A-Z of Entries


(mes0 Pym 5.5.1789 at miss Williams'

Pyne, Grace

call on Grace Pyne with M(ary) J(ane) 17.8.1803

According to an Ancestry user-submitted tree John Pyne married Grace Palmer 6,8,1779 at Langford Bordville Somerset and their son Isaac married a Mary Wale, and then a Mary Snook on 12.11.1805 at Wellington. The will of Grace Pyne widow of Wellington, Somerset was proved 28.7.1808 at the Consistory Court of Wells (Nat Arch IR26) and mentioned her daughter Mary and son Isaac. Mary Jane Godwin had a number of contacts in London from Somerset, notably the Napiers, but they were from the Yeovil area some 30 miles from Wellington. I've…


Quins 16.7.1800 at Reeves's / 22.7.1800 Quins at Burton's

GD website has coded these to Edward Turnly Quin DNB 1762-1823 which is probably right for later Quins in London, but though he was Irish there were many Quins in Ireland and Quin didn't appear in Godwin's diary with Curran in London until 1817. E T Quin married in London in 1793 and the DNB says nothing more about his whereabouts till 1803 when he became editor of the Traveller

Thomas Goold's mother was nee Quin (see Gould) and Gould was at Reeves's on 16.7.1800. In Dict Irish Biog Henry Quin 1717-1791 doctor, his…


4.9.1808 Royal Ménagerie, Quist w. M(ary) J(ane), Bonnycastle &c

Probably Charles Adolphus Quist, 1729-1821  Lt. Col attached to the Riding House department of the Royal Artillery, Woolwich, died unmarried. Charles Quist son of Count Adolphus Quist of Sweden, naturalised 1775. Was he displaying riding skills at age 79? The main attraction at Pidcock's Royal Menagerie, Exeter Change, Strand was the female kangaroo with her young hopping in and out of her pouch


18.11.1795 Raby at Montagu's / 25.9.1805 adv Raby at Nicholson's

Rackett, Thomas

5.6.1808 dine at Knowles's, w. Fuseli, Jeffery & Racket

Thomas Rackett DNB 1755-1840. Dorset History Centre D/RAC/107 for his letters to Knowles 1809-1833

Rackstrow, Frances

F Rackstrow 9.10.1801 dines at Mitre, Oxford

Frances dau of Thomas & Ann Rackstrow bapt All Saints Oxford 1781. Her father Thomas was perhaps the Thomas Rackstrow will PCC 1814 of Hertford


13.2.1809 Raddon calls / 12.5.1809 again / 18.5.1809 again / 6.6.1809 again / 12.6.1809 again

Holdens Directory 1811: Robert Raddon plumber & glazier 25 Hatton Wall (will PCC 1844) / Capt W Raddon 5 Jamaica-row, Bermondsey / Mr William Raddon 22 Upper Eaton-st Pimlico. This last was the line engraver artist & entomologist William Raddon 1778-1848, friend of Fuseli. Married to Ann, 22 years his senior.

Rahl, Alexander Frederick

27.4.1792 at Henley's

see Henley, Isaac

Raikes, Thomas

Raikes 27.6.1788 at Robinson's

Identified probably wrongly in GD website as his brother Robert. Godwin met Raikes once at Robinson's on 27.6.1788 and 2 weeks later the 15 year old George Dyson and his 13 year old brother Abraham dined with Godwin. George Dyson referred to Thomas Raikes in a letter of 8.10.1810 (Nat Arch TS11/463) as "my highly respected old master" who had just lost his wife, as Thomas Raikes, Governor of the Bank of England, just had, which Dyson in South America had seen in a newspaper

Raine, Doctor

7.11.1792 Doctor Raine / 8.11.1792 / 9.11.1792 syringe / 10.11.1792 syringe / 12.11.1792 / 15.11.1792 (adv Agar) / 26.11.1792 / 19.6.1794 meet Raine

In the Godwin Diary website these entries are coded to Matthew Raine (a Doctor but not of medicine) though the editorial notes make it clear they do not think it can be him as the closeness of the 7 entries and the word syringe clearly suggest a medical intervention. But a medical doctor called Raine, Rain or Rayne doesn't seem to have existed. There were three surgeons, one named William Raine will PCC 1800 'who had resided many years…


Ramsay 7.3.1802 at Perry's

A common name but a  one-off in Godwin's diary, apart from Miss Ramsay in 1794 and a Ramsey in 1833. Guesswork might suggest a reporter like Spanky who was also at Perry's that day or some other Scottish connection of Perry's. There was a William Ramsay who was shorthand taker at the Old Bailey in 1801. William Ramsay was clerk in the secretary's office at East India House 1768-1794 and then served as secretary till 1813, William Ramsay junior was clerk in the same office from 1800 to 1816. William Ramsay wrote on the Solubility of Earths in Nicholson's…

Ramsay, Miss

at Newgate 30.7.1794 'adv Hart Street, miss Ramsay & Cook' / 4.8.1794 at Jennings' / 26.10.1794 again.

Possibly Margaret or Jane, the two unmarried daughters of James Ramsay DNB d.1789 slavery abolitionist. His eldest daughter Sarah married the Rev Richard Warde at Aylesford, Kent on 4.2.1790; Jane married Aretas Akers son of a West Indies merchant at St Geo Queen Sq on 19.3.1795; and Margaret was perhaps the person of that name who married George Burk at St Anne Soho 23.10.1796. Not a rare name, I found 7 other female Ramsays marrying in London 1795-1805, but the West Indian…


23.1.1810 call on Ramsbottom

Perhaps John Ramsbottom surgeon Paternoster-row (Holdens directory 1811)


29.3.1796 at Holcroft's


2.7.1796 Randal, American (on journey from Ipswich to Norwich) / 8.6.1798 Ellistons, Randalls & Langley sup with Godwin at Bath / 24.3.1800 call on Hoare adv Randall

Elizabeth Randall, Rundall or Rundell married Robert William Elliston DNB 1774-1831 at Bath on 1.6.1796, she died 1821 aged 46. According to an Ancestry user-submitted tree her parents were John Rundell and Lucy (nee Collins). Thomas Rundell surgeon of Bennett St Bath was sheriff of Bath 1784 and chief constable 1789 and died 1795, see Maria Eliza Rundell DNB 1745-1828. Mrs Randall of Bath subscribed (like other of…

Randolph, David Meade

address in flyleaf of Godwin's diary vol xv: David M Randolph 16 Francis-st, Golden-sq / 26.4.1809 call on Randolph / 27.04.1809 Randolph calls / 6.5.1809 call on Randolph (not seen) / 9.5.1809 Randolph calls (not seen) / 13.5.1809 Randolph calls (Hammersley) / 23.5.1809 Randolph calls / 15.7.1809 Randolph dines / 28.7.1809 Randolph calls / 7.9.1809 meet Randolph / 5.11.1811 call on Randolph / 8.9.1812 meet Randolph, news of Burr / 22.2.1814 meet Randolph

Godwin contacted four of the addresses in the flyleaf of his diary in the few days after Burr's departure, so they were clearly…

Raper, Matthew

9.5.1790 Raper at Paradise's and 23.5.1790 there.

Matthew Raper of Wendover Dean, Bucks died 26.11.1826 in 88th year at his house in Wimpole St (newspapers) Fellow of Royal Society and vice-president of Antiquarian Society. His wife died 3.4.1824 aged 79. 1787 translated Grellman's History of the Gypsies. Listed as a merchant in Old Street in 1790/1 directories. In his will (PCC 1827) he mentioned his sisters Sarah and Jane and his cousins, and left legacies to Samuel Rogers the poet and his sister Sarah. Son of William R and heir to his uncle Matthew R (PCC 1779) who was a friend…

Raven, Aldridge

tea Raven's 15.7.1796. On 6.10.1803 (after Aldridge Raven's death) Godwin at Dalling noted "mrs Raven & Phillis at tea". On 4.5.1808 "dine at Mrs Raven's", and on 18.8.1809 at Ann Godwin's funeral "4 Ravens" and on 19.08.1809 "dine Raven's".

On 15.11.1768 at Foulsham, Norfolk, Aldridge Raven married Sarah Dunnet. According to Hull Godwin's letter (Abinger c.13 f74v), his wife was born 16.10.1769. For their marriage see Godwin, Philip Hull. Aldridge Raven was buried at Themelthorpe, Norfolk on 13.6.1803. One of Hull Godwin's children was christened Aldridge. Phillis Lois…


Rawlins adv at dinner 4.3.1804 (& miss Walsh)

Quite a common name, perhaps a connection of the Napier (qv) family as miss Walsh (qv) was