A-Z of Entries

Carey, William Paulet

CURRENT TEXT "became an engraver."
SUGGESTED CHANGE <In London in 1784 he worked for *John Raphael Smith*, producing two stipple engravings after *Thomas Rowlandson*.>
CURRENT TEXT "after getting into trouble with this society in 1793, Carey fled to Philadelphia,"
SUGGESTED CHANGE <In 1794 in order to avoid prosecution himself for publishing 'Address to the volunteers' by *William Drennan* he became a witness for the prosecution in Drennan's trial for sedition, and subsequently fled to Philadelphia,>


20.11.1807 dine at Johnson's, w. Carl

Only instance of this name in Godwin's diary (See Carles for a similar name). SunFire 1802 Louis Cezar Carle gent 7 Pitfield-st Hoxton (Dr Priestley). Joseph Priestley (DNB 1733-1804) had left England in 1794. John de Carles gent of Bury st. Edmunds will PCC 16.8.1828. Rev John Carle will PCC 1.4.1790. John Carl householder Vine-st Piccadilly 1818.


Careless 6.11.1802 adv at Rev Wake's, Portland St / 21.7.1804 dine at Wake's with Carles's / 1.12.1804 theatre with mrs Carles, mrs Wake / 27.1.1805 call on Wake adv mrs Carles

Wake married miss Carles in April 1802 (see Wake, William Robert) her brother was John Henry Carles c.1776 - 1837 Clerk to the Privy Seal. His wife's name was Martha

Carlisle, Anthony

In Godwin's 1796 list for 1795 but this is not coded to his person record in GD website / 9.12.1799 Carisle jr at Carlisle's / 22.11.1800 Carlisle senr at Carlisle's

Anthony Carlisle DNB c1768-1840 according to DNB 3rd son of Thomas & Barbara Carlisle born at Stillington, Durham. His mother died the year he was born and his father married secondly Susanna Skottowe. The children of Thomas Carlisle (mother's name not given) born at St Cuthbert's Darlington, Ann 1770, William 1775, Thomas 1777, Anne 1779, Isabella 1780, Jane 1782 may have been his half-siblings. He married Martha…

Carlisle, Mrs

mrs Carlisle adv at mrs Nicholson's 9.2.1801 / 15.5.1802 mrs Carlisle calls / 11.8.1803 again / 8.3.1804 again / 1.7.1806 call on mrs Carlisle with M(ary) J(ane) / 10.11.1809 mrs Carlisle calls

Anthony Carlisle DNB 1768-1840 married 23.8.1800 Martha dau of John Symmons, Fellow of the Royal Society, at Alcester, Warwickshire. She died 17.4.1842 at Mitcham, Surrey

Carlton, Charles Cuthbert

see Batemans Buildings in London Addresses dataset

Charles Cuthbert Carlton 1 Batemans Bldgs ratebooks 1777-81 Litchfield St ratebooks 1770-77 / Old Bailey 11.1.1775 Charles Cuthbert Carlton clerk to Justices in Rotation Office, Lichfield St, witness in trial of Lyon Elcan for forgery / Morning Post 7.3.1777 mentioned as "Mr Carlton clerk of the peace" /  Morning Post 16.4.1777 ad for wine apply O.C. at 1 Batemans Buildings / Morning Herald 17.8.1782 "Mr C who for ten years past has been deputy clerk of the peace for the city and liberty of Westminster, absconded within these few…

Carlyle, Thomas

HCR diary 10.12.1820 Mrs Basil Montagu on Mrs Aders' indiscretions "She knows too that Mrs Aders has visited at Mr Meux's when a woman of infamous character was there, she has been known to cut a stranger in the presence of Carlisle!!"

Crabb Robinson's exclamation marks were probably aimed at Mrs Montagu's thinking it such a sin. Thomas Carlyle (DNB 1795-1881) was a friend of Mrs Montagu's, he referred to her as "the noble lady"

Carmichael, Alexander

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

Alexander Carmichael ratebooks 54 Poland St 1780-95 / Alexander Carmichael bach = St Marylebone 23.1.1773 Isabella Palmer sp botp /  Alexander Cormichael grocer Brewer St voted Percy & Clinton 1774 / Alexander Carmichael of Poland St voted 1780 Rodney & LIncoln / teadealer of Poland St voted 1784 Hood & Wray / ad 1789 Mr Carmichael's tea warehouse Poland St / Holden's directory 1790 Alexander Carmichael grocer Poland St / 


Carpenter 9.1.1802 at Thomas Moore's / 17.9.1806 meet Curran, Carpenter's & Waring's / 18.12.1809 call on Carpenter / 8.2.1810 again / 10.2.1810 again / 20.2.1836 Lilly, Carpenter (texts Godwin read? but not tagged in GD website)

A common name with few entries in Godwin's diary. The 1809 and 1810 entries were probably one person, but the 1802 and 1806 entries could easily have been different people (or not). At Moore's in 1802 with Moore's friend Woolriche who was a surgeon, so maybe a surgeon or maybe an Irish connection. See Hughes, Maria for connection of Curran and Waring.…

Carpenter, Benjamin

Benjamin Carpenter was (along with William Blake the poet and his wife Catherine and Dorothy Gott) one of the additional signatories to the Swedenborgian conference 1789 (not in the printed list of 7.12.1788) and like the Blakes and Gott he appeared in no other Swedenborgian records. He was  quite likely  the Unitarian minister Benjamin Carpenter, born April 1752 near Bromsgrove, son of Philip Carpenter and Ann Lant who were married at Coventry 30.12.1740 and who baptised 11 children at the Indeprndent chapel in Bromsgrove. He was admitted to Daventry Academy 1768, married 24.6.1799 at…


Carpue 11.1.1805 at Carlisle's

Very likely Joseph Constantine Carpue DNB 1764-1846 surgeon


26.1.1795 at Barbauld's / 20.2.1795 adv at Freemasons Hall / 29.10.1795 at Barbauld's / 4.11.1795 meet / 6.11.1795 tea at his with Carlisle / 15.11.1795 sup at his (with Carlisle) / 20.11.1795 tea at his with Carlisle / 12.12.1795 call on (St Pauls) nah / 20.12.1795 calls / 23.12.1795 sup at his / 16.1.1796 Carlisle's / 21.1.1796 sup at his with Carlisle /1.2.1796 call on / 5.2.1796 call on nah / 19.2.1796 sup at his / 14.3.1796 sup at his /19.3.1796 he calls / 14.4.1796 sup at his / 15.4.1796 Montagu's / 19.4.1796 sup at his with Carlisle / 2.5.1796 call on / 25.6.1796 meet / 26.7.1796…

Carr, Thomas

Thomas Carr of Richmond

Thomas Carr buried Richmond 20.5.1813 age 51 from workhouse / Thomas Carr appr 1776 to Edward Tibbs cordwainer of Richmond / Thomas Carr bach = St Leonard Shoreditch 27.10.1785 Ann X Squires botp banns / Thomas Carr bach = St Clement Danes 8.7.1787 Ann X Tomkins sp banns wits John Owen, Mary Ann Leech / children of Thomas & Ann Carr bapt Richmond, John 1788, Hannah Harriot 1789 Thomas 1791 Joseph 1795 / John Capon shoemaker = Richmond 10.8.1837 Hannah Harriot Carr servant, her father Thomas Carr mariner / Nat Arch ADM 27/2/261 Able Seaman Thomas Carr wife…


abbe Carrier 12.5.1795 adv at Batty's (& Smiths)

will PCC 1806 Jean Baptiste Carrier of St Marylebone, late servant to M de Barentin at Thayer St. Gave abbe de Coudray 2gns to say masses. Exec Francois Simonet. sworn to by Pierre Francois / married bach 7.9.1802 St Marylebone Marie Jeanne Descavee sp by banns, wits Charles descavee, Hilaire Soulieu

a Jean Baptiste Carrier was guillotined in France 15.12.1794

Carroll, John

See Castle Street Esat 1 to 15 &c in London Addresses dataset

No 14 Castle St East Land Tax 1784 James Douglass 1785-1790 no data 1791-1796 John Carroll 1798-1800 Letitia Turnbull / Harris's List 1790 Miss B-r-n

(Letitia d of John & Eliz Carrol of New St born 7.8.1753 bapt 19.8.1753 St Bride Fleet St) / Letitia d of John & Letitia Carrol mariner at St James Stairs bapt 15.12.1754 St Paul Shadwell / John s of John & Letitia ballastman at St James Stairs bapt St Paul Shadwell 4.3.1753 / Robert Turnbull wid otp = 30.3.1782 St Marylebone by lic Letitia Carrol sp…


Carters 9.3.1797 at John King's / 28.5.1798 again / 8.2.1799 Carter at King's / 19.2.1806 mrs Carter dies / 16.9.1808 call on Carter / 14.8.1813 Carter at S(arah) E(lwes) / 11.10.1813 call on Carter / 8.11.1813 again / 24.11.1813 again / 1.12.1813 again / 6.12.1813 again

The mrs Carter who died 19.2.1806 was Elizabeth Carter DNB 1717-1806 and perhaps too respectable a "bluestocking" to have been a guest at John King's

John Edward Carter gent of Leicester was a party to the marriage settlement of Augustus Butler (qv) to miss Danvers, his will PCC 1813. Thomas Leveson Prescott…

Carter, George

see Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset

George Carter 50 (49 till 1789) Poland St ratebooks 1784-6 / directory 1785 George Carter hoop warehouse 49 Poland St  (a hoop warehouse would have referred to cooperage or making barrels)

Carter, John

There were two mill voters called John Carter, both of Twickenham. They may have been the two John Carters described below.

John Carter victualler Queens Head Twickenham, SunFire 1786, UnivBrit Directory 1791 Land Tax 1802-1814  £4 p.a.(1802 specifies Queens Head) buried 14.4.1825 Isleworth will PCC dated 2.3.1825 proved 18.6.1825 mentioned wife and children but didn't name them, exec Thomas Clark victualler of Hammersmith. perhaps the John Carter bach otp = Twickenham 18.10.1812 Ann Gaines sp botp banns wits Samuel & Mary Gaines. Other possible marriages John Carter = Isleworth…

Carter, Sir John, Edward, John & William

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION Edward Carter of Portsmouth proposed 3.11.1780 by John Cartwright 2nded John Jebb /  Sir John Carter of Portsmouth proposed 26.6.1781 by John Cartwright 2nded Samuel Vaughan / John Carter of Portsmouth proposed 26.6.1781 by John Cartwright 2nded Edward Bridgen / William Carter of Portsmouth proposed 13.12.1782 by Joseph Towers 2nded James Martin

I think these four were John Carter 1715-1794, seven times mayor of Portsmouth whose first wife was Susannah Pike, and their three sons,  Sir John Carter 1741-1808 (nine times mayor of Portsmouth,…

Carter, Thomas

Thomas Carter one of the additional signatories of the 1789 Swedenborgian conference (not in the printed list of 7.12.1788) who, like the poet William Blake and his wife and Dorothy Gott, appeared in no other Swedenborgian records. Really too common a name for me to make any intelligent guess to his identity