A-Z of Entries


cartons 28.11.1799 see at Windsor

Perhaps the Raphael cartoons (more properly cartons) in Her Majesty's collection at Windsor (Oracle 27.8.1799)

Cartwright, John

Major John Cartwright original member 1780 of Society for Constitutional Information

John Cartwright DNB 1740-1820. Appeared four times in Godwin Diary as Major Cartwright

Cartwright, Rev.

rev. Cartwright 20.9.1801 at H Tooke's

Quite likely Edmund Cartwright DNB 1743-1823, not a great radical hImself, but the brother of Major John Cartwright DNB 1740-1824 whom Godwin had met at H Tooke's in 1799

Cary, Sarah

see Karre, Sarah

Caseley, Samuel

Samuel Caseley of Isleworth - buried 25.11.1813 Isleworth age 38


8.7.1808 dine at Joseph Johnson's w. Cash

Only instance in Godwin's diary. No Cash in Holdens 1811 Court, in Trades only two publicans. Wills PCC 1811 John Cash, Quaker, stuff merchant of Coventry / Ann Cash PCC 1812 spinster of Spitalfields, (born 1760) father Edward Cash weaver will dated 1779 (not found) she left her stock in trade of books and stationery to her cousin Joshua Farmer who appeared as a bookseller in 1817 directory at 11 Hereford-pl Commercial-rd

Castle Brown

Castle Brown 30.7.1800 at Cockburn's / 3.6.1800 dine at Brown's / 3.2.1804 Castle Brown at H Rowan's / 22.2.1804 meet H Rowan & Castle Brown

Probably Thomas Wogan Browne 1758-1812 son of Michael Browne and Catherine Wogan of Castle Browne, Co. Kildare. Raised a Catholic he converted to the established chuech on his marriage to Sarah Pierson 1.12.1785. He lived at Castle Browne from 1788 and in 1794 offered to act as bondsman for Archibald Hamilton Rowan DNB 1751-1834 when Rowan was imprisoned for sedition. Browne was a captain in the yeoman cavalry and his commission was…

Castle Street East 1 to 15 & 11 Berners Street

The north side of Castle Street East between Newman Street and Wells Street. The street was also known as Little Castle Street. (Great Castle Street aka Castle Street West was its continuation on the western side of Oxford Market, and had a separate set of numbers which can cause some confusion). "Castle Street, Oxford Street" or "Castle Street, Oxford Market" could mean either section. "Castle Street, Newman Street" was clearly Castle Street East. All in St Marylebone parish

Numbers 4, 8, 10,12 and 14 (and 11 Berners Street next door to number 10) all featured in Harris's Lists of…

Catlan, George

See Castle Street East 1 to 15 &c in London Addresses dataset

No 7 Castle St East Land Tax 1784 George Catlan

George Catlin taylor of Frith St Soho voted Percy & Clinton 1774 / George Catlin tailor of Richmond Buildings Soho voted Lincoln & Rodney 1780 / George Catlin bach otp = 30.8.1799 St Marylebone by lic Frances Lee (or See?) sp otp / SunFire 1809 George Catlin gent 9 Carrington St (Shepherds Market Mayfair)

Cavendish, George Henry

3.2.1796  Geo Cavendish &c. Looking at the original I think this says "l Geo Cavendish &c" and is meant to be additional to the Holcrofts and Mrs Cowley who Godwin saw at the theatre

George Henry Cavendish d.1834, after the death of George Augustus Cavendish in 1794 known as Lord George Cavendish, afterwards 1st Earl of Burlington. Whig M P (see History of Parliament)

Cayford, James

SWEDENBORGIANS: James Cayford son of James & Sibila born 2.11.1756 bapt 13.3.1796 New Jerusalem

James Cayford = 8.8.1753 St Michaels Bristol Sybilla Richardson. JC appr 1770 to Wm Reynolds citizen and joiner of London, JC took apprs 1787, 1793 (2), 1797,1806, James Birt Cayford = 8.4.1782 St Mary Aldermanbury to Elizabeth Campbell their children Harriot and Elizabeth bapt St Mary Whitechapel both buried as infants at St Mary Aldermanbury, another Elizabeth bapt 26.6.1785 St Andrew Holborn of Fetter Lane also buried as infant at St Mary Aldermanbury, Susanna born 1.3.1787 bapt 21…


see Selinas


see Acerbi

Chadwell, William

MILL VOTERS William Chadwell of Richmond

William Chadwell chandler Little Peter St Westminster voted 1788 Hood / William Chadwell chandler 1800 Market Lane, St James

Chalk, John

John Chalk jr of Canterbury proposed Society for Constitutional Information 19.10.1792 by Thomas Clio Rickman 2nded Sharpe (presumably one of the two William Sharpes in SCI)

1772 The Kentish Companion, John Chalk master of the Endeavour hoy from Whitstable to Wool-Key, London / 1781 John Chalk, Canterbury subscr to Edmund Rack's essays / Bailey's 1784 John Chalk hop merchant & hoyman, Canterbury / John Chalk, jr of Canterbury subscr to T C Rickman's Fallen Cottage 1786 / John Chalk of Canterbury in List of the Society for Abolition of the Slave Trade 1788  / John Chalk…

Chalmers, Alexander

HCR diary 13.12.1820 after Flaxman's "left this party to join a far less interesting one at the Baldwin's Queen Square - a genteel set" Chalmers, biographer there, no other literary persons

Alexander Chalmers (DNB 1759-1834)


31.5.1796 chaise with mrs Chamb -  (from Edgware to London)

Godwin wrote to the end of the page, it looks like an e or an r after the Chamb. Could well have meant Chambre (a not too rare surname) or else Chambers

Chamberlaine, William

3.1.1808 Chamberlaine calls / Godwin calls on (not in) / 21.1.1808 calls / 14.2.1808 again / 1.3.1808 again / 25.5.1808 again / 30.6.1808 again / 14.7.1808 again / 19.7.1808 again / 17.8.1808 calls on (not in) / 20.8.1808 calls / 27.8.1808 again / 30.9.1808 again / 10.1.1809 again / 28.1.1808 again / 25.4.1809 again / 5.5.1809 again / 6.7.1809 again / 10.7.1809 again / 9.1.1810 again / 16.1.1810 again / 26.1.1810 again / 26.4.1810 again / 22.12.1810 calls on / 12.8.1811 calls / 30.3.1813 again / 21.6.1813 again / 28.12.1813 again / 24.5.1814 again / 5.8.1814 again / 23.8.1814 meet / 24.4.…


Chambers 11.7.1797 at Joseph Johnson's

Chambers, Elizabeth

see Newman St 1 to 9 in London Addresses dataset

SunFire 1785 Elizabeth Chambers widow 6 Newman St / Mrs Chambers 6 Newman St subscr 1790 to Edward Harwood's Discourses on St Paul / London Chronicle 19.7.1791 Mrs Chambers of Newman St victim of fraud / presumably a tenant of George Villeneuve or vice versa / possibly one of the following / Elizabeth Chambers of Church St age 69 bur 17.12.1800 St John Westminster / Elizabeth Chambers age 75 bur 18.7.1802 Hammersmith / Elizabeth Chambers widow of Lambeth will PCC 1807 formerly of Hercules Buildings