A-Z of Entries


BONNEY DIARY Bush 10.11.1794 / 14.11.1794

GODWIN DIARY Bush 22.11.1794 at Tooke's trial / 8.3.1804 call on Bush, Doctors' Commons / 22.3.1804 letter from Bush

The Bush visiting Bonney in the Tower of London and at Tooke's trial could have been Atkinson Bush will PCC 1811 spirit merchant or his son Michael Bush will PCC 1820 attorney who both joined the Society for Constitutional Information in 1791. Another son of Atkinson Bush, James Bush 1764-1830 will PCC 1830 was a proctor at Doctors Commons (one of the Procurators General of the Arches Court of Canterbury) and he was…


Bushe 3.7.1800 at Curran's. In Godwin's 1796 list for 1800 / 6.7.1800 calls there / 7.7.1800 at Gould's / 18.10.1805 (in London) meet Bushe

Charles Kendal Bushe DNB 1767-1843

Butler Danvers, Augustus Richard

26.2.1795 Butler t a t at King's / 1.5.1795 Butlers at King's / 7.6.1795 at King's / 21.10.1795 adv & dog at King's / 30.10.1795 AB at King's / 21.11.1795 again / 3.12.1795 again / 9.12.1795 again /19.12.1795 again /25.12.1795 again / 1.1.1796 again / 6.1.1796 again / 11.1.1796 again / 22.1.1796 again / 27.1.1796 again / 2.2.1796 again / 8.1.1797 Danvers at King's / 25.1.1797 meet Butler D's / 28.2.1797 Danvers at King's / 9.3.1797 again / 2.5.1797 again / 5.2.1798 Danvers (with miss Sturt) at King's / 26.4.1798 again / 8.10.1798 again / 15.10.1798 adv Miss Sturt at King's / 27.10.1798…

Butler, (Ireland)

Butler 22.7.1800 at Burton's / 7.11.1803 Butler at H Rowan's / 19.12.1827 breakfast at C Butler's

The 1827 entry above was probably Charles Butler DNB 1750-1832 whose work on the English, Irish and Scottish Catholics Godwin had consulted on 26.11.1827 & 27.11.1827. For various Irish Butlers see work notes below

Butler, Eleanor

La E Butler 15.8.1800 call on, Llangollen

Lady (Charlotte) Eleanor Butler DNB 1739-1829. Godwin's letter to James Marshall (Bodleian Abinger c6 f37v) explained that he had an introduction from Mrs Grattan to the 'ladies of Llangollen'

Butler, Rev.

23.11.1795 adv Butler at Montagu's / 4.12.1795 Butler vdm at Montagu's / 24.12.1795 sup at Butler's with Montagu / 5.3.1796 Butler at Montagu's / 11.4.1796 meet Butler / 19.4.1796 Godwin calls on Butler (not in) / 20.4.1796 meet Butler & Montagu / 7.5.1796 at opera Butler / 23.9.1796 meet Butler vdm / 25.2.1797 again / 17.4.1797 again / 16.8.1798 again / 1.6.1805 again

All the entries connected with Montagu or with 'vdm' added (an abbreviation for a clergyman, like Rev) I presume were one person, while Augustus Butler is identifiable either by having been at his stepfather John…

Butterfield, Walter

GODWIN DIARY: 8.11.1817 call on / 13.7.1821 call on

The GD website has coded these to be Longdill's partner, though the context is minimal this is probably correct, for his details see below

CRABB ROBINSON DIARY: 25.4.1818 at Aders with Longdill "Butterfield, L's partner"

                                                  26.1.1823 Longdill "partnership is dissolved between him and his partner Butterfield"

London Gazette 25.1.1823 partnership dissolved between Pynson Wilmot Longdill & Walter Butterfield from 31.12.1822. Walter Butterfield son of Thomas B. of…


call on Butterworth 1.12.1802 / 7.7.1807 to Butterworth with T(homas) T(urner) / 17.7.1807 write to Butterworth / 18.7.1807 letter from Butterworth / 19.7.1811 M(ary) J(ane) calls on Butterworth (not in)

Perhaps Joseph Butterworth DNB 1770-1826 law publisher & politician, MP for Coventry 1812 to 1818 and for Dover 1820 to 1826, was a Methodist and anti-slavery campaigner

C & B

sup with C & B, Marlb. Strt  23.9.1800 / 11.10.1800 call on Cn / 17.10.1800 C sleeps / 18.10.1800 C at Perry's

John Philpot Curran DNB 1750-1817 & James Boaden DNB 1762=1839, the only C and only B already named that day. Godwin had Curran to dinner, then went to the theatre with him, where they met Boaden and all three supped together. The other Cn & C entries above all surely referred to Curran but not coded to him in GD website


30.6.1810 H Boinville calls: C B dines

This C B has been coded on GD website to the Baxter family, implying presumably Christina Baxter who certainly came to London later with Godwin's daughter Mary, but no reason to think she was in London in 1810, her father had last seen Godwin in the summer of 1809. This was more likely to have been Cornelia Boinville age 15

C Ml

16.1.1810 read C Ml pamphlet

Suggestion this could mean Court Martial but I haven't identified the pamphlet


5.11.1793 critique CW. surely Godwin's novel Caleb Williams


Cabbel at Hubbard's 23.3.1794 / 19.9.1804 Cabel at Joseph Johnson's / 26.9.1804 again / 3.10.1794 again

1779 Geo Cabbell cit & apothecary Ldn / 1784 John Cabbell MD (1764 Mayor of Taunton subscr to Wellins Calcott) 

1790 Cabell subscr to poems of late John Mylne / William Cabell esq India Board subscr to John Meares Voyages

1795 Thos Cabbell appr to John I'Anson attorney St Mgt Westmr

1796 Wm Cabbell gent Craven St, St Martin in the Fields voted Fox & Tooke

Benjamin Bond Cabbell DNB 1782/3-1874 admitted Middle Temple 1803 called to bar 1806…


22.7.1796 water party at B Gurney's, Wroxham

GD website has Wraxham but look closely at original. No Wraxham found in Norfolk but Wroxham is on the Norfolk Broads. Cabble, Blogg and Ansell were perhaps watermen.

Price Cable, cordwainer, Saxmundham. Norwich will 1811 Nat Arch IR26

Cadell, Thomas

In Godwin's 1796 list for 1783, crossed out, and in 1794 version added in small letters with Robinson and Dodsley. Has a person record in GD website but the entry in 1796 list not coded to it

Thomas Cadell DNB 1742-1802 bookseller

Cadogan, William

9.2.1790 Cadogan at Miss Williams.

In 1796 list for 1790. William Cadogan DNB 1711-97 doctor connected with Hunter and Baillie who were also Miss Williams' guests. Samuel Rogers 'Early Life' diary entry 21.4.91 includes Dr Cadogan in list of guests at Miss Williams. His will PCC 1797 Doctor of Physic of George St, Han Sq mentions Francis Milman of Argyle St MD; bro in law Archibald Cochran Esq; dau Frances wife of William Nicholl, her mother Frances; sons & daus of late nephew William Cadogan, their mother, and their uncles John & George Prince; sister in law Mrs Hulbert;…


3 professors from Caen 19.10.1794 at Northmore's


Calcot 24.6.1799 adv at Chandler's (& miss Stephens) / 14.10.1804 Calcot calls / 9.7.1810 again

Possibly, as Chandler was an artist, this was Augustus Wall Callcott DNB 1779-1844 (or less likely his older brother John Wall Calcott DNB 1766-1821 musician)

Caldecott, Thomas

30.11.1790 Caldecot at T Hollis'.

Thomas Caldecott DNB 1744-1833 barrister & literary editor


7.3.1796 Hayward & Calder call / 20.4.1796 meet Montagu, Butler & Calder

Perhaps the Rev John Calder born 1733 Aberdeen, afternoon preacher 1780-4 at Poor Jewry Lane Crutched Friars, Rev John Calder DD of Furnivals Inn widower married 24.1.1789 St Bride's Fleet St, Martha Huddlestone Green spinster of Croydon, elected assessor of Aberdeen University 15.3.1809, died 10.6.1815 at Lisson Grove Paddington, will PCC 1815. His newspaper obituary said he was "well known among the learned as a man of genius" Caledonian Mercury 29.6.1815. Perhaps the John Calder clerk who purchased…