A-Z of Entries


Hardkus 27.10.1798 at John King's

Careful examination of Godwin's manuscript diary suggests this may have been Hardkers. I've found no instances of the name Hardkus in any sources but the name Hardker can be found occasionally in the north of England and in USA, possibly a variant of Hardaker. But I've not found any person of that name who might have been referred to here, in the plural.

Hardy, horloger

Hardy horloger 10.6.1801 at Keir's

If you click on this underlined name in GD website it takes you to an unidentified person record with a date of 10.6.1806, if you click on that date it takes you to the diary entry for 10.6.1801 but headed as 10.6.1806

Holdens 1811 Thomas Hardy watchmaker 14 Rosoman St Clerkenwell / John Hardy watch case gilder 3 Falcon Pl, Ray St, Clerkenwell

Hare, James

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

James Hare 22 Poland St ratebooks 1779-83 / coroners jury 1779 heel maker Poland St / James Hare Poland St voted Fox 1780 / patten maker Poland St voted Fox 1784 / patten maker Wardour St coroners jury 1789 / patten maker Princes St coroners jury 1790 / James Hare patten & heel maker St James took appr 1780 John Church 1781 John Massey 1785 Nathaniel Ragg, William Theyley / there was also a James Hare butcher in St James parish at this time, so either of them may have been the James Hare bach = St James 20.6.1772 Ann Myers…

Harforth, Jane

See Castle Street East 1 to 15 &c in London Addresses database

No 9 Castle St East Land Tax 1784-1796 Jane Harforth / Morning Herald ad 5.6.1788 Mrs Harforth's, poulterer, No 9 Castle St, nr Berners St, Middlesex Hospital

Will PCC 1803 of Jane Harforth spinster late of 9 Castle St now of Oxford Market dated 5.3.1803 mentioned Elizabeth Gard dau of John Gard late of Harley St & Elizabeth, also mentioned Elizabeth her niece wife of James Alexander Muir of Bird Street, St Marylebone. Jane Hartforth bur 11.3.1803 St George Bloomsbury. (A Jane Hartforth was bapt 25.2.1721…

Harley, Mrs

see Poland Street number not known in London Addresses dataset

Mrs Harley Poland St subscriber to Mary Deverell's Sermons (1777 edition) see Mary Deverell DNB (d.1805) / probably not Anne nee Bangham the Hon Mrs Harley, wife of Thomas Harley DNB 1730-1804 - she subscribed to various religious works but her Hon would not likely have been missed from a subscription list / Mrs Harley of Welbeck St Marylebone claimed as a case of breast cancer cured in 1769 / Mrs Harley (Highfill, Burnim & Langhans) acted two roles at the Haymarket theatre in 1781 and a Mrs Harley had acted in York…

Harman, Samuel

Samuel Harman Esq of Jermyn St proposed Society for Constitutional Information 3.6.1791 by John Frost 2nded (John Lodge or his father Jeremiah) Batley

Son of Phillip Harman butcher of St James will PCC 14.10.1777 dated 2.2.1763 and his wife Mary (will PCC 16.11.1813). Phillip Harman was eldest son of George Harman mealman of Uxbridge (will PCC 1742 mentioned Bell & Castle at Windsor) and his wife Elizabeth (will PCC 1762), two other sons George & Samuel became coachmakers and wheelwrights in London. Philip Harman = St Martin i t Fields 10,2,1752 Mary Mann, their son Samuel…

Harmer, Samuel

21.07.1796 S Harmer sups (in Norwich, at James Alderson's?)

Samuel Harmer attorney (see Jewson, Jacobin City p135). He was apprenticed 1742 to John Cooper attorney of Norwich, was listed in Bailey's 1784 as attorney of Cockey Lane, Norwich, died 31.12.1808 aged nearly 80, newspaper obituary said he was for many years the speaker of Common Council

Harmer, Thomas

In Godwin's 1796 list for 1780 and in 1794 version

Thomas Harmer DNB 1714-1788 mentioned in W St Clair, The Godwins and the Shelleys, as one of the ministers Godwin came into conflict with at Stowmarket


Fillingham (& L Harrington) 20.1.1804 at theatre / 27.11.1804 la Harrington at Wake's / 27.1.1805 again / 18.3.1805 again / 16.5.1805 sir Edward Harrington at Wake's

Because the three la(dy) Harringtons at Wake's were followed by Sir Edward at Wake's I assume she was his wife and so the L(ord) Harrington at the theatre was probably Charles Stanhope DNB 1753-1829 3rd Earl of Harrington, army general and courtier (gold stick in waiting). Sir Edward Harrington (also spelt Harington) was the Mayor of Bath (where Wake had lived) knighted in 1795, "son of the physician" (Edward…


7.4.1795 mes Harris at Foulkes' / 23.5.1797 Harris at Carlisle's / 19.12.1797 Harris (& Aldis) call / 23.2.1798 Harris (& Carlisle) call / 2.9.1798 Harris at Tooke's / 24.12.1799 call on Harris . In Godwin's 1796 list for 1799 / 30.1.1800 Harris adv at Sarah Elwes' (& Mrs Holcombe)

These are the Harris entries up to 1800 which the GD website has not coded to Thomas Harris, manager of Covent Garden theatre. Some of them may have been him but perhaps not as when he was dealing with Thomas Harris, Godwin was sending, writing, hearing from him through James Marshall, or…

Harris of Aylesbury

13.6.1809 Harris of Aylesbury calls

Probably John Harris, son of John Turner Harris (will PCC 1798). studied Homerton Academy, dissenting minister at Aylesbury 1777-1815, married 28.11.1777 at Holborn, Mary dau of Dr James Watson 1713-1783, died 1.12.1829 in London age 75 (will PCC 1830)

Harris, Christopher

Christopher Harris of Shore Place, Hackney proposed Society for Constitutional Information 7.12.1787 by Michael Pearson 2nded John Redman

I found no connection with Shore Place, Hackney but this seems likely to have been the following Christopher Harris (because of Revolution Society committee 1788, subscription to Winterbotham 1795, and phrase re: liberty in his will written 1786).Christopher Harris appr 16.4.1784 for 7 yrs to George Bewley watchmaker of St Luke's, Old St, premium £40 /  Christopher Harris of St Olave, Old Jewry = St Olave Bermondsey 28.2.1782 Ann Read otp by lic…

Harris, Rees

Rev. Reece Harris of Colchester proposed Society for Constitutional Information 10.1.1794 Francis Weldon 2nded George Williams

Rees Harris otp bach = St Martin Outwich, London 22.2.1781 Martha Crathern sp of Shoreditch, their son Rees Eldridge Harris born 1.12.1786 bapt 12.5.1787 Helens Lane Independent, Colchester. Surman Index: Helens Lane Colchester from 1783. Nat Arch HO 42/37/2 (Feb 1795) signed petition to King against the war from Colchester. Sun 14.5.1798 (and many other ads) witness to Dr Brodum's cures, Rev Rees harris, Colchester. Old Bailey 20.5.1801 his wife Martha…

Harris, Thomas

See Poland Street 1 to 9 & 49 to 62 in London Addresses dataset.

Sun Fire 1777 George Ritso (QV*) at Mr Harris's coal merchant 2 Poland St  / SunFire 1780 Thomas Harris gent  1 Poland St / 1780 Thomas Harris Poland St voted Rodney & Lincoln / Ratebooks Thomas Harris 1781-2 1 Poland St  / Ratebooks Thomas Harris 1784-6 3 Poland St

Even assuming that the Harris at 1, 2 & 3 Poland St are one and the same, the name is too common to make a further identification. Saw will PCC 1794 of Thomas Harris coal merchant at Henley, no apparent links with London. Will PCC 1792 of…


Harry 15.3.1797 at Robert Knight's

Although Harry can be a surname ( 1790 H Harry bookseller and dealer in curiosities 379 Strand / 1784 Dr John Harry Bodmin Cornwall) in this case it may refer to Robert Knight's younger brother Henry Raleigh Knight his will PCC 1836 Lt Genl of Portman St Portman Sq. He married at St Geo Han Sq 1.12.1808 Juliana Botti who d 1859 age 79 their son Charles Raleigh Knight married in 1856, their eldest dau Juliana born 1811 married 1840 died at Rome 1854, their youngest dau Caroline Emily married in 1850.


21.5.1795 Harts at Batty's (with Tooke, A Alderson Smirke & miss Buck) / 14.9.1796 Hart at Foulkes' (with Holcrofts& Mes Kettle & Lloyd) / 3.8.1803 Harts at Joyce's (with H Tooke, miss Cline) / 13.7.1804 Harts at Joyce's (with H Tooke) / 20.7.1804 H Tooke at Godwin's (invites Harts Smirke & miss Cline)

Clearly Horne Tooke's daughters Mary & Charlotte Hart, though possibly their mother was sometimes included in Harts plural. The entry at Foulkes' in 1796 was the only singular one and the only one where Tooke wasn't there and the fact that Hart was not included…


Hartley 13.7.1800 at Grattan's / 14.7.1800 again / 18.7.1800 at Drennan's

Perhaps James son of Travers Hartley Dict Irish Biog 1723-1786 Dublin merchant. / Dublin Trades 1797 James Hartley merchant, William Hartley haberdasher & silk merchant / Henry Hartley barrister = Apr 1798 Lady Louisa Lumley dau of Earl of Scarborough (Irish marriages).

Hartley, James

James Hartley of Easingwold, Yorks (dined 8.12.1780 as visitor of Adam Walker) proposed Society for Constitutional Information 22.12.1780 by Edward Bridgen 2nded John Jebb

A common name particularly in Yorkshire, not found any connected to Easingwold. Probably not James Hartley DNB 1744-1799 officer of East India Company who seems to have been in London from December 1781 till April 1788. (James Hartley Esq subscr 1791 to Galatea by Claris de Florian. J Hartley of Auditors Office subscr 1794 to George Adams' lectures. J Hartley Grays Inn subscr 1795 to Winterbotham's America. Boyle'…


2.4.1808 Harvery calls, bookseller

A rare surname but it did exist. None found in British Book Trades Index or Holdens 1811 directory

















Harvey, Ann

mrs Harvey 25.5.1795  adv at Mrs Inchbald's (with mrs Twiss) / 26.7.1795 mrs H & fils at Horne Tooke's

Ann Twiss married Thomas Harvey at Norwich 12.10.1774 and died 13.5.1819 aged 71. Mrs Twiss was Frances Kemble who married her brother Francis Twiss DNB 1759-1827