A-Z of Entries

Haughton, Graves

16.1.1827 sup at Aldis's, w. Haughton / 20.6.1833 seek Haughton / 21.6.1833 call on Haughton (Asiatic Society) / 11.7.1833 call on Haughton

Graves Haughton DNB 1788-1849 secretary of the Royal Asiatic Society, though the 1827 entry at Aldis's could also have been Moses Haughton (qv) or another

Haughton, Moses

5.6.1805 dine at Johnson's, w. Fuseli; adv. Houghton / 15.1.1806 dine at Fuseli's, w. Houghton / 20.7.1806 dine at Johnson's, w. Houghton / 10.2.1809 Houghton calls: dine at Johnson's / 1.5.1809 RA Exhibition; Haughton &c / 29.12.1809 Johnson's funeral; w. Fuseli, Haughton / 2.4.1813 Somerset House; Bindley, Fuseli & Haughton / 3.4.1813 again / 5.1.1814 call on Haughton / 22.3.1814 call, w. Shelley, at Doctors Commons, & on Haughton / 30.3.1814 call on Haughton / 6.4.1814 again /

The first three entries above have all been coded on GD website to the person record of…


call at Havel's 14.9.1802 (in Reading)

Will PCC 1813 Luke Havell drawingmaster, oilman & colourman Reading. In 1823 a Robert Havell was aquatinter at 79 Newman St, London (British Book Trades Index)


Hawes 1.11.1794 at Hardy's trial / miss Hawes's 31.3.1795 at Thelwal's.

Maybe William Hawes DNB 1736-1808 (will PCC 1809 sons Thomas, Benjamin). If the miss Hawes's were his daughters, they would have been Sarah born 1775 or Mary Ann born 1782 (so only 13), so more likely another sister Maria not mentioned in the DNB except under John Gurney who married her in 1797 (she was certainly of William Hawes' family as his address Spital Square was given on her marriege certificate, he moved address several times previously and her baptism must have been in some other parish about 1777).…

Hawke, Martin Bladen

23.5.1790 Hawke at Paradise's. Appeared in 1794 version of Godwin's 1796 list but crossed out, and left out of 1796 version

Martin Bladen Hawke 1744-1805 son of admiral Edward Hawke DNB 1705-81



Hawkes 12.10.1800 adv at Sarah Elwes' / 14.12.1810 adv at Lambert's / 1.5.1816 call on (in Manchester) / 13.1.1830 adv at Northcote's / 28.5.1835 Hawkes'es at Gaskel's

Rev. William Hawkes 1759-1820 Unitarian minister at Mosley Street, Manchester from 1789 to 1820, his will PCC 1821 wife Maria daughters Margaret and Esther, brother Thomas Laken Hawkes, brothers and sisters Wood, Bill, Duckworth, Humphreys. His father Rev William Hawkes's will PCC 1797. The Hawkes's at Gaskell's in 1835 may have been a connection of his, but the three entries at Elwes 1800, Lambert 1810 and Northcote…


18.4.1790 Hawkins at Paradise's.

John Sidney Hawkins DNB 1758-1842 son of Sir John Hawkins DNB 1714-89 who was certainly a friend of Paradise's (Shepperson) or John Hawkins DNB 1761-1841 whose Greek travels and Republican sympathies would also fit with Paradise's circle


mrs Hawthorn 15.11.1804 at H Rowan's / 28.1.1805 Hawthorns at H Rowan's / 30.1.1805 again / 10.7.1805 meet Hawthorns / 4.3.1806 Hawthorns at Rowan's / 11.3.1806 meet Hawthorn / 23.5.1806 Hawthorns at S Beresford's / 10.12.1806 theatre with Hawthorn / 31.1.1807 Hawthorns call / 4.2.1807 dine at Hawthorn's / 16.2.1807 Hawthorns call / 29.5.1807 M Hawthorn dines / 21.9.1807 call on mrs Hawthorn with M(ary) J(ane) / 2.1.1808 Hawthorns call / 7.1.1808 dine at Hawthorn's / 1.2.1808 Hawthorn calls / 4.2.1808 dine at Hawthorn / 29.5.1808 Hawthorn calls

As friends of Hamilton Rowan these…


Hey 4.2.1792 at Shields' with Gray, Perry & Holcroft / 24.8.1794 Hay at Gray's with Gordon & Holcroft / 14.12.96 Hay at House of Commons with Gordon & Perry / 7.1.1805 adv Hay & 2 at H Rowan's / 11.7.1813 miss Hay at Hume's

Likely Hey and Hay in the first three entries above were the same person because of similar company, and Godwin most often (and understandably) got spelling wrong on first meeting someone, so more likely Hay, and quite likely a journalist for Morning Chronicle (Perry & Gray's paper). The Hay at Rowan's in 1805 could have been Edward Hay DNB…

Hays, Mary

GODWIN DIARY: adv soeur 4.4.1799 at M Hays / 25.9.1799 mr Hays adv at Astley's

Mary Hays' sister Sarah Hills has a person record on the GD website. Soeur should perhaps be added to her. perhaps to another sister like Joanna Dunkin, or Elizabeth Hays later Mrs Lanfear. Mr Hays was probably one of their brothers John or Thomas, her father was by then dead. See Correspondence of Mary Hays

CRABB ROBINSON DIARY     5.9.1812 at George Wedd's, Mr Hill nephew and Mr Lanfere son in law of Miss Hays (should be nephew-in-law?)


meet Hayward 8.12.1795 after or at W(estminster) Forum / 7.3.1796 Hayward calls (& Calder) / 4.6.1799 call on Mrs Hayward / 21.1.1803 Hayward at Nicholson's / 7.7.1803 miss Hayward adv at Nicholson's, Kentish Town / 29.4.1805 Dawes, Christal & Hayward at (RA) exhibition / 4.5.1805 miss Hayward at Nicholson's / 14.11.1806 Westminster Hall with Nicholson, Hayward, Wilkinson & Fletcher / 27.11.1806 Westminster Hall with Nicholson & Hayward / 1.1.1807 S & A Nicholson, Dawes at Godwins, invited Hayward / 3.2.1807 Westminster Hall (with Hayward) & Serjeants Inn for…

Hazlitt, Mary

16.6.1795 mrs Hazlitt adv at Holcroft's

Probably the wife of John Hazlitt, who married 16.5.1789 at St Anne Soho, Mary Pierce of Marylebone, in the Bishop of London's license called Mary Pearse of Southsea, Hants

Or possibly the Hazlitts' mother Grace (nee Loftus) 1746-1837 on a visit to her children in London from Wem


Heard 10.10.1799 adv at Curran's


Heath, Charles Theodosius

25.3.1808 call on C Heath / 29.3.1808 C Heath & H Corbould call / 23.4.1808 C Heath calls / 31.5.1808 again / 30.6.1808 again / 1.10.1808 again / 6.9.1819 steamboat to London w. C Heath & wife / 18.12.1820 call on Perkins; adv. C & G Heath & Miller / 19.12.1822 C Heath adv. at theatre / 16.5.1828 C Heath at Reynolds's / 18.11.1829 call on C Heath; at F Reynolds / 19.11.1829 write to F Reynolds, leave at Heath's / 23.3.1832 C Heath adv. at Suffolk Street (gallery)

Charles Theodosius Heath (DNB 1785-1848), engraver, married Elizabeth Petch 1808. It is strange that…

Heath, George

18.12.1820 call on Perkins; adv. C & G Heath & Miller / 9.10.1821 seek Heath, barrister / 11.10.1821 call on Heath / 11.12.1823 call on G Heath / 6.11.1824 call on Heath (Debtors' Court)

George Heath eldest son of James Heath engraver (DNB 1757-1834) admitted Inner Temple 22.6.1802 called to bar 13.11.1807 eldest son of James Heath Esq, Russell Place, Fitzroy Square, his will PCC 15.5.1852 serjeant at law of Kitlands Surrey. He may not have been the Heath barrister of 1821 and 1824 as Godwin had probably known him from childhood and would have used the initial G (you might…

Heath, James

14.9.1788 call on Barry met Wilson & Heath / 24.3.1789 Robinson & Heath call talk of Barry / 29.8.1789 at Robinson's adv Shield & Heath / 12.10.1795 Shield & Heath at Robinson's / 14.10.1795 call on / 27.12.1796 at Robinson's / 26.1.1797 adv there / 11.2.1797 there / 31.10.1797 call on (not in) / 1.11.1797 call on / 3.11.1797 call on Fuseli with Heath / 16.11.1797 call on / 5.12.1797 / 6.12.1797 / 11.12.1797 / 12.12.1797 / 14.12.1797 / 16.12.1797 / 20.12.1797 / 9.1.1798 (all call on) / 23.4.1798 at exhibition / 28.4.1800 at exhibition / 17.5.1800 at Milton gallery / 12.9.…


Heathcote 11.11.1792 at Pinard's /  29.12.1793 at Holcroft's

Helvetius, Claude Adrien

5.3.1792 Helvets / 14.12.1792.

Must have referred to Claude Adrien Helvetius 1715-1771


Heming 6.10.1794 at Parr's / 10.10.1794 at Coventry with Hall & Ca. Parr.

No clear identification. Thomas Heming (or Hemmings) of Hatton will proved 1824 PCC, Thomas Heming s of John & Mary bapt Lapworth 20.9.1778. Thomas Heming, Alcester subscribed to History & Antiquities of Stratford 1806 (as did Samuel Parr and many of his local friends). Thomas Heming of Cookhill, nr. Alcester 1810


Henault, &c  28.5.1801

This should be coded in GD website to te1247 the text Godwin also ead the next day