A-Z of Entries


Dwyer 16.7.1800 at Reeves's

Just possibly Michael Dwyer DNB 1772-1825 though he was a guerilla leader in hiding in 1800. with a price of 500 gns on his head (Dublin Evening Post 19.7.1800), or maybe one of his relatives. Dublin Trades 1797 Jeremiah Dwyer merchant / Philip Dwyer musician / Thomas Dwyer apothecary. Henry Adair barrister = Apr 1807 Eliza dau of John Dwyer of Marlfield, co. Dublin.


see Dyde, Robert

Dyde, Robert

25.3.1792 Dy(ck) & Scribe at Holcroft's / Scribe 8.2.95 at Perry's / 9.6.1799 mrs Dyde at H(olcrof)t's. Is in fact Dyde and Scribe, haberdashers and furriers, warehousemen at 89 Pall Mall. National Archives TS11/824 and KB33/7/3/(ii) deal with the case of Robert Dyde and Achille Scribe for attempting to export goods to France. A newspaper report of 25.5.1819 says "died lately at Montreal, respectably established, Mr Robert Dyde late of Pall Mall"


21.9.1795 Dyne at John King's / 7.3.1803 Dyne adv at theatre

Dyson, Abraham

Abraham Dyson (see his brother Dyson,George) was buried at St Leonards Shoreditch on 8.4.1818 age 43 of Hoxton New Town, suggesting he was born in 1775, thus before his parents' marriage, which accords with the Treasury's confiscation of his effects (value £850) as a "bachelor and a bastard" (Nat Arch PROB31/1145/344). He appeared in Godwin's diary on 13.7.1788, 5.9.1791, 28.2.1792(not coded in GD website0, 1.3.1792, 20.3.1792 (not coded in GD website), 22.3.1792, 9.5.1792, 30.8.1792 (not coded in GD website), 1.10.1792, 7.12.1792, and 6.8.1793. George Dyson in his letters home from South…

Dyson, George

George Dyson was baptised on 18.4.1773 aged 25 days old at Christ Church Spitalfields son of Abraham, warehouseman of Barr St, by Margaret. Oddly both he and his younger brother Abraham were born before Abraham Dyson, bachelor of St Andrew Holborn married Margret Roberts, spinster of the Old Artillery Ground by license at Christ Church Spitalfields on 14.9.1777. Both his parents were already in their mid-thirties when George was born. The Dysons were noncomformists by religion. Abraham junior also fathered illegitimate children, (though they didnt survive him) and when he died the Treasury…


2.10.1807 E T en bas

The only other uses of E T in Godwin's diary were twice in 1830 where it was clearly associated with R T which certainly meant Richard Taylor (DNB 1781-1858). R, E & A Taylor had breakfasted with Godwin on 26.9.1807, six days before the above entry. So I suggest this was Edward Taylor (DNB 1784-1863), Richard Taylor's younger brother, who has a person record on the GD website

Eagle, Mrs

mrs Eagle 9.8.1800 at Lady Moira's

Simon Eagle of Gerrardstown co. Dublin = May 1790 Arabella dau of late Rev Patrick Kenny, prebend of Clonmethan, co. Dublin / Dublin Trades 1797 Edward Eagle apothecary 44 Bolton St


Eale 14.11.1799 at theatre

A rare name, nearest relevant reference I found was Joseph Eale, linen draper, Strand 1785. In the GD website the event tag for the theatre that night is blank. The plays were Fair Penitent by Nicholas Rowe and Turnpike Gate by Thomas Knight


call on EAO 27.3.1805 / 9.5.1805 call on IO / 13.12.1809 call on Equitable (Planta, &c)

Probably Equitable Assurance Office, Bridge St, Blackfriars. See my entry for Cooper. The IO could have stood for Invalid Office, but perhaps it was just insurance office, and the same one.


Eardley 2.3.1803 at Lady Valentia's. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1803

Sampson Eardley formerly Gideon 1745-1824 Hist of Parl (MP for Wallingford 1796-1802). His father Samson Gideon DNB 1699-1762 (where his date of death is wrongly given 1821), his sons Sampson Eardley 1770-1824 Alum Ox died unmarried but a son born 1819, William Eardley 1775-1805 Lt Col 82nd foot 1795. GD website has coded this entry to a person record but it gives no info on the person



17.6.1807 explanation, S S; adv. T(homas) T(urner) from Earle / 13.7.1811 Earle adv. at theatre

Possibly the attorney's clerk James Henry Earle (c.1787-1856) son of the surgeon Sir James Earle (DNB 1755-1816). He later took a law degree at Cambridge and got ordained in the Church of England. He was articled to Washington Coates of Lincolns Inn for 5 years on 22.1.1805 for a substantial premium of 300 guineas. Possibly also his father or one of his uncles or brothers but he seems to have been the only Earle in the legal profession at that time, where Thomas Turner was most likely to…


miss Eastwick dines 28.3.1805 (&Rowans & Beresfords) / 29.3.1805 L Eastwick at tea / 11.4.1805 L Eastwick calls / 29.10.1805 call on mrs Eastwick for MJ / 13.5.1806 mrs Eastwick invited to dinner / 14.1.1810 L Eastwick sups / 27.4.1810 Eastwick dines / 10.3.1811 L Eastwick dines / 27.4.1811 again / 17.9.1811 E Eastwick sleeps / 17.2.1812 L Eastwick calls / 26.9.1812 L Eastwick dines / 30.9.1814 E Eastwick jr calls / 23.11.1816 L Eastwick dines / 27.11.1816 again / 21.4.1817 L Eastwick adv at dinner / 23.6.1819 write to Eastwick / 3.7.1819 Eastwick calls / 16.7.1819 again / 2.8.1819…


Ebworth calls 22.2.1802

Geo Ebsworth copperplate printer 7 Rolls Bldgs Chancery Lane 1793-1817 British Book Trades Index (aka Ebworth). Ebworth greengrocer Chancery Lane 1814


Ede 9.5.1790 at John Paradise's / 21.3.1805 adv at Philips'

The Ede at publisher Richard Phillips DNB 1767-1840 might have been (though it seems unlikely) James Ede whose The Gold and Silversmith's Calculator was published in 1806, though no copies of the first edition in Bodleian or British Library to check publcation details from. His next work in 1808 was printed for J M Richardson. His address was 12 King St Clerkenwell in 1809 (Sun Fire). There was a Francis Ede senior, merchant at 40 Friday St in Sun Fire 1812, a Francis Ede merchant at 9 East Place, Lambeth in Sun Fire 1813 (…


4.7.1796 miss Brunton & mr Eden call

Edgeworth, Henry

12.10.1799 sup at Johnson's; adv. Edgworth jr / 31.12.1799 dine at Johnson's, w. Edgworth junior / 25.2.1800 dine at Johnson's, w. Edgworthj / 9.6.1807 adv. H Edgworth at Johnson's / 11.3.1808 H Edgworth at Johnson's / 10.6.1808 dine at Johnson's, w. Dr Edgworth / 28.4.1809 H Edgworth at Johnson's / 21.7.1809 dine at Johnson's, w. Dr Edgworth / 23.3.1810 dine at Johnson's, w. Edgworth junr / dine at Johnson, w. Edgworth jr

Quite likely Henry Edgeworth (1782-1813) son of Richard Lovell Edgeworth (DNB 1744-1817) by his third wife Elizabeth Sneyd. He gained his doctorate in medicine…


17.7.1808 sup at Toppings w. Edlam

Edlam very rare name but Headlam was a Northern name and perhaps dropped his h. Five doors from Godwin

Slade, Scaife, Irving & Headlam warehouseman 51, Bread-st (Holdens Directory 1805)  / insured SunFire 1808 John Headlam & Arthur Hill Slade 46 Skinner-st, Snow Hill / John Headlam warehouseman 46 Skinner-st & 3, Snow Hill (P.O. Directory 1816)


send home Edmondson

Jonathan E methodist preacher 1766-1842 (John Rylands Methodist Archive Biography Index)

Matthew E upholder Haymarket Sun F 1783

Miss E (Boyle's 1792) 27 Upper Brook St

E & Hansbrow merchants of Tokenhouse Yard 1782/3

Robert E tobacconist Newington Causeway 1790

Richard E appr 1789 to Wm Bliss surgeon of Red Lion St Spitalfields

John E saddler St Marylebone took appr 1782

Joseph E coachpainter St James took appr 1780

Charles Edmonstone counsel 1793 equity draftsman 3 Lincolns Inn Stone Bldgs


Edridge, Henry

Edridge 7.5.1806 Godwin calls on with Wordsworth & Duppa

Henry Edridge DNB 1768-1821. See Mary Moorman "William Wordsworth" vol 2 p73