A-Z of Entries

N promises to write to R


Presumably William Nicholson and George Robinson


20.9.1789 Nagel at Holcroft's and 27.9.1789 there. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1789, and in 1794 version

Oracle and Bell's New World 30.9.89, and St James Chronicle 1.10.89 "Friday evening last between 5 and 6 o'clock Captain Nagel was stopped about two miles and a half from Bushy Park by two highwaymen who robbed him of a ten pound bank note and his purse containing three guineas. The Captain was on a visit to Mr Burke at Beaconsfield" Friday was the 25th so maybe Nagel stayed at Holcroft's on his way to and from Burke. It fits with a pattern of foreign officers visiting Holcroft,…


Nancride 27.1.1802 at Joseph Johnson's

Paul Joseph Guerard de Nancrede (1760-1841 Allibone, came to America in army of Rochambeau, wounded at Yorktown, died Paris) instructor in French at Harvard 1787-1800 issued Courier de Boston weekly paper in French 1789 (see Samuel Hall 1740-1807 in Amer Nat Biog) bookseller & stationer 49 Marlborough St Boston 1796-1803 married miss Hannah Dixcey 12.11.1788 son Dr Joseph Guerard Nancrede born Boston 1793 died 2.2.1857 age 63 Philadelphia. Arrived Philadelphia from London 30.10.1812, US passport 1816 aged 52. Bartholomew Strick of Middle…


Napier 23.10.1801 at Cts (=future Mrs Godwin) / 14.7.1802 mrs Napier dines; adv J Napier & mrs Pagan / 8.8.1802 Napiers dine / 22.8.1802 again / 25.9.1802 Napier & miss Walsh adv at dinner / 29.9.1802 miss Walsh dines, Napier adv / 21.11.1802 mrs Napier calls / 28.12.1802 again / 9.1.1803 again / 11.1.1603 E Napier calls / 5.3.1803 W L White & mrs Napier dine / 10.3.1803 W L White & E Napier dine / 23.3.1803 E Napier dines / 6.4.1803 E Napier dines adv John Napier / 7.6.1803 E Napier calls / 25.6.1803 E Napier at tea / 7.3.1804 sup at Napier's with miss Walsh & miss…

Nardini, Leonardo

see Poland Street 10 to 18 & 45 to 48 in London Addresses dataset

F Da Ponte & Vogel 15 Poland St published Daniel Barbaro in Italian 1796 / Leonardo Nardini & Anthony Dulau 15 Poland Street published 1799 Rochefoucauld's Maxims & Gli Zingari in Fiera / Societe Typographique Francaise 15 Poland St 1799 / 1804 L Nardini gone abroad / John Leonardo Nardini born 18.5.1789 bapt 27.5.1804 St James mother Mary Hazell / 1797 translation into French of Rowe's Jane Shore by L.D.C.V.G.D.N. se trouve chez l'auteur 41 Poland St (maybe Nardini?) sold by A Dulau 107 Wardour |St…


SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: Nash of Royston proposed member 30.3.1781 by Joseph Parker 2nded John Jebb

William s of Thomas Nash & Sarah nee Wallis born 1745 married 1774 Hester Wedd, died 30.12.1829. Woodfall's register 27.1.1790 Wm Nash signed resolutions of Canbridgeshire Constitutional Society. 1791 Unitarian Society, attorney of Royston, his son Wedd William Nash articled to him 1792. Morning Chronicle 9.1.1818 W Nash Royston subscr to William Hone (DNB 1780-1842) and see below


                    26.4.1820 "tea at Miss…

Nash, Edmund

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

Edmund Nash gent 36 Poland St SunFire 1782 / Edmund Nash widower of Town Malling Kent = St James 1786 Sarah Augers sp by lic / Edmund Nash gent 15 Bridges St Covt Gdn SunFire 1780 / Edmund Nash gent late of Noble St, St Olave's Wood St but now of Bridges St Covt Gdn articled 10.5.1780 to Benjamin Arthur attorney of Middle Row Holborn 1.5.1781 Edmund Nash of Water St, St Clement Danes transferred to Francis Matthews attorney of Inner Temple, Edmund Nash attorney at various addresses 1787-96, 1790 Edmund Nash attorney of Staples…


3.6.1798 Nasmith at H(olcrof)ts        

DNB has Alexander Nasmyth 1758-1840 artist and engineer of liberal politics residing mostly in Edinburgh but was also a scene painter for Drury Lane theatre in London, and James Nasmith 1740-1808 a clergyman, antiquary and farmer mostly in Cambridge area from a family of Norwich carriers. PCC wills Robert Nasmith surveyor Upper Norton St 1793 / William Nasmyth of Edinburgh 1815 / James Nasmyth 1816 / Thomas Nasmyth of Jamaica 1816 / Robert Nasmyth of Hanover Sq 1817 / John Brown Nasmyth wine merchant 25 Coleman St 1835 / Alexander Nasmyth…


25.2.1808 Nason calls / 8.4.1808 again

No clues. Often an Irish name

Naylor, Grange

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

SunFire 1800, 1807, 1810, 1814 Grange Naylor 29 Poland St, gent (also property in Free School St & Fair St, Horselydown & 16 Little Windmill St, St James apothecary) / Grange son of Johnson & Margaret Naylor of Church La, St Mary Whitechapel / Johnson Nailor 7.8.1723 freedom of Merchant Taylor's Company, freedom of son Grange 1745 attested by Abram & Jame Naylor clothworkers / Grange Naylor = All Hallows London Wall 21.12.1752 Elizabeth Hovendon / Robert s of Grange & Eliz Naylor shipwright Raven & Sun…

Naylor, Samuel

GODWIN DIARY: Naylors 12.11.1794 at Gerald's.

Probably Samuel Naylor attorney of Great Newport Street from 1770 and of Hogs Lane Hammersmith, buried 12.2.1799 at Baptist Chapel, Hammersmith age 53 (will PCC 1799 dated 7.9.1793 wits Thomas & Ellen Maclean). His wife Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Maclean, sons Samuel and Thomas (born 1776 Dr Williams' registers) still at Newport St in 1841 census, son Samuel unmarried at Hammersmith with sister Elizabeth 1851 census

CRABB ROBINSON DIARY: 29.1.1829 at Naylor's Hammersmith


Neale 26.3.1795 adv at King's.

See Trial of James Gillham 1795 for Mr Neale a former clerk of King's, also Scourge 1815 where John King's son George said he was "Jervoise Biddulph" at 16 Poland St  (1794) but concern was run by King's clerks Mr Brooks and Mr Neal

call on Neale 25.2.1804 (in Lewes) / 26.2.1804 call on mrs Neal / 27.2.1804 adieux, Neal & Langridge

Robert Neal corwainer of Lewes took an apprentice from 14.4.1803, and was leasing property from the Earl of Chichester in 1810 (East Sussex Record Office), Edwin Neal was a bootmaker of Lewes in 1827, his…


Needham 18.12.1797 calls / 8.8.1800 mrs Needham at Burne's (Ireland)


call on Nelson 8.8.1805 / 25.9.1805 again / 27.9.1805 again / 7.10.1805 again / 10.10.1805 again / 16.10.1805 Nelson calls / 29.10.1805 again / 1.11.1805 call on Nelson / 9.1.1806 Nelson's funeral / 15.1.1806 Nelson calls / 17.2.1806 call on Nelson / 17.5.1806 again / 20.5.1835 Nelson calls / 17.6.1835 again / 10.8.1835 again / 13.1.1836 again / 16.3.1836 again

The funeral in Jan 1806 was of Horatio Nelson DNB 1758-1805 as explained in the GD website event tag but he doesn't have a person record in GD website. The identity of the Nelson of 1805 & 1806 calls only, and that of…

Nelson, Jane

see Batemans Buildings in London Addresses dataset

Jane Nelson 2 Batemans Buildings ratebooks 1779? / Jane Nelson woman bur 24.5.1804 St Martin i t Fields

Nevinson, Charles

17.5.1794 / 9.7.1794 / 15.7.1794 / 12.8.1794 Mr Nevinson came. Saw Charles / 2.9.1794 / 10.9.1794 / 23.10.1794 / 27.10.1794 (wrote to) Nevinson / 8.11.1794 / 19.11.1794 (played at cards)

Bonney's sister Charlotte (her will PCC 1840) married Charles Nevinson apothecary  (his will PCC 1814) at St James Piccadilly 24.10.1772. Their son Charles Dalston Nevinson 1773-1846 became a doctor, and may have been the "saw Charles" on 12.8.1794

Newby, Charles

see Poland Street 10 to 18 & 45 to 48

Charles Newby 47 Poland St ratebooks 1778-1818 / SunFire 1778 Charles Newby apothecary no 46 / voted 1774 (apothecary of Brewer St) Mountmorres & Mahon 1802 Fox & Gardner 1806 Sheridan & Paull / born 1744 Yorks son of Ambrose Newby, married St James 2.11.1769 Elizabeth Crowther who died 17.12.1803 her admon 1.4.1814 London Consistory Court, his will same court 30.1.1819 under £14,000 mentioned John William Newby of 48 Poland St apothecary, his dau Maria Frances Waum widow of Newcastle on Tyne, his dau in law Mary widow of late…

Newcomb, John

see Poland Street 19 to 44 in London Addresses dataset

John Newcomb Doane's 1794 bass, piano teacher 29 Poland St / John Newcomb = St Martin i t Fields 1.2.1773 Elizabeth Wilkes botp banns wits Titus Newcomb, Joseph Coles / Titus s of John & Eliz Newcomb bapt 30.12.1773 St James / John bapt 18.5.1777 Eliz Amelia bapt 1.1.1784 St Martin i t F both of John & Eliz Newcomb / John Morris Newcomb bur St James 7.3.1789 child /  Charles Augustus Henry Newcomb bapt 23.3.1789 John Newcomb bapt 14.2.1797 St James both of John & Eliz / Titus Newcomb = Dudley, Worcs 4.11.1751 Judith…


Newcome 29.6.1800 on Holyhead coach (from Barnet) / 2.11.1813 call on Newcome

William Newcome DNB 1729-1800 archbishop of Armagh died 11.1.1800, his will PCC proved 6.6.1800 by his widow Anna Maria (nee Smyth her will PCC 1828 Clifton, Glos) in London. Perhaps Godwin was referring to her but though he seems to have often used plain surnames for actresses and authoresses I don't think he would have used one for an archbishop's widow on a first meeting on a coach


Newdicks 28.3.1795 adv at Adams'

Joseph Baden Newdick colourman of Cornhill to 1779, Kings Arms Yd Coleman St to 1798;  born 1743 married 1770 Frances dau of Christopher Tyler of Hornchurch Essex. His brother William 1747-1807 of Cheshunt Herts, Highgate & Holborn 3rd wife 1788 Mary Charlotte Wigmore. Both in Wax Chandlers Company. I have more info on paper re this family but none that links them to Adams or his other guests