A-Z of Entries


Hoffmans 21.6.1799 at John king's / 17.11.1799 again


hog's catechism

28.2.1794 after 'call on Gray'

Hogan, Thomas Cockerell

The GD website has Hogan as an Idenified Person but knows almost nothing about him.The mentions of Hogan in Godwin's diary were approx 200 from 16.3.1812 to 12.2.1816, most of these were Hogan calling on Godwin, and taking tea and supper with him. 24.8.1814 was the last time Hogan came to Godwin, after which Godwin wrote to him a few times, called on him once, and heard from him via others (mostly Charles Clairmont). While Hogan was coming regularly to Godwin's, Godwin only called on him a few times and wrote to him a few times. Near the start of their acquaintance Godwin invited him a few…

Hogg, Thomas

6.6.1795 Hogg at Lauderdale's (with Sir J Henderson, adv Moore)

Probably Thomas Hogg of Newliston, Lauriston who married Lauderdale's sister Mary-Julian on 9.3.1773. His father had been a merchant in London, and he was probably the Thomas Hogg who entered the Faculty of Advocates in Edinburgh in 1765 and voted in the minority with Sir John Henderson for Henry Erskine, the incumbent Dean, against the Lord Advocate Robert Dundas (nephew of Erskine's lifelong rival Henry Dundas) who became the next Dean of the Faculty of Advocates 20.1.1796

A Thomas Hogg who entered New College…


Sir harry Houghton 30.12.1788 / Hoghton 6.5.1789 at London Tavern / 13.2.1790 with Anti-Tests.

Appeared in Godwin's 1796 list as Hoghton, last name in 1788. Sir Harry Hoghton (1728-95) was MP for Preston (History of Parliament) and see Majendie, Lewis who married his daughter. Boyle's 1792 33 Upper Brook St. He supported dissenters. But consider also Pendlebury Ho(u)ghton 1758-1824 a prominent dissenter


Holbrook calls 27.6.1804 / 28.6.1804 call on Holbrook with M(ary) J(ane) / 11.8.1804 call on Sibbald (Holbrook) with M(ary) J(ane)

Possibly Ann Catherine Holbrook DNB 1780-1837, or her husband, though they were mainly touring as provincial actors at that time This doesn't seem very likely though. Quite a common name. And see Sibbald

Holcombe, Mrs

mrs Holcombe 9.7.1799 at S Elwes' / 30.1.1800 again / 3.2.1800 again / 28.2.1800 meet (& S Elwes) / 12.3.1800 at S Elwes' / 8.4.1800 calls on S Elwes & mrs Holcombe / 9.5.1800 at S Elwes'

Holcroft, Anne

7.8.1795 mes Ht & Richter call / 11.8.1795 Godwin calls on A Ht / 9.9.1795 Godwin calls on A H / 15.2.1796 Godwin calls on A H (but didn't see) / 3.9.1798 mrs Harwood dines / 7.8.1801 mrs Harwood calls / 9.2.1802 write to mrs Harwood / 24.5.1809 mrs & miss Harwood at tea / 10.9.1812 mrs Harwood on coach to Bristol / 24.8.1824 mrs harwood at tea / 16.4.1826 mrs Harwood at Lamb's

Around the time of the first three entries above Anne Holcroft was coming into conflict with her father Thomas. See Abinger c.3 f.17r letter from Amelia Alderson in Norwich to Godwin dated 5.2.1796 in…

Holcroft, Dorothy

26.4.1792 au soir / 29.4.1792 dine with Dorothy / 4.2.1801 meet D Ht. / 5.5.1804 adv Mathans at Holcroft's (at Harwood's) 

Thomas Holcroft had an uncle John who married Margaret Marsack at St George's Mayfair 4.1.1754 and had a daughter Dorothy Ann baptised St Paul Covent Garden in 1761. She had a sister Margaretta whose will (PCC 1785 Margaretta Holcroft Roome spinster) mentioned her half brother Charles Marsack and implied she had a son by William Roome, presumably a married man. One of Thomas Holcroft's daughters was named Fanny Margaretta. Dorothy Ann Holcroft married Jean…

Holcroft, Ellen

24.8.1824 mrs Harwood & E Ht at tea / 24.10.1824 N(athaniel) G(odwin) & Ellen Ht dine / 1.4.1825 call, w. M(ary) J(ane) , on Ellen Ht

Ellen youngest dau of Thomas Holcroft and his 4th wife Louisa, born 15.7.1808

Holcroft, Harwood

21.7.1813 T & H Ht dine / 17.4.1815 H Ht dines / 29.9.1816 F & H Ht dine / 5.1.1817 H Ht, 3 nights / 3.8.1817 H Ht 2 nights / 21.12.1817 H Ht, three nights / 25.1.1818 H Ht dines / 10.5.1818 again / 19.10.1818 T & Harwood Ht call / 22.11.1818 Tho & Harwd Ht dine / 8.1.1819 T & Harwood Ht dine / 31.1.1819 T & Hd Ht dine / 12.4.1819 T & Harwood Ht dine; invités Hy Ht & John May / 15.4.1819 Mercier & Harwood Ht call / 12.7.1819 May & H Ht dine / 25.12.1819 Hd & Hy Ht dine / Hy Ht sleeps, 4 nights / 26.12.1819 C Baxter & Hd Ht dine / 14.5.1820…

Holcroft, Henry

12.11.1815 Henry Ht, w. excuses

Born 3.3.1806. For the rest of his mentions in Godwin's diary, see Holcroft, Harwood. Henry went to France when he was 14 and didn't re-appear in Godwin's diary


Holcroft, Louisa

GODWIN DIARY 30.7.1813

CRABB ROBINSON DIARY 8.7.1828 at Lambs "found there a Louisa Holcroft - a fine and interesting young woman - seemingly a girl of talents and sweet disposition"

                                   21.3.1829 at John Payne Collier's - Kennys & Mrs Baddam

Born 24.6.1801 daughter of Thomas Holcroft and his fourth wife Louisa, she married John Badams of Aston Warwicks bachelor by licence at St Pancras on 30.12.1828 (the witnesses were her father-in-law J Kenney and Basil Montagu's wife Anne D B Montagu). She married secondly on 15.10.1835 at…

Holcroft, Sophia


Sophia Holcroft married William Cole in 1794. They had four children, Mary, Sophia, Emily and Barham. By 1820 she was married to Georges Nicholas Mergez a Napoleonic General who became a baron and died in 1846, when his title descended to her son Barham. She died at Chalons-sur-Marne on 8.1.1850. She first appeared in Godwin's diary as presumably one of the Miss Holcrofts. Then as Coles, S Cole or Mrs Cole she appeared on 30.1.1796, 14.2.1796, 28.2.1796, 6.3.1796, 28.12.1797, 2.1.1798, 7.1.1798, 10.1.1798, 29.1.1798, 18.5.1798 and 16.3.1799 and on 17.3.1799 as S C. Then as…

Holcroft, Thomas


2.8.1790 H proposes Gazr to M. This H is identified as Holcroft in GD website in the event tag but not coded to him. 8.10.1797 H calls. Several times Godwin used H rather than Ht to mean Holcroft, this one not coded in GD website

The entries from 1805 and 1806 below show Holcroft and Godwin falling out over what Holcroft considered a character based on him in Godwin's novel Fleetwood. Ht was Godwin's abbreviation for Thomas Holcroft. Note the use of brackets when Godwin accidentally saw Holcroft. Godwin also used brackets when he saw famous people at the theatre…

Holcroft, Thomas junior

GODWIN DIARY 14.4.1803

Son of Thomas Holcroft and his fourth wife Louisa, he was born on 9.1.1803, married Catherine North at St Marylebone on 9.1.1825, and appeared in the 1841 census living at Nassau St, Soho age 36 Man of Letters with Elizabeth Holcroft age 32 (presumably his second wife). 22.11.1818, 31.1.1819, 12.4.1819 and 31.5.1819 should be added to his dates. Godwin noted him over 50 times between his first marriage and Godwin's death but no sign of Godwin's having met Thomas's wife

CRABB ROBINSON DIARY (21?) 29.10.1823 Tom Holcroft back from India, Robinson found…

Holcroft, Thomas senior

13.6.1790 son pere / 7.11.1793 H's father

Must mean Thomas father of Thomas Holcroft


Holcroft, Villiers


Villiers Holcroft was born 29.12.1799 eldest of the children of Thomas Holcroft and his fourth wife Louisa and baptised at St Marylebone on 1.3.1809, along with 3 brothers and 2 sisters, shortly before their father's death. He was probably the Villiers Holcroft who was buried on 1.1.1835 at Fort William, Bengal, pauper age 29, although the age is 5 years too young, the name is probably unique. 14.4.1803 should be added to his dates.
the 6 children of thomas and louisa holcroft were all baptised together at st marylebone on 1/3/1809, shortly before holcroft died.…

Hole, Miss

miss Hole at tea 22.3,1804 (& Hannah Godwin)

Godwin's sister Hannah brought many of her apprentices and assistants in her millinery business to meet her brother. This was probably one more such but that is just speculation


Hollick 29.4.1800 at Foulkes's