A-Z of Entries

Forster, Georg

23.5.1790 Forster at Paradise's. In Godwin's 1796 list as Foster crossed out, and in 1794 version

Georg Adam Forster DNB 1754-94 son of Reinhold Forster DNB 1729-98. By this time the father was living in Germany but the son was on a journey whch he made into a book and which included a visit to England. 


Forster, Mrs

HCR diary 1.7.1842 at Samuel Rogers' breakfast table "Mrs Forster daughter of Banks the sculptor"...."and her daughter Mrs Poinder"

Edward Forster (DNB 1769-1828) writer married at St George Hanover Sq on 3.8.1799 Lavinia Banks. Emma bapt 20.5.1801 St George Hanover Sq dau of Edward & Lavinia Forster, married at British Embassy Paris 26.12.1832 Ambrose Poynter (DNB 1796-1886) architect. She died 1848, Lavinia nee Banks may have married again? (Lavinia Forster marriage index 1837 Kingsclere Hants).


miss Forsyth 16.10.1800 at tea at Godwin's with H(annah) G(odwin) & Hansard / 5.8.1801 sups at Godwin's with H G / 11.9.1801 sups at Godwin's with H G / 25.9.1801 sups at Godwin's with H G / 21.1.1802 at theatre with Godwins, Fenwicks & H G / 24.2.1802 miss Fth dines / 4.3.1802 miss F dines / 27.6.1802 sups at Godwin's with H G / 4.8.1802 sups at Godwin's with H G, Lamb & Smith / 14.8.1802 at dinner at Godwin's adv with H G / 17.8.1802 sups at H G's with Godwin, Jo G &c, Waring & Littlewood / 30.8.1802 at dinner at Godwin's adv with H G / 25.9.1802 dines at Godwin's…

Foster, Thomas

SWEDENBORGIANS: Thomas Foster one of 77 signatories to New Chuch 7.12.1788. New Jerusalem Chapel Thomas Foster bapt 9.8.1789


Foulkes, David

David F 3.12.1794 at Foulkes'.

The F must surely stand for Foulkes and this was presumably a relation. A David Foulkes son of Edward, clerk of St Asaph was admitted to Oxford 1764 age 19 and another David Foulkes son of Rees of Denbigh was admiited to Cambridge in 1764. Rees Foulkes was an attorney of Denbigh in 1737 and 1748 and took apprentice Edward son of Edward Foulkes in 1743, and may have been the Rees Foulkes Esq of Gwernygron, Flintshire who died at Chester in May 1767, his unmarried daughter Rachel dying in 1827. A David Foulkes clerk of Plascock, St Asaph died in 1800 (…

Foulkes, John

F's on 21.6.1795 must be Foulkes', as Watley only appeared at Foulkes'. Seems to be a case of Godwin using the abbreviation because the space was full in the diary

On 29.9.1787 John Foulkes esq of Clements Inn married Phillipa, daughter of the Rev Brownlow Toller of Billingsborough, Lincs. She obtained a legal separation from him with substantial alimony on the grounds of his great cruelty and adultery on appeal to Doctors Commons in December 1802 (Bury & Norwich Post 15.12.1802), so she was clearly not be the mother of his five children who were probably not baptised but whose…

Foulkes, Philippa

29.12.1794 Godwin calls on Mrs Foulkes nah (not at home) / 27,7.1795 adv at Holcroft's / 6.9.1795 P Foulkes adv at Holcroft's / 29.8.1798 adv at Holcroft's / 30.9.1798 Godwin calls on / 17.3.1799 at Holcroft's / 30.4.1800 Godwin calls on / 1.5.1800 calls / 5.6.1800 Godwin calls on / 20.5.1801 meet / 23.11.1805 (Ht &) mrs Foulkes adv at theatre

from my article Godwin,the Reveleys & the Jenningses, see blog/articles section and notes 13 & 14 of that article

There was also a sub-plot around the Foulkeses: on 25th October 1794 Godwin supped at Foulkes' and noted "…


Fowden 14.2.1802 at King's

Reginald Fowden Lt 38th foot 28.9.1797 Capt 14.8.180, Reginald son of Reginald Fowden & Amelia Witherall born 23.11.1801 bapt 16.12.1801 St Anne Soho, Capt Reginald Fowden from half pay of 35th foot to 3rd foot 11.2.1804, served till 1808, Reginald Fowden Esq of Cheadle subscr to novel by Henrietta Rouviere 1801, will PCC 1819 Reginald Fowden of Bath (seen)

William Fowden ensign 3rd foot 10.10.1805, Elizabeth Ann dau of Wm & Anne Fowden bapt 14.8.1808 St James Piccy, will PCC 1849 William Fowden half pay Captain of Dragoons, Denbighshire…

Fox, Baron

27.4.1788 Kensington Gardens, see Baron Fox. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1788

Henry Fox 3rd baron Holland DNB 1773 -

Fox, Charles James

fol 46r of Vol VII of Godwin's diary: Fox repeated 101 odes of Horace travelling alone in a post chaise. L. Proposed to opposition in the Am. war to leave off going to church. Fox apud C

Charles James Fox DNB 1749-1806. Not clear who L was, perhaps Thomas Lawrence, Sir Walkin Lewes, Dr William Lister? Latin word apud probably here in the sense of "according to", but not clear who C was (see Burke, Edmund)

Fox, Francis

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Francis Fox of Derby proposed 28.9.1792 by Thomas Simmons 2nded John Horne Tooke

Francis Fox bapt 15.9.1759 St Werburgh's Derby of Francis & Dorothy Fox. Francis Fox = Egginton, Derbyshire 17.6.1755 Dorothy Hunt. Francis Fox appr 1775 to John Meynell surgeon of Derby. Francis Fox surgeon of Derby took apprs 1785, 1788, 1797. Marriage settlement of Francis Fox surgeon of Derby and Charlotte dau of Archibald Douglas, they married at St Oswald, Ashbourne, Derbyshire on 22.1.1794. Isabella another dau of Archibald Douglas married Joseph Strutt…

Fox, Henry

27.4.1788 see baron Fox (in Kensington Gardens). In Godwin's 1796 list for 1788, and in 1794 version. The GD website for some reason identifies this person in its event tag instead of in a person record and the entry in the 1796 list is uncoded

Henry Fox DNB 1773-1840, only 15 years old but his father had died while he was young and he was already baron Holland

Fox, Samuel

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Samuel Fox Esq of Derby proposed 18.5.1792 William Sharpe 2nded John farnell Tuffin

The will 1763 of Samuel Fox of Derby sope boiler mentioned property at Thurlston, Derbyshire,  his children Samuel, Elizabeth, Mary, Sarah, Letitia & Jane, his wife (not named), his brother Gilbert Fox and his brother-in-law Samuel Bristow. Presumably this was the father of Samuel Fox above, as he subscribed, of Thurlston, 1798 to Wm Enfield's Sermons and Thurlston was still his property in his will PCC 1851 though his residence was then Osmaston,…

Fox, William

AMENDMENTS TO OXFORD DNB: William Fox DNB 1736-1826 see below

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: William Fox of Cheapside proposed 9.2.1781 by Joseph Parker of Cheapside 2nded Capel Lofft

William Fox DNB 1736-1826. The following may clarify some of the questions about his early life mentioned in DNB article. His brother Samuel Fox will PCC 1789 of Abingdon, mentioned wife Sarah, brother William's children Jonathan, William, Sarah, Mary & Susannah, also mentioned brothers Edward & John and sisters Sarah Clark and Mary Hook. His death noted in Jackson's Oxford…

Foy, Sidney Hollis

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Sidney Hollis Foy of 12 Arundel St original member 1780, attended weekly meetings 12 times between 13.4.1781 and 26.4.1782

Sidney Hollis Foy born 3.4.1757 bapt 22.5.1757 St George Bloomsbury son of Fitz Foy Esq & Elizabeth his wife. Fitz Walter Foy son of Fitz Walter Foy of Buckland Newton, Dorset matric Pembroke College, Oxford 14.5.1734 age 18 Middle Temple, called to bar 1742. London Evening Post 12.3.1752 Fitz Foy of Duntish Court, Dorset Esq = dau of Mr Senex late of Fleet St at St Geo Han Sq by William Romaine. Her father was John…


1.10.1790 call at Webb's, fr / 10.11.1790 call on mrs Webb fr / 8.11.1791 call on mrs Jacob, fr / 22.11.1791 call on Jacob, fr. / 28.12.1791 call on Robinson, fr. / 29.1.1792 call on Jacob, fr. / 21.3.1792 meet Sheridan, fr / 6.4.1793 see Munnings's creditor, fr / 7.12.1802 Museum, fr / 13.10.1810 Berry, fr, calls / 29.6.1811 Hunter fr calls / 24.6.1813 Angerstein's, fr, / 30.6.1813 Angerstein's, fr / 9.3.1820 call on Maudsley, w. W ,fr / 15.5.1826 Journal Office, fr / 23.9.1926 Drury lane Theatre, fr / 26.12.1827 State paper Office, fr / 3.7.1831 dine at White's, Isleworth, w Geo, fr…

France, Joseph

see Autobiography of Francis Place ed. Mary Thale p71-82

Jane dau of Joseph & Frances France bapt 27.10.1755 St Andrew Holborn
Jane dau of Joseph & Frances France bapt 26.9.1762 St Dunstan i t West born 11.9.1762
Joseph son of Joseph & Frances France bapt 2.2.1766 St Dunstan i t West born 3.1.1766
Robert son of Joseph & Frances France bapt 5.5.1768 St Dunstan i t West born 17.4.1768
Middlesex Journal 14.9.1776 house of Mr France breeches maker in Bell Yard on fire, no damage
Frances France from Bell Yard buried 14.8.1777 St Dunstan…


26.4.1795 at King's / 14.11.1795 there / 3.12.1795 there / 1.1.1796 there / 7.6.1799 adv at Ranelagh

Raphael F merchant = 1761 miss Aguilar / 106 Fenchurch St 1780-1

Jacob F Esq Clapton, Hackney Sun F 1777 / PCC 1784 Edmonton

Abramhaim F merchant & Hester F spinster, America Sq, Minories Sun F 1778 / Vine St 1780 / & Hayes 1781, & Lindo 1784-90 / 2 Hamet Ct Minories & Francis F & Jacob F jr

Francis F Esq Sackville St Piccadilly Sun F 1780

Abraham F insurance broker 77 Hatton Gdn 1789-90

Ephraim F attorney Salvadore Hse,…

Francois, John

see Poland Street 10 to 18 & 45 to 48 in London Addresses dataset

John Francois 18 Poland St ratebooks 1782-1788 / Gazeteer 13.6.1788 ad for sale of furniture at 18 Poland St of Mr Francois going abroad. See Gordon, Cosmo


Frank calls 18.11.1804