A-Z of Entries


28.6.1807 Elringtons adv. at Philips'

Perhaps John Battersby Elrington. Two children of a John Battersby Elrington and his wife Isabelle Parker were baptised in Jamaica in 1792 and 1793. Confessions in Elysium, a "licentious" translation of Wieland by JBE was published in 1802 and his translation of Russian Tales by Nicolai Karamzin in 1803, though the translatorship is also attributed to a Dane, A.A. Feldborg.(see romtext.org.uk/reports/engnov4). John Battersby Elrington, late of Hemas-terrace, Chelsea and formerly of Gt Titchfield-st was in the Fleet prison 23.1.1811 and the Kings…


Elwards's 16.7.1800 at Reeves's / 22.7.1800 at Burton's

The name Elwards is rare but did exist. In handwriting of Godwin's era it was particularly hard to tell from Edwards as many people used a similar curl at the base of a capital E as they used to form a small d

Elwes, Sarah

them 10.5.1800 surely referred to James Marshall & Sarah Elwes

below are notes from my correspondence with Mark Philp whose article Sarah Elwes' calling was published in Bodleian Library Record April 2011

John Elwes divorced Sarah Elwes in Ecclesiastical court in 1796, she appealed; the Court of Arches hearing found in John Elwes favour; she appealed to the High Court of Delegates. But when he died (about 19.4.1817) it was mentioned that he had two sons (Derby Mercury May 1, 1817).
On 14 January 1818, his wife, Mrs Elwes was reported as dying, aged 52 (in Bury and…


Ely 10.9.1805 at Taylor's Stowmarket

1784 Edward Ely grocer & turner Bury St Edmunds Suffolk will PCC 10.5.1805 mentioned sister Lydia wife of Lancelot Danby sister Ann Finch widow sisters Mary & Rebecca Ely late brother William Ely brother John Clarke Ely (buried 16.5.1811 Sible Hedingham, Essex will Nat Arch IR26) & his children Edward, Elizabeth & Mary. Sible H is about 20 miles SW of Stowmarket past Sudbury. John Clarke Ely voted for Montagu Burgoyne, the reform candidate, in 1810 Essex election


English 19.1.1798 adv at Reveley's

? James English attorney 28 East St  Red Lion Sq (Law List 1794-1800) / J English Inner Temple 1800 subscr to Life's Painter

entre C and D

4.12.1791 you lie entre C and D.

Probably Thomas Cooper and George Dyson, see letter 21.3.1792 (Abinger b.1)



Irving 27.1.1802 at Joseph Johnson's / 31.1.1802 Erving calls / 14.3.1802 call on Erving / 24.11.1802 Erving at Joseph Johnson's / 21.11.1804 again / 15.11.1810 Irving at Cooper's (& Swartwout) / 28.11.1810 Irving at Cooper's / 29.11.1810 Irving at Swartwout's

George William Erving of Massachusetts appointed consul at London by Thomas Jefferson (Maryland Gazette 6.8.1801 Morning Post 27.8.1801) arrived from New York 21.9.1801, his father George Erving had been a loyalist in American War of Independence and now lived at 32 Gt George St, Hanover Sq (his will PCC 1806 witnessed by…


theatre; adv Este. Escapes 13.11.1800

Possibly referred to The Escapes, a play by Thomas Holcroft first staged on 14.10.1801, though Holcroft was abroad at this time, it was perhaps the "piece" referred to by Holcroft in his letter to Godwin dated 28.11.1800 (Bodleian Abinger c6 f86r)

Escher, Henry

call on Escher 28.6.1800

Henry Escher 14 Broad St Bloomsbury, Holdens 1799, 9 Gerrard St Soho Holden's 1802, 201 Piccadilly 1809-13 German bookseller. Sophia dau of Henry & Mary Escher was baptised 8.7.1792 St Geo the Martyr Surrey. Henry Escher of Switzerland naturalised Philadelphia 1803, passenger arrived London to Philadelphia 1812


9.10.1810 Baptist's Head; Tabart, Espinasse &c

Isaac Espinasse DNB 1758-1834 or his brother Robert 1774-1840 both special pleaders

Essex, William

30.8.1806 4 Boadens dine; adv. E Joyce, C Colnet, Essex & Sheffields

Essex and Sheffields were both Godwin's neighbours in the Polygon, Somers Town. William Essex senior c.1740-1818 was apprenticed to a currier in Colchester in 1758. His son William c.1766-1836 was apprenticed in 1781 to Thomas Satchwell jeweller of the Goldsmith's Company as son of William Essex of Colchester, currier. William Essex senior and junior were insured together as curriers at 3 Parker St, Drury lane SunFire 1790. William Essex widow of St Pancras = Marylebone 30.4.1795 Susanna Pick otp sp lic sigs.…


Estlin 23.1.1800 at Coleridge's

Rev John Prior Estlin DNB 1747-1817 Unitarian minister, friend and correspondent of Samuel Taylor Coleridge DNB 1772-1834

Eton, William

29.1.1796 Etons at Reveley's / 22.3.1796 Reveley & Eton call / 6.4.1796 Eton at Reveley's / 13.4.1796 Eton calls / 6.9.1796 again / 30.11.1796 mrs Eton adv at Reveley's / 22.2.1797 adv Etons at Reveleys / 26.2.1798 meet Eton / 10.6.1812 Godwin calls on Eton / 14.6.1812 Eton calls / 17.6.1812 Eton & Macmillan call

William Eton born 17.10.1758 bapt 6.11.1758 St James Piccadilly son of William & Sarah / Wm E jr Kew subscr 1787 to Richardson's Treatise on 5 orders of Architecture / consul at Bassora later at Malta, lived in Turkey & Russia, book published 1798 A Survey…


29.1.1790 Eudora.

A tragedy by William Hayley performed at Covent Garden that day.


Eustace 5.8.1800 dines, Carlow / 9.2.1805 at Dickins'

Subscr 1798 to D R O'Conor Robert Eustace Esq, Castlemore Tullow co.Carlow, Edward Eustace Esq, Elm Grove, Tullow, co Carlow, Maj Gen Charles Eustace Stephens Green, Dublin / will PCC 1802 & 1814 Charles Eustace, Dublin / Hist Irish Parl Charles Eustace 1730-1801 pro-union, his son Henry c1770-1842 / Dublin Trades 1797 Allen Eustace linen draper, Anthony Eustace baker, Edward Eustace butcher, James Eustace carpet manufacturer, Nicholas Eustace linen draper, Richard Eustace carpet manufacturer, Rowland Eustace malt distiller…


Bearing in mind that Evans was a very common name, the paragraphs below give a framework for guesswork

Mr Evans 15.5.1791 tea at Godwin's / 28.1.1794 Evans at Muir's === these two entries or either of them could have been Godwin's schoolfriend Richard Evans (qv)

3.2.1804 Evans at Hamilton Rowan's === see Joshua Evans 1824 below for one possible

8.1.1806 Evans at Joseph Johnson's / 6.11.1807 again ===

16.1.1806 Evanss at Jeremiah Joyce's ===

24.4.1809 Evans calls / 26.7.1809 call on Evans (Mullet) / 21.11.1809 call on Evans / 8.2.1810 Evans at tea / 22.3.…

Evans, Richard

In Godwin's 1796 list for 1774, added in smaller letters, not in 1794 version

In Godwin's autobiographical notes (Bodleian Library microfilm Duke MF 75) he wrote "metaphysical correspondence with Evans" which comes after "Lowestoft - Howe" and so the correspondence dated to 1777. The nearest Richard Evans, by date, in the Surman Index lived 1737-1824 and was minister at Appledore Devon from 1759-1819 so this one may have been his son

Exeter, Earl of

13.5.1796 call on Lawrence, not available, (E of Exeter)

Thomas Lawrence exhibited a portrait of Lord Exeter and his family at the Royal Academy in 1797


Exhibition 11.7.1800 (in Ireland)

The GD website event tag mentions an exhibition in London advertised in the Times of that day, without noticing that Godwin was in Dublin. If you have easier access to Dublin newspapers than I do you may be able to identify this exhibition

Eyre, James

23.6.1795 Eyre at Parr's, Hatton & 4.7.1795 at Morley's (Mawley's)

Rev James Eyre DNB 1748-1813 headmaster of Solihull Grammar school, son of John of Coventry gent & his wife Mary, matric Trinity Oxford 13.11.1771 age 20 (which would make his birth date 1751 not 1748 as DNB, which is based on his age given at death) married 9.4.1790 Charlotte Harding. Dr Samuel Parr DNB 1747-1825 married his sister Mary on 17.12.1816. The DNB mentions his connection to Parr in the Parr article but not in the Eyre article

1794 subscr to Poems by Mrs Darwall formerly Miss Whateley (…