
Submitted by edpope on

30.11.1795 Breach's at miss Jones's

The will PCC 1813 of Mary Breach spinster of Bath dated 27.11.1801 was witnessed by Richard Jones, linendraper Bath. This was probably the Richard Jones, brother of Margaret & Louisa Jones, whose father Arthur was a linen draper at Bath. Mary Breach's will mentions her sister Charlotte, her brother John and her brother Thomas, who proved the will 30.6.1813 with his name changed to Thomas Raymond. A Mr Breach of Bath subscribed to Ann Wingrove's Poems published at Bath 1795, other subscribers among Godwin's Bath contacts in 1798 were Mr Bull, Mrs Davis, Mrs Richardson, Mrs Randall and Rev Mr Wake, while Bath subscribers to Eyre's Fatal Sisters published Bath 1797 included Mr J Daniel, Mr Elliston, miss Jones, miss M Jones, and Mr R J Richardson among Godwin's 1798 Bath contacts and Mrs A Wingrove, authoress of the former work