A-Z of Entries

Morse, Robert

3.3.1794 Morse at Richard Johnson's with Jon. Scott  /  1.6.1795 mrs Morse with mrs Wilson at or after John King's

Jonathan Scott DNB 1753-1829 orientalist

The brothers Robert & John Morse had a sister Ann Frances who married Richard Johnson's banking partner Nathaniel Middleton and another sister Catherine who married Edmund Green

Farington diary (p4783) Robert Morse died 1816 age about 65, (p4787,4829) he spent £10,000 in last 3 years of his life on prints, also collected Morland's pictures, his newspaper obituary said "his collections were well known in the…


Morthland 31.10.1801 at D Stuart's. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1801

John Morthland advocate Edinburgh 1795. Married 25.2.1789 Edinburgh Mary dau of Rev Dr Duncan Menzies of Teston Kent (will PCC 1781). Hist of Parl Glasgow Burghs 1790. Defended Stewart & Ellis publishers of Paine's Rights of Man 1793. Editor of Scots Chronicle. Caledonian Mercury 26.3.1807 John Morthland advocate died at London. Mary Morthland widow of Chelsea will PCC 1826

Mortimer, Thomas

7.3.1789 Mortimer at Brand Hollis' / 21.12.1790 again, with Disney & Thorkelin both times / 13.4.1809 at Thelwall's / 26.7.1809 call on Phillips, adv Mortimer / 2.10.1827 sup at Reynolds' with Mrs Mortimer / 20.11.1831 Mortimer calls / 18.5.1832 sup at Reynolds' with mrs Mortimer / 15.6.1832 sup at Reynolds' with Mortimer / 28.8.1835 sup at R Reynolds' with Mortimers.  In Godwin's 1796 list for 1789, and in 1794 version

Thomas Mortimer DNB 1730-1810. Disney's Memorials of T B Hollis 'Mr Mortimer informed B Hollis very soon after the death of Timothy H that Timothy H had…

Morton, John

5.1.1810 call on Morton (S R)

The GD website has coded this to Thomas Morton DNB 1764-1838 playwright, pointing out that S R could stand for his play the School of Reform. But as Godwin had already noted Morton the playwright several times in preceding years, it's more likely that the S R was to distinguish this Morton from the playwright and that this was John Morton 1773-1815 many years proprietot and printer of the Sunday Review. He later went bankrupt and died of brain fever - or a broken heart - leaving a widow and six children, and a public subscription was raised for them by…


30.3.1796 at Mrs Robinson's / 12.7.1809 Godwin writes to Moseley / 4.1.1833 Moseley at C Jones's   In Godwin's 1796 list

perhaps Benjamin Moseley DNB 1742-1819 doctor who subscribed to Mary Robinson's poems 1791 along with Miss Moseley and William Henry Moseley (his will PCC 1823 doctor of Chelsea)

Moseley / Mozley

12.7.1809 write to Moseley &c / 1.8.1809 write to Mozley &c / 18.11.1809 call on Mozley &c / 19.1.1810 write to Mozley &c / 4.4.1810 write to Mozley &c / 14.5.1810 write to Mozley & Withers, w. administrations

Godwin wrote to several booksellers outside London on four of the dates above. On 18.11.1809 he called on Mozley and then 12 booksellers in London. Perhaps the provincial bookseller was visiting London, or perhaps Godwin called first on Jacob Mozley, slopseller 34 Upper East Smithfield (near to Skinner-st) or on Morris Lewin Mozley, merchant &…

Mossop, John

Mossop 4.6.1797 at Horseman's, Oxford

See Horseman. John Mossop son of Clement M of Rottington, Cambs adm Queens college 21.1.1792 age 17 BA 1795 died 3.10.1849 will PCC 1849 wife Mary will PCC 1828


her 21.7.1800

clearly referred to Lady Mountcashell who has a person record in GD website


Mudge 23.10.1798 adv at Northcote's

Perhaps William Mudge DNB 1762-1820 surveyor, or Thomas Mudge DNB 1760-1843 horologist

Muhlenfels, Ludwig von

GODWIN DIARY: 19.5.1928 / 19.5.1828 / 30.10.1828. He has a person record on GD website

CRABB ROBINSON DIARY: 21.2.1829 at Aders "I met with Muhlenfels German Prof: Un: London - I should judge a sensible man, but his talk was not particularly agreeable"

Jackson's Oxford Journal 17.5.1828 University of London the council appointed Ludwig von Muhlenfels, Professor of the German and Northern languages and literature. His manual of German Literature was published 1830. de.wikipedia 1793-1861. He fled Germany to Sweden in 1821 after being arrested for subversive activities and was…


4.10.1807 Mul. sups

This should be added to the person record on GD website for William Mulready (DNB 1786-1863) who frequently supped with Godwin

Mullett, Thomas

Thomas Mullett has a person record but it doesn't give much information about him. He was a stationer in Bristol and a Baptist who married Mary Evans in 1768 and died a merchant of St Mary Axe, London at Clapham in November 1814 buried Bunhill Fields aged 69. His will PCC 1815 mentioned four children. Mary Ann widow of John Jeffries Evans (see Evans); Sarah; Frederick born 1781; and Jane who married James Webbe Tobin DNB 1767-1814 in 1807 (the DNB has her name as Mallet). Frederick, who was presumably the Mullet, jr who called on Godwin 24.1.1810, went bankrupt in 1815 soon after his…

Mulready, Mrs

mrs Mulready invited to dinner 27.12.1805 / 19.6.1806 callon mrs Mulready with M(ary) J(ane)/ 26.6.1896 again / 18.10.1806 call on mrs Mulready / 23.8.1807 mrs Mulready adv at dinner / 21.7.1808 mrs Mulready sups / 6.11.1809 meet mrs Mulready / 30.3.1810mrsMulready sups / 27.5.1810 call on mrs Mulready

William Mulready DNB 1786-1863 married in 1803 Elizabeth Robinson Varley 1784-1864 sister of John Varley DNB 1778-1842. They were separated by 1809

Mumford, Mrs

mrs Mumford calls 12.8.1805 / call on mrs Mumford 13.8.1805

see work notes below


12.10.1901 chaise w. Philips's : call on Munday, Oxford / 1.4.1807 dcall on Philips; adv. Munday / 10.4.1813 write to Munday / 5.6.1813 call on Munday, Oxford / 1.9.1823 call on Munday

Joseph Munday bapt 24.3.1771 St Peter i t East Oxford of Joseph & Susannah / Joseph Munday of St Martins Oxford = All Saints Oxford 1.8.1802 Martha Robinson / Joseph Munday published University & City Herald from 1806 / 1809 Joseph Munday printer, Oxford / 1817 Munday & Slatter printers Oxford / 1841 census 26 SWt John-st Oxford / Bury & Norwich Post 13.3.1844 Joseph Munday printer…

Munden, Joseph Shepherd

14.11.1806 meet Reynolds & Munden / 21.4.1817 at Drury Lane Theatre; see Munden, Kean, Oxberry &c. / 16.10.1823 Munden at tea at Bacon's

Joseoh Shepherd Munden (DNB 1758-1832). First entry above he was with playwright Frederic Reynolds, second entry in list of famous actors seen at theatre. Third entry less certain

Munford, William Green

Munford 5,5,1800 calls / 11.5.1800 again / 12.5.1800 dines / 21.5.1800 at tea / 19.6.1801 write to Montfort / 2.3.1802 again

Bodleian Abinger c15 f51 letter to Godwin from James Madison bishop of Virginia and president of Williamsburg University dated 20.11.1799 and introducing Munford who had already astonished th world at 17 years old. His letter to Godwin dated 25.11.1801 New York Abinger c6 f80-1 signed himself Montfort. He was presumably the William Munford 1775-1825 whose entry in Allibone follows that of his father Col Robert Munford. Another William Green Munford was born…

Munnings S

S Munnings 23.4.1793 Godwin writes to.

Godwin had been visiting his friend Leonard Munnings who was jailed probably for debt and died soon after on 11.5.1793. His father Leonard grocer of Bildeston Suffolk had married Alice Scott widow of the same parish there 4.3.1741 and was buried there 17.5.1779 in his 56th year, 'formerly an eminent shopkeeper of Stowmarket', his will Norwich 1779. Mrs Leonard Munnings was buried at Bildeston 25.3.1806, but she could have been the mother or the widow of Godwin's friend, (if he was married).. Shadrach Munnings maltster of Stowmarket was in a…

Murphy P

9.8.1810 P Murphy calls

A Patrick Murphy was officer of the night where a pickpocket crime that had occurred in Skinner-st was reported on 19.5.1811 though this was perhaps not the same Skinner-st where Godwin lived. A Patrick Murphy stonemason Marlborough-row St James Westminster voted Burdett 1818. Patrick Murphy DNB 1782-1847 could conceivably have been this caller. There was also a Phineas Murphy Old Bailey 18.9.1816 victim of a theft but no address given. And a Peter Murphy law officer in 1811. All these from London Lives

Murray, James

Murray perruquier 13.1.1793 adv at Holcroft's

Probably James Murray (will PCC 1798) barber of Lower Holloway, Islington, formerly of St Martins le Grand. Sun Fire insurance 1780 perukemaker, hairdresser & perfumer of Paternoster Row. His will mentioned James Cornfoot of Hertford St, Fitzroy Sq, confectioner who was a member of London Corresponding Society (Thale)