A-Z of Entries


6.12.1809 call on Ruffigny / 10.3.1810 call on Rouffigny / 21.9.1810 call on Roufigny / 24.4.1811 meet Roufigny / 26.7.1812 call on Roufigny / 12.1.1816 again / 18.2.1816 call on Roufigny (w. M(ary) J(ane))

The Abbé Francis de Rouffigny kept an academy for teaching French at 17 Castle-street Holborn from 1808 to 1821 and at other addresses before and after that. Ruffigny was also the name of a character in Godwin's novel Fleetwood (1805) said to be a portrait of Jean Jacques Rousseau.


27.11.1795 Rukin at Crown & Anchor / 30.10.1796 Rukin at Tooke's

Sang on 28.6.1796 at Crown & Anchor to celebrate Tooke's "election triumph" (Telegraph 29.6.1796), on 5.11.1796 at Crown & Anchor at the meeting of the Friends of Freedom, a song written by Horne Tooke (Morning Post 7.11.1796), and on 23.12.1796 sang at Grove House, Camberwell at meeting to celebrate Tierney's election for Southwark (Morning Post 24.12.1796). It is a rare name and perhaps spelt wrong but I've found no other trace of Mr Rukin.


Rumps 22.5.1794 at miss Godwin's

James Rump grocer Haymarket Norwich 1784 voted Beevor 1786 / Hobart 1790 / Windham 1794 / Hobart 1796. subscr to Saml Ashby's poems 1794. Rump & Liperton Horwich 1796

PCC 1817 Eliz R widow of Boston Norfolk / PCC 1829 Mary R spinster of Norwich / PCC 1840 James R papermaker of Swanton Morley Norfolk

Rush, Leonora

see Poland Street 10 to 18 & 45 to 48 in London Addresses dataset

Lady Rush 45 Poland St ratebooks 1777-84 / will PCC 1758 Sir John Rush dated 30.9.1756 mentioned wife Leonora, daus Lydia, Elizabeth, Ann & Leonora, sons Samuel, Montague & Robert, daus of late daughter Martha Cunningham (Margaret, Martha & Jane), servant Martha Norton. Sir John Rush was knighted 1722, his 2nd wife was Leonora dau of Brig Genl Richard Sutton 1674-1737 and his wife Catherine Tolmer. Her cousin Richard Sutton History of Parliament was created baronet 1772. Her will PCC 1785 mentioned…


call on Russel, 44 St M's lane 22.3.1806 = A / 19.10.1815 call on Russell, binder = B / 1.12.1815 Russell calls = B? / 12.4.1816 Russell, player at Writer's Library dinner = C / 18.9.1821 Russell calls, engraver = D / 22.9.1821 Russel, engraver & Hudson au soir = D / 11.12.1821 meet Russell, D L = C / 7.3.1826 Russel at Lady Caroline Lamb's / 29.3.1826 Russell adv at Newton's / 1.4.1826 Russel (& Newton) adv at Kenney's / 12.6.1827 call on Greenhil Russel = E / 14.3.1828 Russel (& Newton) at Kenney's / 5.5.1828 Russel adv at (RA) Exhibition / 1.5.1830 Brighton Russel adv at…

Russell, John

call on Raine, adv Russel (& Walpole) 21.10.1808 / 24.10.1808 Russel calls / 6.4.1809 call on Russel / 10.5.1809 Russel calls / 11.5.1809 Russel & N(athaniel) G(odwin) call / 26.5.1809 Jo(seph) G(odwin) & Russel call / 4.4.1810 call on Russel, C House / 13.7.1810 call on rev J Russel / 1.8.1810 call on Russel / 8.11.1811 write to Russel / 18.1.1812 again / 23.12.1812 call on Russel / 20.11.1813 M(ary) J(ane) calls on Russel / 8.12.1813 call on Russel, C House / 25.4.1814 call on Russel, C H / 26.8.1814 seek Russell & Watkn

John Russell DNB 1786-1863 asst master…

Russell, Patrick

15.9.1789 Dr Russell at T Hollis' and 8.1.1790 there, Russell 10.8.1790 there and 31.3.1793 at Paradise's. 1796 list Russel Levt for 1789, and Russel in 1794 version.

Patrick Russell DNB 1727-1805 formerly physician to Levant Company. He was also a friend of Paradise (Shepperson) and an FRS like most of Paradise's guests

Russell, William

9.12.1795 Fenwick, Dyson, White, Cooper, Powell & Russell call / 11.12.1795 Marshall & Russell call: signature / 13.12.1795 adv at Holcroft's Powell & Russell / 3.1.1796 adv at Holcroft's Powell & Russell / 10.1.1796 meet Russell / 11.1.1796 again / 21.7.1802 Russell grammarian calls

The first six entries were all in just over a month and separated from other Russel entries by several years. Three were with James Powell, the unsuspected government spy in the London Corresponding Society. Thale, Selected Papers of the LCS shows Russell from August 1795 to June 1796…

Russell, William

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: William Russell of Bermingham Esq proposed member 17.1.1783 Samuel Vaughan 2nded Edward Bridgen

William Russell DNB 1740-1818

Russell, William ME

In Godwin's 1796 list for 1787 as Russel ME, also in 1794 version as Russel

William Russell DNB 1746-1793 wrote History of Modern Europe. There are two diary entries that might be him but are more likely Dr Russell (see Russell, Patrick) 10.8.1790 and 31.3.1793


Rutherford 27.12.1790 at Steele's / 17.3.1795 at Bosville's

Rutherford, William

Calls on Godwin 15.9.1818, identified by Godwin's letter to his wife as 'of Barbadoes' (Abinger c.42 f139). This was William Rutherford who married Eliza Ann Fenwick at St Michael Barbadoes on 29.8.1812. He was the son of Thomas Rutherford, a Methodist minister 1752-1806 (will Nat Arch PROB11/1450) and his wife Isabella (will Nat Arch PROB11/1602). Wishing to become an actor, he crossed the ocean in order not to embarrass his parents. His father had been a 'sort of a ward' of Eliza Fenwick's father Peter Jaco, also a Methodist minister (I.Grundy, intro. to Secresy; & Wedd, The Fate of…


4.2.1807 dine at Hawthorn's; invités Ruthven

Mentioned only once in Godwin's diary and as someone invited but who didn't come. Very likely Edwrad Southwell Ruthven (DNB 1772?-1836) who had just entered parliament and was a Whig supporter

Rutledge, John

18.4.1790 Rutledge at Paradise's and 9.5.1790 there. John Rutledge 1766-1819 son of the more famous John Rutledge of South Carolina was on his tour of Europe at the time and wrote to and met with the Paradises there (Shepperson) and see South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine (1930) pp7-25. Married Srah Motte Smith 1791, congressman 1785-1803, general 1819. Boyle's 1792 R Esq 25 Baker St Portman Sq


Rutt, John Towill

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: John Towill Rutt Esq of 239 Thames St proposed member 11.5.1792 by John Farnell Tuffin 2nded William Sharpe (probably WS of Leadenhall St but perhaps WS of Charles St engraver)

John Towill Rutt DNB 1760-1841


mrs Rutton 25.8.1800 at Cuxson's / 14.9.1800 S Cuxson & Ruttons

Ryan, Clement

see Poland Street 10 to 18 & 45 to 48 / and Newman Street 1 to 9 / in London Addresses dataset

(Charles) Clement Ryan 15 Poland St ratebooks 1786-1790 / Morning Post 20.4.1786 freehold for sale 15 Poland St with spacious schoolroom and back entrance to Noel St, poss. Rev Mr Ryan / Michael Clement Ryan OSA chaplain to Neapolitan ambassador / Harris's List of Covent Garden Ladies 1790 Miss L-k-ns 15 Poland St / William Peter Francis Yeury registered press at 15 Poland St 1790 (Maxted) / SunFire 1781 Lucy Wyatte milliner & haberdasher 17 Wardour St / SunFire 1788 Lucy Wyatte…

Ryland, John

SOCIETY FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION: John Ryland of Northampton proposed member 16.1.1784 by John Jebb 2nded Henry Amory. Rejected

Probably John Collett Ryland DNB 1723-1792 but possibly his son John Ryland DNB 1753-1825. One of very few to be rejected from SCI (before 1790 only him and Samuel Favell proposed 25.10.1782 and later accepted 6.2.1784). Possibly because of their intolerance towards Catholics? 


Ryley calls 31.1.1802 / 12.7.1806 meet Riley

A common name and often spelt both ways for the same person. Samuel William Ryley DNB 1759-1837 actor (at Liverpool in 1801 York Herald 28.11.1801) / James Riley attorney 1 Batemans Buildings Soho 1800 / Rev J Ryley 38 Queen Ann St East & Northaw nr Hatfield Herts (Boyle's 1800) will PCC 1800 / Edward Ryley or Riley bookseller, music seller, printer 8 Strand, bankrupt 1804 emigrated to America / George Riley circulating library Queen St Berkeley Sq trading till 1802 died 1829 (Maxted) / Michael Ryley fishmonger 3 Bloomsbury Market…

S .L.

S. L. 23.5.1790 at John Paradise's. The only names that begin with L in Godwin's dairy before this date are Lister, Lewis, Lindsey and Lofft. See my entry for Lister, Samuel