Wilson Philip DNB 1770-c.1851 physician, changed his name from Alexander Philip Wilson around 1807, moved to London from Worcester 1817, and was usually referred to as Wilson Philip. Philip Wilson Philip married Mary Domville 25.3.1811 Cheltenham. Alexander John Wilson Philip was baptised at Worcester 16.7.1817 son of Alexander Philip Wilson Philip and Mary Wilson Philip. He went to Trinity College Oxford in 1836, married Emily Hunter in Westminster 1847, got his BA 1848, his wife died 10.11.1849, ordained priest at York 22.9.1850, admitted to mental hospital in York 1851 and at Blacklands (Ayrshire?) in 1861. None of which resolves the question of who Wilson and Philip were.